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Topics - Khandoker Samaher Salem

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Faculty Sections / শুভেচ্ছা
« on: February 13, 2014, 11:08:46 AM »
ফুল ফুঁটুক আর না ফুঁটুক
আজ ফাল্গুন ...........................

ড্যাফোডিল পরিবারকে জানাই বসন্তের উষ্ণ শুভেচ্ছা । 

ঢাকা শুধু বাংলাদেশের রাজধানী শহরই নয়, সামাজিক-সাংস্কৃতিক-অর্থনৈতিক-রাজনৈতিক বিভিন্ন দিক থেকে ঢাকা বাংলাদেশের প্রাণকেন্দ্র। এর রয়েছে প্রায় চারশ’ বছরের পুরনো ইতিহাস! প্রাচীন ঢাকার রয়েছে হরেক রকম এলাকা-মহল্লা, অলি-গলি-তস্য গলি। সাথে রয়েছে তাদের বাহারি সব নাম।

আচ্ছা, জায়গাটার নাম ফার্মগেট কেন? এখানে কি এককালে মুরগীর ফার্ম ছিল? কাকরাইল, পিলখানা, তোপখানা, টিকাটুলি, সুক্কাটুলি- এসব অদ্ভুত নামেরই বা কি অর্থ! ধানমন্ডিতে কি এককালে প্রচুর ধানক্ষেত ছিল? পানিটোলায় কি ছিল? এলিফ্যানট রোডে কি এককালে এলিফ্যানট মানে হাতিরা ঘুরে বেড়াত? আর স্বামীবাগে বুঝি স্ত্রী হারা স্বামীরা বাস করতেন?

এখন আমাদের কাছে মজার মনে হলেও, আসলে ঢাকার বিভিন্ন এলাকার নাম সুপ্রাচীন ঢাকারই ইতিহাস ও ঐতিহ্যকে সযত্নে বহন করে চলছে। আসুন, আজ জেনে নেই ঢাকার তেমন কিছু এলাকার নামকরনের ইতিহাস-

ইন্দিরা রোডঃ
বেশীর ভাগ মানুষের ধারণা ভারতের প্রয়াত প্রধানমন্ত্রী ইন্দিরা গান্ধীর নামে নামকরণ করা হয়েছে রাস্তাটির। আসলে তা নয়। এককালে এ এলাকায় দ্বিজদাস বাবু নামে এক বিত্তশালী ব্যক্তি বসবাস করতেন। তার ছিল বিশাল বাড়ি। বাড়ির কাছের এই রাস্তাটি তার বড় মেয়ে ইন্দিরার নামে নামকরণ করা হয় ইন্দিরা রোড।


ইংরেজ শাসনামলে যাতায়াত, মালামাল পরিবহন ও যুদ্ধের কাজে প্রচুর হাতি ব্যবহার করা হত। বন্য হাতিকে পোষ মানানো হত যেসব জায়গায় তাকে বলা হত পিলখানা। সে সময় ঢাকায় একটি বড় সরকারি পিলখানা ছিল। সরকারি কাজের বাইরেও ধনাঢ্য ঢাকাবাসীরা নির্দিষ্ট পরিমাণ ফি দিয়ে তাদের হাতিগুলোকে এখানে পোষ মানানোর জন্য পাঠাতে পারতেন।

এলিফ্যানট রোডঃ
সে সময়ে রমনা এলাকায় মানুষজন তেমন বাস করত না। ছিল বিস্তৃর্ণ ফাঁকা এলাকা। এখানে পিলখানার হাতিগুলোকে চড়ানো হত। আর আশেপাশের খালে হাতিগুলোকে গোসল করানো হত। যে রাস্তা দিয়ে পিলখানার হাতিগুলোকে রমনার মাঠে আনানেয়া করা হত সে রাস্তাটাই আজকের এলিফ্যানট রোড।

ঊনিশ শতকের শেষ দশকে ঢাকার কমিশনার ছিলেন মিঃ ককরেল। সম্ভবত তার নামে সে এলাকায় কোন রাস্তা ছিল। সে সময় ইংরেজ কমিশনারদের নামে রাস্তার নামকরণ করার রেওয়াজ ছিলো। সেই ককরেল রোড থেকে কালক্রমে এলাকার নাম হয়ে যায় কাকরাইল।

ইংরেজ শাসনামলে ঢাকায় কাগজ তৈরি করা হত। যারা কাগজ তৈরি করতেন তাদের বলা হত ‘কাগজী’। কাগজীরা যে এলাকায় বাস করতেন আর যেখানে কাগজ উৎপাদন ও বিক্রি করতেন সে এলাকাই কাগজীটোলা নামে পরিচিতি লাভ করে।

গোপীনাগ নামক এক ধনী ব্যবসায়ী এই এলাকার মালিক ছিলেন। তিনি স্থাপন করেছিলেন ‘গোপীনাথ জিউর মন্দির’। তখন থেকেই এই এলাকার নাম গোপীবাগ।

চাঁদনী ঘাটঃ
সুবাদার ইসলাম খাঁর একটা বিলাশবহুল প্রমোদতরী ছিল। প্রমোদতরীর নাম ছিল – চাঁদনী। ‘চাঁদনী’ ঘাটে বাধা থাকত। অন্য কোন নৌকা এই ঘাটে আসতে পারত না। সেখান থেকে এলাকার নাম চাঁদনী ঘাট।

এক সময় হুক্কা টানার বেশ চল ছিল বাংলা মুল্লুকে। আর ঢাকার এই এলাকা ছিল হুক্কার ‘টিকা’ তৈরির জন্য বিখ্যাত। ‘টিকা’ তৈরিকারকরা এই এলাকায় বাস করতেন ও ব্যবসা করতেন।

ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানীর গোলন্দাজ বাহিনীর অবস্থান ছিল এখানে।

পুরানা পল্টন, নয়া পল্টনঃ
এ এলাকা ছিল ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানীর ঢাকাস্থ সেনানিবাস।


এখানে এককালে বড় একটি হাট বসত। হাটটি ধান ও অন্যান্য শস্য বিক্রির জন্য বিখ্যাত ছিল।

পরীবানু নামে নবাব আহসানউল্লাহর এক মেয়ে ছিল। সম্ভবত পরীবানুর নামে এখানে একটি বড় বাগান করেছিলেন আহসানউল্লাহ।

পাগলাপুলঃ ১৭
শতকে এখানে একটি নদী ছিল, নাম – পাগলা। মীর জুমলা নদীর উপর সুন্দর একটি পুল তৈরি করেছিলেন। অনেকেই সেই দৃষ্টিনন্দন পুল দেখতে আসত। সেখান থেকেই জায়গার নাম পাগলাপুল।

যারা টিন-ফয়েল তৈরি করতেন তাদের বলা হত পান্নিঅলা। পান্নিঅলারা যেখানে বাস করতেন সে এলাকাকে বলা হত পান্নিটোলা। পান্নিটোলা থেকে পানিটোলা।

