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Topics - Ms. Aziz

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Common Forum / Lets have a cup of coffee
« on: February 08, 2012, 10:15:04 PM »
Aren't they awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please do enjoy these coffee decoration

Common Forum / Amazing Paths...
« on: February 01, 2013, 07:08:12 PM »

আমার বন্ধু আমাকে  পাঠিয়েছে এবং আমাকে এই কথাগুলো ছড়িয়ে দেয়ার জন্য উৎসাহ যুগিয়েছে। আমরা সবাই-ই যদি এই ছোট্ট সাধারণ সণাক্তকরণ উপায়টা শিখে ফেলি, তবে হয়তো আমরা স্ট্রোকের ভয়ংকর অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে আমাদের প্রিয়জনদের রক্ষা করতে পারবো।

একটি সত্যি গল্পঃ

একটা অনুষ্ঠানে গিয়ে একজন ভদ্রমহিলা হঠাৎ হোঁচট খেয়ে পড়ে গেলেন। উঠে দাঁড়িয়ে তিনি বললেন, সবকিছু ঠিক আছে, মেঝের টাইলসে তার নতুন জুতোর হীল বেঁধে যাওয়ায় তিনি পড়ে গিয়েছিলেন। কেউ একজন এম্বুলেন্স ডাকার কথা বললেও তিনি তাতে রাজি হলেন না।

সবকিছু ঠিকঠাক করে, পরিস্কার করে তিনি নতুন করে প্লেটে খাবার নিলেন। যদিও মনে হচ্ছিলো যেন তিনি একটু কেঁপে কেঁপে উঠছেন। অনুষ্ঠানের সম্পূর্ণ সময় জুড়েই তিনি উপস্থিত থাকলেন। পরদিন দুপুরে ভদ্রমহিলার স্বামী ফোন করে জানালেন, তাকে হাসপাতালে নিয়ে যাওয়া হয়েছে। সন্ধ্যা ছয়টার সময় তিনি মারা গেলেন।

মূল যে ঘটনা ঘটেছিল, তা হলো, তিনি অনুষ্ঠান চলাকালীন সময় স্ট্রোক করেছিলেন। সেখানে যদি কেউ জানতেন, কিভাবে স্ট্রোক সনাক্ত করা সম্ভব, তাহলে হয়তো ভদ্রমহিলা আজও বেঁচে থাকতেন।

সবাই যে মৃত্যুবরণ করে, তা নয়। অনেকের ঠাঁই হয় বিছানায়, সাহায্যহীন, ভরসাহীন মূমুর্ষূ অবস্থায়। মাত্র তিনটা মিনিট সময় নিয়ে এটা পড়ে ফেলুন।

একজন মস্তিষ্কবিশেষজ্ঞ বলেছেন, যদি একজন স্ট্রোকের শিকার রোগীকে স্ট্রোক হবার তিন ঘন্টার মধ্যে হাসপাতালে নেয়া যায়, তবে তাকে সম্পূর্ণভাবে সুস্থ অবস্থায় ফেরত পাওয়া সম্ভব। শুধু আমাদের জানতে হবে কিভাবে স্ট্রোক চেনা যায়, এবং কিভাবে রোগীকে উল্লেখ্য সময়ের মধ্যে মেডিকেল কেয়ারে নেয়া যায়।

স্ট্রোককে চিনুন...

সহজ তিনটি ধাপঃ- S T ও R...পড়ুন এবং জানুন!