কৃষি উন্নয়ন, কৃষি ও পশুপালন গবেষণার জন্য বৃটিশ সরকার এখানে একটি ফার্ম বা খামার তৈরি করেছিল। সেই ফার্মের প্রধান ফটক বা গেট থেকে এলাকার নাম ফার্মগেট।

১৯৫৭ সালে সমাজকর্মী আব্দুল গণি হায়দারসহ বেশ কিছু ব্যক্তি এ এলাকায় বাড়ি করেন। এখানে যেহেতু প্রচুর গাছপালা ছিল তাই সবাই মিলে আলোচনা করে এলাকার নাম দেন শ্যামলী।

কাঠের কাজ যারা করতেন তাদের বলা হত সূত্রধর। এ এলাকায় এককালে অনেক শূত্রধর পরিবারের বসবাস ছিলো।

১৮৭৮ সালে ঢাকায় বিশুদ্ধ পানি সরবরাহ ব্যবস্থা চালু হয়। এর আগে কিছু লোক টাকার বিনিময়ে চামড়ার ব্যাগে করে শহরের বাসায় বাসায় বিশুদ্ধ খাবার পানি পৌঁছে দিতেন। এ পেশাজীবিদেরকে বলা হত ‘ভিস্তি’ বা ‘সুক্কা’। ভিস্তি বা সুক্কারা যে এলাকায় বাস করতেন সেটাই কালক্রমে সিক্কাটুলি নামে পরিচিত হয়।


ত্রিপুরালিংগ স্বামী নামে এক ধনী এবং রাজনৈতিকভাবে প্রভাবশালী এক ব্যক্তি এ এলাকায় বাস করতেন। তিনি সবার কাছে স্বামীজি নামে পরিচিত ছিলেন। তার নামেই এলাকার নাম হয় স্বামীবাগ।

ঢাকা একসময় ছিল বাগানের শহর। বাগানের মালিদের ছিল দারুণ কদর। বাড়িতে বাড়িতে তো বাগান ছিলই, বিত্তশালীরা এমনিতেও সৌন্দর্য্য পিপাসু হয়ে বিশাল বিশাল সব ফুলের বাগান করতেন। ঢাকার বিভিন্ন জায়গার নামের শেষে ‘বাগ’ শব্দ সেই চিহ্ন বহন করে। সে সময় মালিরা তাদের পরিবার নিয়ে যে এলাকায় বাস করতেন সেটাই আজকের মালিবাগ।

[তথ্যসূত্রঃ ঢাকাঃ স্মৃতি-বিস্মৃতির শহর – মুনতাসীর মামুন]

Nutrition and Food Engineering / 5 Ways to Lower Your Blood Sugar
« on: December 26, 2013, 06:21:06 PM »
Start lowering your blood sugar today with these quick fixes.

1. Go for a walk right after lunch.
A brisk walk not only helps you shed pounds but improves your body’s sensitivity to insulin.

2. Listen to music you love for 15 minutes.
Without distractions. It’s one of the simplest yet best ways to relieve stress, which has a wonderful ripple effect on all aspects of your health.

3. Instead of having a snack, call a friend.
Most between-meals eating is out of boredom or habit, not hunger. Better to do something good for your soul.

4. Put a plateful of raw veggies on your dinner table.
Nibble on them between forkfuls of your regular meal — you’ll have a fuller belly (and extra nutrition) on fewer calories.

5. Get to bed 30 minutes earlier.
A full night of sleep does wonders for your weight and blood sugar.

Faculty Sections / Plastic water/juice container could be dangerous!
« on: August 28, 2013, 05:05:12 PM »
Bottled water in your car is very dangerous! On the Ellen show, Sheryl Crow said that this is what caused her breast cancer. It has been identified as the most common cause of the high levels of dioxin in breast cancer tissue.

Sheryl Crow’s oncologist told her: women should not drink bottled water that has been left in a car. The heat reacts with the chemicals in the plastic of the bottle which releases dioxin into the water.

Dioxin is a toxin increasingly found in breast cancer tissue. So please be careful and do not drink bottled water that has been left in a car. Pass this on to all the women in your life. This information is the kind we need to know that just might save us! Use a stainless steel canteen or a glass bottle instead of plastic!

This information is also being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center … No plastic  containers in microwaves. No plastic water bottles in freezers. No plastic wrap in microwaves.

Dioxin chemical causes cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to cells in our bodies. Don’t freeze plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently the Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain
this health hazard.


Faculty Forum / Greetings
« on: August 04, 2013, 12:53:22 PM »
Dear Faculty Members

Happy Friendship Day. Wish all of my friends have blissful days all around the year. And wishing everyone with advanced EID greetings..... "EID MUBARAK".


১/ নামাজে যখন সিজদা করা হয় তখন আমাদের মস্তিস্কে রক্ত দ্রুত প্রবাহিত হয়। ফলে আমাদের স্মৃতি শক্তি অনেকবৃদ্ধি পায়।

২/ নামাজের যখন আমরা দাড়াই তখন আমাদের চোখ জায়নামাজের সামনের ঠিক একটি কেন্দ্রে স্থির অবস্থানে থাকে ফলে মনোযোগ বৃদ্ধি পায়।

৩/ নামাজের মাধ্যমের আমাদের শরীরের একটি ব্যায়াম সাধিত হয়। এটি এমন একটি ব্যায়াম যা ছোট বড় সবাই করতে পারে।

৪/ নামাজের মাধ্যমে আমাদের মনের অসাধারন পরিবর্তন আসে।

৫ নামাজ সকল মানুষের দেহের কাঠামো বজায় রাখে। ফলে শারীরিক বিকলঙ্গতা লোপ পায়।

৬/ নামাজ মানুষের ত্বক পরিষ্কার রাখে যেমন ওজুর সময় আমাদের দেহের মূল্যবান অংশগুলো পরিষ্কার করা হয় এর ফলে বিভিন্ন প্রকার জীবানু হতে আমরা সুরক্ষিত থাকি।

৭/ নামাজে ওজুর সময় মুখমন্ডল ৩বার ধৌত করার ফল আমাদের মুখের ত্বক উজ্জল হয় এবং মুখের দাগ কম দেখা যায়।

৮/ ওজুর সময় মুখমন্ডল যেভাবে পরিস্কার করা হয় তাতে আমাদের মুখে একপ্রকার মেসেস তৈরি হয়। ফলে আমাদের মুখের রক্ত প্রবাহ বৃদ্ধি পায় এবং বলিরেখা কমে যায়।

৯/ কিশোর বয়সে নামাজ আদায় করলে মন পবিত্র থাকে এর ফলে নানা প্রকার অসামাজিক কাজ সে বিরত থাকে।

১০/ নামাজ আদায় করলে মানুষের জীবনি শক্তি বৃদ্ধি পায়।

১১/ কেবল মাত্র নামাজের মাধ্যমেই চোখের নিয়ম মত যত্ন নেওয়া হয় ফলে অধিকাংশ নামাজ আদায়কারী মানুষের দৃষ্টি শক্তি বজায় থাকে।

Science and Information / Nanotechnology in Cancer Medicine
« on: July 28, 2013, 12:07:34 PM »

Cancer is an inherently biological disease, in which cell replication—one of the hallmarks of life—fails to be regulated by the usual mechanisms. Historically, chemistry has been one of the most effective tools for treating cancer: Chemotherapy—treatment with cytotoxic chemicals—kills cancer cells. But most chemotherapeutics also kill healthy cells. Making drugs that discriminate between cancer and normal cells is difficult, and when it works, it may not work for long. Cancer cells replicate rapidly, so they evolve rapidly and are extraordinarily quick at developing drug resistance.