মাঝে মাঝে স্ট্রোকের উপসর্গ সনাক্ত করা অনেক কঠিন হয়ে পড়ে। আমাদের অজ্ঞতার কারণেই নেমে আসে যাবতীয় দুর্যোগ। স্ট্রোকের শিকার রোগীর মস্তিষ্কে যখন ভয়ানক রকম ক্ষতি হয়ে যাচ্ছে, পাশে দাঁড়ানো প্রিয়জনটিই হয়তো বুঝতে পারছে না, কি অপেক্ষা করছে তাদের কাছের মানুষের জীবনে।

সহজ উপায়ে স্ট্রোক সনাক্ত করার উপায়, সহজ তিনটি প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞেস করুনঃ

S – Smile রোগীকে হাসতে বলুন।

T – Talk রোগীকে আপনার সাথে সাথে একটি বাক্য বলতে বলুন। উদাহরণঃ আজকের দিনটা অনেক সুন্দর।

R – Raise hands. রোগীকে একসাথে দুইহাত উপরে তুলতে বলুন।

এর কোনো একটিতে যদি রোগীর সমস্যা বা কষ্ট হয়, তৎক্ষণাৎ দেরি না করে তাকে হাসপাতালে নিয়ে যান। এবং চিকিৎসককে সমস্যাটি খুলে বলুন। (রোগী বলতে স্ট্রোকের শিকার সন্দেহ করা ব্যক্তি বোঝানো হয়েছে)

সনাক্তকরণের আরেকটি উপায় হচ্ছে, রোগীকে বলুন তার জিহবা বের করতে। যদি তা ভাঁজ হয়ে থাকে, বা অথবা যদি তা বেঁকে যেকোনো একদিকে চলে যায়, সেটাও স্ট্রোকের লক্ষণ। তৎক্ষণাৎ তাকে হাসপাতালে নিয়ে যান।

Which person is most helpless with any physical disability?
I think its BLIND people.
Few days ago we got a CV of a female from BERDO (The Blind Education and Rehabilitation Development Organization) who has completed her Masters from Dhaka University and asking for a job in DIU.Yesterday she came along with the  Executive Director of that Organization for a job interview.I already several times talk with that person regarding this applicant.But I didn't know that a big surprise was waiting for me.The Executive Director is also a blind person which was totally unexpected for me.But they were full of life smart .After talking to them I was speechless that what we do with our eyes and what they are doing without eyes.We always misuse our most valuable asset in doing harm to other people, in watching useless things, doing unethical issues, doing road accident, killing people,robbing,hijacking,depriving deceiving people from their rights, see others suffering by remaining reluctant and what not.Why we don't use our sight power in doing good for the society, nation,country and finally the world.Just think blind people never see the beauty of nature and people but what we do?We always search and see negative,bad things in other, think what damage can be done to other.We hesitate to do any help, appreciation and recognition.

I salute my authority as they are at least thinking trying planning in that way to appoint a blind women and giving her a chance to lead a life like a human.Thanks DIU.

Common Forum / English Foundation Class
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:52:34 PM »
English in an essential tool to cope with the modern century.Now a days our tradition is being changed in the interview board for any job.We used to know that the more good result is the more possibility is to get the job.Now this is not true always.In some cases if you are good enough in English it doesn't make any sense whether ur result is outstanding or not. In every semester Daffodil International University arrange foundation English classes for the newly admitted students.Honorable teachers give their valuable effort to teach the students.As the medium of instruction of this university is English so this course is very important and obvious.But it is a matter of pity that being a non credit course most of the students do not pay too much attention or interest and not serious regarding this classes.I personally do believe that after finishing these foundation English classes at least a test should be taken to evaluate them and to know how much well they are doing at their starting stage of next 4 years journey.In that case students will more serious abt the classes.Otherwise all our teachers' effort will go in vein.we are arranging classes, teachers, class rooms etc only for the students' betterment.students should be responsive in this regard.In the foundation course a part should be kept just for how to write an application correctly cause in the university students have to write number of application for different purposes.but its a painful experience that 80% students do not write a correct application.they don't know the spell of REGISTRAR even.At the time of admission we provide a brochure where the information of entire university is given.Students should skim several time that book.The more you will know about ur university the more you will love it.

Common Forum / Color blindness
« on: December 05, 2011, 05:10:51 PM »
Color blindness or color vision deficiency is the inability or decreased ability to see color, or perceive color differences, under lighting conditions when color vision is not normally impaired. "Color blind" is a term of art; there is no actual blindness but there is a fault in the development of either or both sets of retinal cones that perceive color in light and transmit that information to the optic nerve.
The symptoms of color blindness also can be produced by physical or chemical damage to the eye, optic nerve, or the brain generally. These are not true color blindness; however, but they represent conditions of limited actual blindness. Similarly, a person with achromatopsia, although unable to see colors, is not "color blind" per se but they suffer from a completely different disorder, of which an atypical color deficiency is only one manifestation.




Here is a Test which is called Ishihara Color Blind Test

Normal Color Vision will see                                                     Red-Green Color Blind will see

Left                          Right                                                  Left                       Right
 25                            29                                                     25                    Only Spots
45                            56                                                   Only Spots             56
6                               8                                                     Only Spots         Only Spots

Science Discussion Forum / Tips for Public Speaking & Presentation Skills
« on: December 05, 2011, 10:21:31 AM »
Dear Students in every semester you have to deliver a presentation before Final examination. Here are few tips to overcome your deficiency in presentation skill. Try to follow the following tips for Public Speaking & Presentation Skills:

. Feel confident to stand and deliver before any size Public group
. Use eye contact, gestures, and body language for maximum effect
. Develop and organize a presentation for any audience and any event
. Design visuals to enhance both the presenter's message & performance
. Deliver visual information in a way that keeps the audience in sync
. Be prepared to handle tough questions
. Be a lively presenter and use humor effectively (If necessary not mandatory)

Telecom Forum / Cell Phones and Health
« on: November 30, 2011, 07:33:06 PM »
One of the most common sights we see these days, is that of people with their mobile phones next to their ears. A boon for better communication, cell phone usage nonetheless has many health hazards. Various studies indicate that the emissions from a cell phone can be extremely harmful, causing genetic damage, tumors, memory loss, and increased blood pressure and weakening of the immune system. This is alarming information, and one has to take into account all these factors..

Though there is no evidence of cell phones causing cancer or any such illness, but the suspicion, or fear of the same is not baseless either. The electromagnetic radiation from cell phones does have a potential link to cancer. The fact that this radiation is invisible, intangible, and enters and leaves our bodies without our knowledge makes it even more intimidating.

Possible hazards:

* Two minutes of exposure to emissions from mobile phones can disable a safety barrier in blood causing proteins and toxins to leak into the brain, could increase chances of developing Alzheimer's multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's. (Scientists at Sweden's Lund University)
* Scientists say exposure to the phones' low-level radiation causes red blood cells to leak hemoglobin and can lead to heart disease and kidney stones.
* Recent studies suggesting a link between cell-phone use and brain tumors, and the possibility that the microwaves could ignite petroleum fumes at gas stations.
* A cell phone unit, or communications tower, has so many of thee radiation emanating gadgets. This can be a problem for its immediate environment.


Cancer / Tumors
Studies have been conducted suggesting that rats that have been exposed to microwaves similar to the sort generated by mobile phones but more powerful, showed breaks in their DNA which could indicate an adverse effect. Also, mice exposed to radiation for 18 months developed brain tumors. Though of course, these studies are not concrete proof.

Blood Pressure
It was observed that people using cell phones were prone to high blood pressure. Again, there isn't any concrete evidence of the same.

A study at the University of Montpellier in France was carried out on 6000 chick embryos and suggested that the heavily exposed chick eggs were five times less likely to survive than the control group. This study raised questions about possible effects on pregnant women but it has not yet appeared in peer-reviewed scientific literature or been reproduced, so its findings are difficult to assess.

Headaches, Heating Effects, Fatigue
A study brought out that longer the people used mobile phones, the more likely they were to report symptoms such as hot ears, burning skin, headaches and fatigue.
The study did not include a control group (that is people who do not use mobile phones, to make a comparison); therefore the symptoms reported could have been caused by any number of other factors in the mobile phones users' environment, such as working with computers, stress, driving or reading.