With a new generation of nanotech drugs, researchers are fighting cancer by approaching it as a physics problem—a problem of mass transport and fluid mechanics. They’ve already achieved some success, but the drugs have introduced a new series of challenges unique to the physics of nanomaterials.

Principles of nanomedicine

At their earliest stages, tumors lack blood vessels of their own; they take their nutrients such as oxygen and glucose from the surrounding tissue. Cells at the tumor’s periphery get more of those nutrients than cells at the tumor core, so most small tumors grow at their edges while starving their cores. Cells in the tumor core release proteins to signal their oxygen-starved state. The proteins diffuse outward until they reach nearby blood vessels, where they stimulate the growth of new blood vessels that can supply the tumor with oxygen and other nutrients to sustain its rapid cell replication and growth.

Angiogenesis—the growth of new blood vessels—is one of the hallmarks of cancer.1 Angiogenic blood vessels supply tumors with nutrients, but because of their own rapid growth, they are irregular and leaky, with more and larger gaps in their walls than healthy blood vessels. The gap sizes vary depending on where the tumor is in the body and its stage of development, but generally range from a few hundred nanometers to a few microns.2 In contrast, the pores in normal blood vessels are just 2–6 nm in size. Nanoparticles between about 10 and 300 nm in diameter are just the right size to pass through the gaps in the blood vessels supplying tumors but don’t significantly penetrate healthy tissue. By loading the particles with chemotherapy drugs—established cancer killers—one can, at least in principle, deliver the drugs to tumor cells without damaging healthy cells. Figure 1 illustrates the process.

Nanoparticles do in fact selectively accumulate in tumor tissue via a purely physical phenomenon called the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect.3 Figure 2 tracks a small molecular (non-nanoparticle) contrast agent over 45 minutes as it penetrates a tumor implanted in the flank of a mouse. By the time the molecule starts to reach the tumor core, it’s already being cleared from parts of the tumor periphery. In contrast, figure 3 shows a different mouse injected with iron oxide nanoparticles. The entire tumor becomes progressively darker with time, which indicates nanoparticle accumulation via the EPR effect. The nanoparticle concentration in the tumor was still increasing after 24 hours.

Unfortunately, nanoparticles can look a lot like viruses to the immune system, and they may be rapidly taken up by cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS), part of the body’s defense against invasion by bacteria, protozoa, and viruses. Uptake by MPS cells can cause intravenously injected nanoparticles to be shuttled to the liver and spleen, preventing them from delivering their chemotherapeutic payloads to tumors.

Beyond size, one has to consider the surface properties of a cancer nanomedicine. Surfaces are extremely important at the nanoscale because surface-to-volume ratios are so high. It’s convenient to think about nanoparticles in terms of two fundamental components: the core, which doesn’t interact with the environment, and the surface layer or “corona,” which does.

Most cell membranes have a net negative charge, so nanoparticles with cationic coronas may have an easier time getting into cells to deliver their payload. But they may also bind more readily to cells in nondiseased areas. So instead, researchers commonly coat their nanoparticles with polyethylene glycol (PEG), a charge-neutral molecule that reduces both protein binding and MPS uptake, and thus increases the length of time that the particles circulate in the blood and the likelihood of their reaching the target. The length of the PEG polymer chain and the density of PEG coating both affect nanoparticle protein binding and distribution in the body.

Nanomedicine drug delivery is complicated by multiple physical barriers that limit tumor penetration. Cancer cells are surrounded by material called tumor stroma, essentially a protective shell a tumor builds around itself. A tumor stroma includes fibroblasts, endothelial and immune cells, vascular pericytes, secreted growth factors, and an extracellular matrix. Certain tumors have a dense extracellular matrix of interconnected collagen fibers that may limit the penetration of both nanotech and molecular drugs. When the stroma is unusually tough, as is the case for some pancreatic cancers, a tumor can be almost entirely impenetrable to drugs. Patients afflicted with those cancers usually do not survive more than a few months.

Another physical barrier to tumor penetration is the high fluid pressure in tumor cores. In healthy tissue, fluid constantly seeps from blood vessels into surrounding tissues and is reabsorbed by the lymphatic system, which returns it to the blood stream. Solid tumors lack effective lymphatic drainage systems, so fluid is not drained efficiently, and the resulting pressure buildup limits blood seepage from vessels. The pressure is higher in the center of the tumor than at the periphery, and the pressure difference is greater in large tumors. Because of that pressure, which prevents fluid flow everywhere except at the periphery, the main mechanism of transport within tumors is diffusion, which limits the mobility of nanoparticles.

The emerging field of transport oncophysics deals with the mass transport properties and time dynamics of the physical barriers to tumor drug delivery.5 Rakesh Jain of Harvard Medical School has done some of the foundational work. He has suggested that those barriers have limited the efficacy of some nanomedicines, because nanomedicines may get to tumor peripheries via the EPR effect but never make it to tumor cores.6 Insufficient delivery of a drug to tumor cores may lead to drug resistance, similar to how bacteria, if given a sublethal dose of an antibiotic, develop antibiotic resistance.

But there are ways around the barriers. Antiangiogenic medicines lower the pressure at the tumor core to facilitate drug delivery. Nanoparticles can be designed to release their drug payload in response to an external stimulus—for example, light, ultrasound, heat, or magnetic field—or when they encounter the low pH of the tumor core. Once the drug is released, it is no longer encumbered by the nanoparticle and can diffuse more easily through the tumor. Multistage nanoparticles are also being devised that combine larger particles’ ability to accumulate in tumors with smaller particles’ ability to penetrate tumor tissue and get into cells. Today there are about 82 ongoing clinical trials involving nanoparticles to treat cancer. Many involve nanoparticle carriers of established chemotherapeutics. Others involve novel drugs, enhancement of radiotherapy, in vitro diagnostics, or nanoparticles that are used for hyperthermia or thermal ablation.


The technologies described above are already working. Two nanotech reformulations of chemotherapeutics, Abraxane and Doxil, have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are benefiting cancer patients. Abraxane, shown schematically in figure 4a, is a protein-bound reformulation of paclitaxel, a powerful chemotherapeutic that is poorly soluble in water. Abraxane uses a nanoparticle made of the blood protein albumin to encapsulate and solubilize paclitaxel. Compared with Taxol, a non-nanotech form of the same drug stabilized with castor oil, Abraxane is both more effective and less toxic. Doxil, shown in figure 4b, is a nanosized liposome (“fat bubble” particle) of the drug doxorubicin. Free doxorubicin, along with a broad class of similar molecules, is toxic to the heart and is known to damage cardiac muscles. Doxil, due to its nanoparticle delivery system, distributes differently in the body, so less of it reaches the heart. However, more of it reaches the skin, where it may cause ulcerations. (With chemotherapeutics, often no option entirely avoids adverse side effects—but skin ulcerations may be preferable to cardiac toxicity.)

Many more anticancer nanomedicines are in clinical development, some based on very different principles than chemotherapy. For example, AuroShell, shown in figure 4c, is a gold nanoshell that uses passive targeting via the EPR effect to reach tumor sites. Once the particles are in the tumor, near-IR laser light is applied, which heats the particles and thermally destroys the tumor and the surrounding blood vessels without significant damage to healthy tissue. AuroShell is currently being tested in a phase I clinical trial for head and neck cancers.


Of course, nanomedicines aren’t without limitations. The ability to reproducibly manufacture nanomedicines at large scales with high levels of control over the physicochemical properties remains a major obstacle. Though many labs can make nanomedicines at the milligram levels for proof-of-concept in vitro studies, the costs and manufacturing challenges associated with making large-scale batches of the same quality remain great.

A nanoparticle contains hundreds or even thousands of atoms. Unlike small molecules, which have specific chemical formulas, nanoparticles necessarily vary in the number and arrangement of their atoms, even in a supposedly pure batch. (That variation is evident in the images in figure 5.) The polydispersity in size and shape often translates to an inherent polydispersity in all the material properties of a nanomedicine. As a result, nanomedicine properties must be defined by an acceptable range rather than an absolute standard. For example, a nanomedicine formulation with a targeting ligand may be able to function efficiently with 5–20 ligands per nanoparticle.

Nanomedicines must be thoroughly characterized because their properties can vary from batch to batch even when they’re made under carefully controlled conditions. Preclinical physicochemical characterization of a nanomedicine includes measurement of size and shape, surface chemistry, and state of aggregation or agglomeration. Nanomedicine characterization is often complicated by the polydispersity of samples, so it can be necessary to measure the same quantity with multiple methods, such as electron microscopy and light scattering for size, to gain a detailed understanding. A recent article about FDA regulatory review considerations presents some of the manufacturing and characterization challenges surrounding nanomedicines.

To help get nanotech cancer treatments ready for clinical trials, the National Cancer Institute makes the services of its Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory (NCL) available to anyone who has developed a nanotech cancer treatment and has demonstrated preliminary proof of concept. The NCL conducts physicochemical characterization and performs nanomaterial safety and toxicity testing in vitro and in laboratory animals. It works closely with the FDA and NIST to devise experiments that are relevant to nanomaterials, validate the tests on a variety of nanomaterial types, and disseminate its methods to the nanotech and cancer research communities. To date, the NCL has evaluated more than 250 nanoparticles intended for medical applications.

One case study illustrates the importance of nanomedicine characterization: The NCL conducted an animal study to determine the safety of a polymer-coated gold nanoparticle intended as a cancer therapy. As part of a toxicology study, the lab’s animal technicians injected rats with the nanoparticles and found that the animals unexpectedly developed lung lesions. The drug manufacturer’s previous studies had not resulted in lung lesions—and when the NCL technicians repeated the same experiment with a freshly synthesized batch of nanomaterial, the rats did not develop lesions. A fairly rigorous battery of testing found the two batches of nanomedicine to be essentially indistinguishable: They were produced using the same synthetic process, had equivalent size and surface charge, and looked similar under an electron microscope. Finally, the technicians looked at the particles’ polymer coatings. A sample of the fresh batch had a higher density of polymer on its surface than the older batch. It seemed that polymer on the nanoparticles in the older batch had been displaced by ions over time. The small difference in the polymer concentration caused a large difference in the in vivo results—and ultimately made the difference between a nanomedicine that was potentially safe and one that was not.


New technology often doesn’t come cheaply, and so far nanomedicines are no exception. The two currently FDA-approved nanotech reformulations of cancer drugs, Abraxane and Doxil, are far more expensive than their non-nanotech counterparts. The average per-dose costs of both Abraxane and Doxil exceeded $5000 in 2009, compared with less than $500 for Taxol and less than $200 for doxorubicin. The increased costs come with documented advantages: Because the nanomedicines are less toxic to healthy tissue, they afford patients a significantly better quality of life than their molecular counterparts. But they offer only modest improvements in overall survival.9,10,11,12 If nanotech therapies continue to have order-of-magnitude higher costs than their small-molecule competitors, they are likely to remain controversial unless they can also show similarly dramatic increases in patient survival.
On the other hand, nanotechnology has the potential to lower R&D costs through nanotech reformulation of discontinued drugs. For every new molecular drug that makes it through clinical trials and onto the US market, more than $1 billion is spent on drug development. Some part of that expense comes from the many drugs that are discontinued during the process. Approximately four out of five drugs that enter clinical trials will fail due to toxicity or other undesirable properties. The costs of discontinued drugs are passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices for those drugs that do make it to the market.

Nanotechnology offers drug companies an opportunity to reformulate discontinued drugs and recoup some of the cost. Desirable properties can be enhanced in nanotech formulations, while adverse properties can be engineered out. Nanoparticle carriers can be used to increase solubility and bioavailability, enhance targeting, provide for the controlled release of a variety of therapeutics, and thus potentially make discontinued drugs viable again.

For example, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a potentially potent chemotherapeutic that was tested in clinical trials in the 1980s and 1990s but had to be discontinued due to severe adverse side effects. It has since been reformulated as Aurimune. Shown in figure 4d, Aurimune is nanosized gold with TNF bound to its surface. In its recent phase I clinical trial, Aurimune allowed three times the previous quantity of TNF to be administered to patients with almost no ill effect.13

Safety and environmental concerns

The same material properties that make nanoparticles appealing for cancer therapy and other applications may have unintended effects on human health and the environment. Although the acute toxicity of many nanomaterials appears to be low,14 studies that evaluate chronic toxicity are still largely missing from the scientific literature.

Much of the work on the chronic health risks associated with nanotechnology has focused on carbon nanotubes and other carbon nanomaterials. For example, nanotubes introduced into the abdominal cavities of mice have been shown to result in a disease similar to mesothelioma, the cancer caused by asbestos.15 Other recent studies, however, have found nanotubes and fullerenes to have low toxicity16 and have shown that toxicity can be reduced by chemical modification. Even if nanotubes turn out to cause unique toxicities upon inhalation, it’s not known whether the toxicity is a function of their fibrous structure, a structure not shared by most other nanomaterials.

Assessment of the health and safety risks of nanomaterials has been complicated by several factors. Even the “same” nanomaterial from two different commercial sources may have different properties, and those properties can change with time. For example, nanoparticles in air aggregate rapidly, which affects their rates of sedimentation and lung deposition. Most important, many of the nanomaterials used in risk and hazard studies are poorly characterized, and it is not always apparent what aspect of a material contributes to the observed effect. For example, a confounding factor in hazard assessment has been the use of dispersive agents, such as surfactants, to increase nanoparticles’ solubility or prevent their aggregation. Studies that use dispersive agents may not be relevant to normal exposure conditions because the dispersive agents themselves may be toxic.

Whether actual or perceived, the potential health risks associated with the manufacture and use of nanomaterials must be balanced by the benefits that nanotechnology has to offer society for cancer therapy and beyond.


Recent years have seen an explosion in the number of studies showing the variety of medical applications of nanotechnology and nanomaterials. In this article we have glimpsed just a small cross-section of this vast field. However, across the range, there exist considerable challenges, the greatest of which appear to be how to scale up production of materials and tools, and how to bring down costs and timescales.

But another challenge is how to quickly secure public confidence that this rapidly expanding technology is safe. And so far, it is not clear whether that is being done.

There are those who suggest concerns about nanotechnology may be over-exaggerated. They point to the fact that just because a material is nanosized, it does not mean it is dangerous, indeed nanoparticles have been around since the Earth was born, occurring naturally in volcanic ash and sea-spray, for example. As byproducts of human activity, they have been present since the Stone Age, in smoke and soot.

Of attempts to investigate the safety of nanomaterials, the National Cancer Institute in the US says there are so many nanoparticles naturally present in the environment that they are "often at order-of-magnitude higher levels than the engineered particles being evaluated". In many respects, they point out, "most engineered nanoparticles are far less toxic than household cleaning products, insecticides used on family pets, and over-the-counter dandruff remedies," and that for instance, in their use as carriers of chemotherapeutics in cancer treatment, they are much less toxic than the drugs they carry.

It is perhaps more in the food sector that we have seen some of the greatest expansion of nanomaterials on a commercial level. Although the number of foods that contain nanomaterials is still small, it appears set to change over the next few years as the technology develops. Nanomaterials are already used to lower levels of fat and sugar without altering taste, or to improve packaging to keep food fresher for longer, or to tell consumers if the food is spoiled. They are also being used to increase the bioavailablity of nutrients (for instance in food supplements).

But, there are also concerned parties, who highlight that while the pace of research quickens, and the market for nanomaterials expands, it appears not enough is being done to discover their toxicological consequences.

This was the view of a science and technology committee of the House of Lords of the British Parliament, who in a recent report on nanotechnology and food, raise several concerns about nanomaterials and human health, particularly the risk posed by ingested nanomaterials.

For instance, one area that concerns the committee is the size and exceptional mobility of nanoparticles: they are small enough, if ingested, to penetrate cell membranes of the lining of the gut, with the potential to access the brain and other parts of the body, and even inside the nuclei of cells.

Another is the solubility and persistence of nanomaterials. What happens, for instance, to insoluble nanoparticles? If they can't be broken down and digested or degraded, is there a danger they will accumulate and damage organs? Nanomaterials comprising inorganic metal oxides and metals are thought to be the ones most likely to pose a risk in this area.

Also, because of their high surface area to mass ratio, nanoparticles are highly reactive, and may for instance, trigger as yet unknown chemical reactions, or by bonding with toxins, allow them to enter cells that they would otherwise have no access to.

For instance, with their large surface area, reactivity and electrical charge, nanomaterials create the conditions for what is described as "particle aggregation" due to physical forces and "particle agglomoration" due to chemical forces, so that individual nanoparticles come together to form larger ones. This may lead not only to dramatically larger particles, for instance in the gut and inside cells, but could also result in disaggregation of clumps of nanoparticles, which could radically alter their physicochemical properties and chemical reactivity.

"Such reversible phenomena add to the difficulty in understanding the behaviour and toxicology of nanomaterials," says the committee, whose overall conclusion is that neither Government nor the Research Councils are giving enough priority to researching the safety of nanotechnology, especially "considering the timescale within which products containing nanomaterials may be developed".

They recommend much more research is needed to "ensure that regulatory agencies can effectively assess the safety of products before they are allowed onto the market".

It would appear, therefore, whether actual or perceived, the potential risk that nanotechnology poses to human health must be investigated, and be seen to be investigated. Most nanomaterials, as the NCI suggests, will likely prove to be harmless.

But when a technology advances rapidly, knowledge and communication about its safety needs to keep pace in order for it to benefit, especially if it is also to secure public confidence. We only have to look at what happened, and to some extent is still happening, with genetically modified food to see how that can go badly wrong.

Science and Information / Nanotechnology In Medicine: Huge Potential.
« on: July 28, 2013, 11:57:13 AM »
Nanotechnology, the manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular scale to create materials with remarkably varied and new properties, is a rapidly expanding area of research with huge potential in many sectors, ranging from healthcare to construction and electronics. In medicine, it promises to revolutionize drug delivery, gene therapy, diagnostics, and many areas of research, development and clinical application.

This article does not attempt to cover the whole field, but offers, by means of some examples, a few insights into how nanotechnology has the potential to change medicine, both in the research lab and clinically, while touching on some of the challenges and concerns that it raises.

What is Nanotechnology?

The prefix "nano" stems from the ancient Greek for "dwarf". In science it means one billionth (10 to the minus 9) of something, thus a nanometer (nm) is is one billionth of a meter, or 0.000000001 meters. A nanometer is about three to five atoms wide, or some 40,000 times smaller than the thickness of human hair. A virus is typically 100 nm in size.

The ability to manipulate structures and properties at the nanoscale in medicine is like having a sub-microscopic lab bench on which you can handle cell components, viruses or pieces of DNA, using a range of tiny tools, robots and tubes.
Manipulating DNA

Therapies that involve the manipulation of individual genes, or the molecular pathways that influence their expression, are increasingly being investigated as an option for treating diseases. One highly sought goal in this field is the ability to tailor treatments according to the genetic make-up of individual patients.

This creates a need for tools that help scientists experiment and develop such treatments. Imagine, for example, being able to stretch out a section of DNA like a strand of spaghetti, so you can examine or operate on it, or building nanorobots that can "walk" and carry out repairs inside cell components. Nanotechnology is bringing that scientific dream closer to reality.

For instance, scientists at the Australian National University have managed to attach coated latex beads to the ends of modified DNA, and then using an "optical trap" comprising a focused beam of light to hold the beads in place, they have stretched out the DNA strand in order to study the interactions of specific binding proteins.

Nanobots and Nanostars

Meanwhile chemists at New York University (NYU) have created a nanoscale robot from DNA fragments that walks on two legs just 10 nm long. In a 2004 paper published in the journal Nano Letters, they describe how their "nanowalker", with the help of psoralen molecules attached to the ends of its feet, takes its first baby steps: two forward and two back.

One of the researchers, Ned Seeman, said he envisages it will be possible to create a molecule-scale production line, where you move a molecule along till the right location is reached, and a nanobot does a bit chemisty on it, rather like "spot-welding" on a car assembly line. Seeman's lab at NYU is also looking to use DNA nanotechnology to make a biochip computer, and to find out how biological molecules crystallize, an area that is currently fraught with challenges.

The work that Seeman and colleagues are doing is a good example of "biomimetics", where with nanotechnology they can imitate some of the biological processes in nature, such as the behavior of DNA, to engineer new methods and perhaps even improve them.

DNA-based nanobots are also being created to target cancer cells. For instance, researchers at Harvard Medical School in the US reported recently in Science how they made an "origami nanorobot" out of DNA to transport a molecular payload. The barrel-shaped nanobot can carry molecules containing instructions that make cells behave in a particular way. In their study, the team successfully demonstrates how it delivered molecules that trigger cell suicide in leukemia and lymphoma cells.

Nanobots made from other materials are also in development. For instance, gold is the material scientists at Northwestern University use to make "nanostars", simple, specialized, star-shaped nanoparticles that can deliver drugs directly to the nuclei of cancer cells. In a recent paper in the journal ACS Nano, they describe how drug-loaded nanostars behave like tiny hitchhikers, that after being attracted to an over-expressed protein on the surface of human cervical and ovarian cancer cells, deposit their payload right into the nuclei of those cells.

The researchers found giving their nanobot the shape of a star helped to overcome one of the challenges of using nanoparticles to deliver drugs: how to release the drugs precisely. They say the shape helps to concentrate the light pulses used to release the drugs precisely at the points of the star.

Nanofactories that Make Drugs In Situ

Scientists are discovering that protein-based drugs are very useful because they can be programmed to deliver specific signals to cells. But the problem with conventional delivery of such drugs is that the body breaks most of them down before they reach their destination.

But what if it were possible to produce such drugs in situ, right at the target site? Well, in a recent issue of Nano Letters, researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US show how it may be possible to do just that. In their proof of principle study, they demonstrate the feasibility of self-assembling "nanofactories" that make protein compounds, on demand, at target sites. So far they have tested the idea in mice, by creating nanoparticles programmed to produce either green fluorescent protein (GFP) or luciferase exposed to UV light.

The MIT team came up with the idea while trying to find a way to attack metastatic tumors, those that grow from cancer cells that have migrated from the original site to other parts of the body. Over 90% of cancer deaths are due to metastatic cancer. They are now working on nanoparticles that can synthesize potential cancer drugs, and also on other ways to switch them on.

Nanofibers are fibers with diameters of less than 1,000 nm. Medical applications include special materials for wound dressings and surgical textiles, materials used in implants, tissue engineering and artificial organ components.
Nanofibers made of carbon also hold promise for medical imaging and precise scientific measurement tools. But there are huge challenges to overcome, one of the main ones being how to make them consistently of the correct size. Historically, this has been costly and time-consuming.

But last year, researchers from North Carolina State University, revealed how they had developed a new method for making carbon nanofibers of specific sizes. Writing in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in March 2011, they describe how they managed to grow carbon nanofibers uniform in diameter, by using nickel nanoparticles coated with a shell made of ligands, small organic molecules with functional parts that bond directly to metals.

Nickel nanoparticles are particularly interesting because at high temperatures they help grow carbon nanofibers. The researchers also found there was another benefit in using these nanoparticles, they could define where the nanofibers grew and by correct placement of the nanoparticles they could grow the nanofibers in a desired specific pattern: an important feature for useful nanoscale materials.
Lead is another substance that is finding use as a nanofiber, so much so that neurosurgeon-to-be Matthew MacEwan, who is studying at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, started his own nanomedicine company aimed at revolutionizing the surgical mesh that is used in operating theatres worldwide.

The lead product is a synthetic polymer comprising individual strands of nanofibers, and was developed to repair brain and spinal cord injuries, but MacEwan thinks it could also be used to mend hernias, fistulas and other injuries. Currently, the surgical meshes used to repair the protective membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord are made of thick and stiff material, which is difficult to work with. The lead nanofiber mesh is thinner, more flexible and more likely to integrate with the body's own tissues, says MacEwan. Every thread of the nanofiber mesh is thousands of times smaller than the diameter of a single cell. The idea is to use the nanofiber material not only to make operations easier for surgeons to carry out, but also so there are fewer post-op complications for patients, because it breaks down naturally over time.

Researchers at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly) have recently demonstrated a new way to make nanofibers out of proteins. Writing recently in the journal Advanced Functional Materials, the researchers say they came across their finding almost by chance: they were studying certain cylinder-shaped proteins derived from cartilage, when they noticed that in high concentrations, some of the proteins spontaneously came together and self-assembled into nanofibers.

They carried out further experiments, such as adding metal-recognizing amino acids and different metals, and found they could control fiber formation, alter its shape, and how it bound to small molecules. For instance, adding nickel transformed the fibers into clumped mats, which could be used to trigger the release of an attached drug molecule.

The researchers hope this new method will greatly improve the delivery of drugs to treat cancer, heart disorders and Alzheimer's disease. They can also see applications in regeneration of human tissue, bone and cartilage, and even as a way to develop tinier and more powerful microprocessors for use in computers and consumer electronics.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), an estimated 322,000 deaths globally per year are linked to severe injuries from fire and in many of these cases death could have been avoided with surgical intervention.

In this type of intervention, when major burn patients have insufficient skin left to graft on the most damaged part of their body, new skin has literally to be grown from the patient's own skin cells. However, the long delay in growing the skin can expose the burns patient to increased risk of infection and dehydration; so to help those cells to multiply, specialists use a particular kind of component called polymeric material. Because of their extraordinary range of properties, polymeric materials play a ubiquitous role in our daily life. This role ranges from familiar synthetic plastics: plastic bags or yoghurt cups, to natural biopolymers such as wood or proteins that are present in the human body.

New nano-structured materials

It has been known for the last few years that man made synthetic polymeric materials have the potential to grow and multiply human cells. 'About 10 years ago, scientists discovered the important influence that nano-structures had on the way a line of cells would develop. It was the beginning of an entire new scientific field, somewhere between medicine and nanotechnology,' says Professor Johannes Heitz, Senior Research Associate at the University of Linz, Austria and main coordinator of the ModPolEUV project.
In the case of human skin cells, re-implantation of the tissue can be performed once a sufficient amount of skin is obtained, by growing it on a polymeric material surface.

However, in many cases, imperfections in the material structure can make the process relatively long and sometimes inefficient, with cells developing erratically.

The team of Austrian, Czech and Polish scientists involved in the research project managed to develop a new and simple way to create nano-structured materials that would allow a better development of human cells.

The Polish partner in the team, the Military University of Technology of Warsaw, has been in charge of the development of the new laser-based technology called EUV (Extreme Ultra-Violet) that was used for the creation of the nano-structured polymer surfaces. A beam of EUV light formed with a unique mirror developed by the Czech partner REFLEX S.R.O is directed on the surface allowing the creation of new kinds of polymeric materials. This innovative technique allows for a very high degree of precision, from 10 to 20 nanometres, whereas conventional techniques allowed only for a maximal precision level of 100 nanometres. 'One of the newest theories in the field of cell growing is that the smaller the structure, the wider the possibilities to manipulate cells,' says Professor Heitz.

A wide range of human cells

The EUV technique, thanks to its particular level of precision, also allows for the conservation of the material's structure, which was not the case with other methods used to modify the polymer. 'A regular structure is essential if the material is to be used for the purpose of growing human cells,' says Dr Henryk Fiederowicz, Professor at the Military University of Technology.

The story does not end there. Nano-structures built through the EUV technique have the ability to influence the behaviour of organic cells and different kind of cells can be grown better and faster depending on the type of polymer surface used.

The variety of material used to grow human stem cells will determinate the way cells will differentiate, meaning that they will transform into another human cell type. In other words: 'Using one type of polymer material or another will help you grow different types of muscle, nerves, cells adapted to a human heart, bone or any other part of the human body,' says Professor Heitz.

Thanks to their affinity to human tissue and cells, polymeric materials could also be used for designing entire artificial implants. Indeed, many types of implants are already being made out of polymer materials, such as heart valves and bloods vessels. Using the EUV technique would reduce the odds of implant rejection, as the range of new materials created could be adapted to interact perfectly with specific parts of a patient's body.

Broad applications

All partners agree on the fact that EUREKA has helped them to find elsewhere in Europe the expertise and skills unavailable in their own countries. The next step is to bring their innovation to the market.

The Military Institute of Technology has already handled several EUV installations to laboratories in the USA, Germany, the Czech Republic, France, Japan, China and South Korea. It is now preparing for a full commercial phase, in partnership with the Polish company PREVAC, a leader in the market of high-precision instruments.

Applications of this novel technique could go far beyond nano-medicine and bio-technologies. An important potential market could be the one of micro-electronics, with its ever-expanding need for high-precision lithography; applications could be proposed to every type of industry where nano-structures are used. For instance, in micro-mechanics, integrated optics, wear reduction or the production of nano-composite materials.

For researchers at Linz University, the cell-growing technology is still in a testing phase and Professor Heitz prefers not to be overwhelmed by enthusiasm, even though he concedes that results have been 'very encouraging so far'. 'The interaction of cells with which structure dimensions are below 100 nanometres is currently the topic of a huge international effort,' he says. Despite the importance of the innovation 'our contribution is very small when compared to the many other laboratories working in this field at the moment'.

According to Professor Heitz, 'recreating whole organs is still a scientist's dream'. Yet the outcome of the E! 3892 ModPolEUV project might just have brought the dream a little closer to reality.

Physiotherapy exercises are important part in the recovery of patients or clients with musculoskeletal conditions or disorders. There are various physiotherapy exercises that your physiotherapist will include in your rehabilitation program, often, in combination with other treatment options.

Types of Physiotherapy Exercises

The type of physiotherapy exercises that you will perform will depend on the stage of your recovery.
•   Range of motion exercises

Range of motion (ROM) exercises can be performed either with the assistance of your personal physiotherapist or you do it on your own with the guidance of your PT. Sometimes, you may have tightness in your joint or muscle, which can limit the available range of motion for your joint. In this case, your physiotherapist may use a heating modality to help loosen tight tissues prior stretching to improve your joint range.

Types of Range of Motion Exercises

There are three types of ROM exercises: passive, active –assistive, and active range of motion exercises.
o   Passive range of motion exercise (PROME)

In PROME, the physiotherapist will move your limb along the joint range. This is often performed on patients who are unable to move their limb.

o   Active-assistive range of motion exercise (AAROME)

This range of motion exercise is done on clients who are able to move their limb but needs assistance from the physiotherapist to complete the joint range. Sometimes, pain may limit the patient’s ability to actively complete the motion. The physiotherapist may assist the patient to complete the movement or just beyond the point of pain. The pain should not persist or worsen when motion is stopped.

In this type of ROM exercise, there is minimal assistance from the physiotherapist.

o   Active range of motion exercise (AROME)

The client performs the movement without physical assistance from the therapist. The physiotherapist may still verbally instruct the client on the proper execution of the exercise.

•   Strengthening exercises

Strengthening exercises are usually done on weakened muscles. It may also be done as part of the client’s general conditioning exercise program. Having normal muscle strength help prevent future injury.

When muscles are not moved for a while because of an injury or immobilization (cast or brace), the muscles tend to get weak. Often, progressive strengthening exercises are included in your rehabilitation program. Your physiotherapist may let you perform the exercises with resistance bands and progress to weights as your strength improves.

•   General conditioning exercises

General conditioning exercises involve a combination of exercises including range of motion, strengthening, and walking exercises to help maintain or improve your
o   Cardiopulmonary fitness;
o   Muscle and joint flexibility; and
o   Muscle strength.

•   Balance exercises

Balance exercises may be a part of your rehabilitation program if you have problems with your balance. Strengthening your major muscles are important parts of a balance rehab program.

Depending on your specific needs and level of fitness, your physiotherapist may start from where you are most stable. For example, if you can sit without support, your therapist may suggest that you do balance exercises using parallel bars. Once you are able to do the exercises easily, you may start doing them without parallel bars.

N:B: Ask your doctor or physiotherapist about what appropriate exercises that you can perform based on your specific problems, needs, and goals.

Physiotherapy / Physiotherapy ... What is it & Why is it?
« on: July 26, 2013, 02:58:58 PM »
What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease. The profession helps to encourage development and facilitate recovery, enabling people to stay in work while helping them to remain independent for as long as possible.

What physiotherapists do?

Physiotherapy is a science-based profession and takes a ‘whole person’ approach to health and wellbeing, which includes the patient’s general lifestyle. At the core is the patient’s involvement in their own care, through education, awareness, empowerment and participation in their treatment. You can benefit from physiotherapy at any time in your life. Physiotherapy helps with back pain or sudden injury, managing long-term medical condition such as asthma, and in preparing for childbirth or a sporting event.

Why physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a degree-based healthcare profession. Physios use their knowledge and skills to improve a range of conditions associated with different systems of the body, such as: Neurological (stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's)
•   Neuromusculoskeletal (back pain, whiplash associated disorder, sports injuries, arthritis)
•   Cardiovascular (chronic heart disease, rehabilitation after heart attack)
•   Respiratory (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis).
Physiotherapists work in a variety of specialisms in health and social care. Additionally, some physiotherapists are involved in education, research and service management.

এই সুপার বাসটিতে ৩৩ জন যাত্রী যাত্রা করতে পারবে . ১৫৫ মাইল প্রতি ঘণ্টা গতি তুলতে সক্ষম সুপার বাসটির মূল্য প্রায় ১০ মিলিয়ন ইউএস ডলার। অদ্ভুত সুন্দর ডিজাইনে তৈরি বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে বেশী ক্ষমতা সম্পন্ন সুপার বাস এটি। হল্যান্ডের ইউনিভার্সিটি অফ টেকনোলোজি বিশ্বের প্রথম সুপার বাসটি ডিজাইন করেছে। গাড়িটির দৈর্ঘ্য ৪৯ ফিট, প্রস্থ ৮ফিট এবং উচ্চতা ৫ফিট ৫ইঞ্চি। গাড়িটি দেখতে অনেকটাই ল্যাম্বর্গিনির মত। ৮টি আধুনিক ডিজাইনের দরজা রয়েছে গাড়িটিতে এবং দুবাই থেকে আবু ধাবি যেতে সময় লাগে মাত্র ৩০মিনিট, দূরত্ব প্রায় ৭৫ মাইল।

Smart fabrics and interactive textiles (SFIT) are defined as textiles that are able to sense stimuli from the environment and react or adapt to them in a predetermined way. For example, smart textiles/garments can incorporate sensors/actuators, processing and communications for use in applications such as health monitoring, consumer products and in the automotive sector. Smart fabrics and interactive textiles represent the next generation of fabrics and the potential opportunities for exploiting them are enormous. During recent involvement with the textiles community and talking in particular to developers of smart fabrics and intelligent clothing, it has become clear that a major obstacle towards integrating electronic functionality into fabrics is the portable power supply required. For example, whilst conductive tracks can be printed onto, or conductive yarns woven into, a fabric, the power supply for any integrated device is presently a standard battery. This requires conventional connection and must be repeatedly replaced and removed during washing. No matter how integrated the functionality of the fabric becomes, at present there is no alternative to powering the system using discrete batteries.

Energy harvesting (also known as energy scavenging) is concerned with the conversion of ambient energy present in the environment into electricity. Energy Harvesting is now a significant research topic with conferences such as PowerMEMS, IEEE MEMS, Transducers, DTIP and Eurosensors featuring at least one session on the subject. Energy harvesters do not have the energy density (energy stored for a given volume) of a battery but offer the attraction of an integrated power supply that will last the lifetime of the application and will not require recharging or replacement. This project will focus on harvesting energy from two sources: kinetic and thermal energy all of which have been identified as promising approaches for powering mobile electronics.

- Kinetic Energy Harvesting - For example, there is a large amount of kinetic energy available from human motion. Human motion characterised by large amplitude, low frequency movements that can also exert large forces. It has been estimated that 67W of energy are available in each step .

- Thermal Energy Harvesting - Harvesting of energy from heat sources (such as the human body) can be achieved by the conversion of thermal gradients to electrical energy using the Seebeck effect. There has been interest in the generation of power from body heat as a means to power wearable devices. For example Seiko have produced a wrist watch powered by body heat. Reported results for power densities achieved from micro-fabricated devices are 0.14 microW/mm^2 from a 700 mm^2 device for a temperature difference of 5 K, which is typically achievable for wearable applications.

The proposal involves using rapid printing processes and active printed inks to achieve energy harvesting fabrics. This will result in a low cost, easy to design, flexible and rapid way to realise energy harvesting textiles/garments. Both inkjet and screen printed are fully accepted processes widely used in the textile industry for depositing patterns. The proposed screen and inkjet printing processes have many benefits including low-cost, repeatability, flexibility, suitability for small/medium series and mass production, short development time, compatibility with a wide range of textiles and the capability of depositing a wide range of materials. The inks and associated printing parameters will be researched to enable the bespoke design and layout of the energy harvesting films in the application being addressed. The research will provide a toolbox of materials and processes suitable for a range of different fabrics that enable a user to develop the energy harvesting fabric best suited to their requirements.


Research Group: Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Themes: Energy Harvesting, Novel Sensors
University of Southampton

Nutrition and Food Engineering / Uncovering the secrets of tea
« on: November 17, 2012, 12:02:06 PM »
Everyone knows that a cup of tea is good for you, but the exact reasons for this are not clear. To discover the fundamentals of tea’s health benefits, scientists in Germany have investigated the interactions of compounds from tea with cells on a molecular level.

Both green and black tea contain  around 30,000 polyphenolic compounds, some of which have been shown to have numerous health benefits, including reducing cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and inflammation. Despite their positive effects, which have been seen in epidemiological findings and clinical trials, their exact biochemical mechanism is still not clear. Polyphenols can act as antioxidants, and for a long time this was thought to be the reason for their health benefits. However, recent studies have shown that this only plays a small part in their effectiveness.

To uncover how tea polyphenols affect cells, Nikolai Kuhnert from Jacobs University Bremen, and colleagues, set out to investigate the interactions of tea polyphenols at a molecular level. Working from a previous report that showed that tea polyphenols accumulated in the nuclei of plant cells, they used mass spectrometry and circular dichroism spectroscopy to measure the interactions between individual polyphenol molecules and biomolecules from the nucleus – histone proteins, double-stranded DNA and quadruplex DNA.

The scientists found that the polyphenols bound to the proteins and the DNA, but also that two major polyphenols showed selectivity for binding to quadruplex DNA over double-stranded DNA. Quadruplex DNA makes up the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes, which protect the chromosome from deterioration (for example, through ageing). ‘One can speculate that any compound able to bind to the quadruplex stabilises it and prolongs the life-span of an organism,’ says Kuhnert. ‘Additionally, the telomere plays an important role in cancer therapy.’

Susanne Henning from the Centre for Human Nutrition, University of California Los Angeles, US, comments: ‘It appears to be highly sophisticated chemistry. However, as the authors point out, this is only an in vitro study. There are limiting factors for the tea polyphenols being taken up and highly metabolised and excreted rapidly in the urine.’ Kuhnert agrees: ‘For this work, it needs to be urgently established whether any phenolics accumulate in the cell nucleus of human cells under dietary settings.’

The team hopes that this work will spark new avenues of research in tea polyphenols and are planning to continue their work on the characterisation of processed foods, identifying compounds with interesting biological activities. They are particularly interested in black tea, caramel and roasted coffee, and are just beginning to investigate cocoa, which is even more complex than tea.


G Mikutis et al, Food Funct., 2012, DOI: 10.1039/c2fo30159h


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