There have been various studies into the connection between mobile phones and memory loss. A study looked into the effect of radiofrequency (RF) on the section of rats' brains that is linked with the memory. The results showed that RF could modify signals in the cells in a part of the brain that is responsible for learning and short term memory.

Posture (holding phone between raised shoulder and ear)

Some researchers claim that holding a mobile phone between the raised shoulder and the ear could have a damaging effect on muscles, bones, tendons and discs. These problems would apply equally to a cordless phone or a landline phone as to a mobile phone and are the effect of bad posture.

Mobile Phones and Children
Because of their smaller heads, thinner skulls and higher tissue conductivity, children may absorb more energy from a given phone than adults.

* Cell phones should be used for emergencies, and not for long conversations.
* A small chip-like cell phone microwave radiation protection device is available, which has the ability to absorb electromagnetic energy waves from your mobile phone. It helps in reducing the potential harmful effects of these emissions to the human body.
* Using a mobile headset is a good idea, you don't have to hold phones next to your ears all the time
* Use a hands free mobile car kit while driving, without taking your hands off the steering wheel

THE WHO (World Health Organization) RULES

* Mobile phone users should limit their exposure to harmful radio frequencies by cutting the length of calls.
* Hands-free devices cut exposure by keeping the instrument away from the head and body.
* Driving cum mobile phone talking should be banned.
* Mobile phones should not be used in Intensive Care Units of hospitals as they can pose a danger to patients by interfering with the working of pacemakers and defibrillators.
* People with hearing aids should not use mobile phones.
* Base stations, which have low powered antennae on their terrace to communicate with cell phones, should not be located near children's schools and playgrounds.

Studies indicate that a lot of car accidents have happened, while the driver was on the phone. This is because while driving, one obviously needs to concentrate, and talking on a phone doesn't help. Some countries like Portugal have banned the use of cell phones, which may not be very practical, as their main use is to be reachable while you are on the move. Thus, it is important to take certain precautions while driving:

* Position your phone within easy reach so that you don't have to take your eyes off the road.
* Get to know the features of your cell phone - speed dial, redial, voice mail, they can be your lifesaver. But don't dial and drive at the same time. Use a hands free kit.
* Avoid using a phone when road conditions are hazardous or traffic is heavy. You can let your voice mail take messages and then call back later.
* Don't engage in stressful conversations that may distract your attention from the road.
* Don't take notes or look up phone numbers whilst driving, wait till you can pull over.
* User abbreviated speed dialing. In fact, voice activated dialing is even better. It leaves both hands free. Frequently called numbers can be programmed.
* Have an answering machine installed that could take messages until you can return the calls. Let your co-passenger handle the calls if you are not travelling alone.

Common Forum / Natural Cleaners
« on: November 24, 2011, 04:10:41 PM »
White Bread and Ketchup

Use white bread to: Dust an oil painting. Gently dab a slice of white bread over the surface to pick up dirt and grime.

Use ketchup to: Remove tarnish from copper and brass cookware. Squeeze ketchup onto a cloth and rub it on pots and pans. They should go back to their coppery color in minutes. Rinse with warm water and dry with a towel.


Use it to: Scrub very dirty hands. Make a thick paste of oatmeal and water; rinse well.


Use it to: Clean the inside of a vase or a thin-necked bottle. Fill three quarters of the vessel with warm water and add a tablespoon of uncooked rice. Cup your hand over the opening, shake vigor-ously, and rinse.


Use it to: Scour rusty garden tools. Brew a few pots of strong black tea. When cool, pour into a bucket. Soak the tools for a few hours. Wipe each one with a cloth. (Wear rubber gloves or your hands will be stained.)


Use it to: Remove dried wax drippings from candlesticks. Peel off as much wax as possible, then moisten a cotton ball with glycerin and rub until clean.

Club Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Use club soda to: Shine up a scuffed stainless-steel sink. Buff with a cloth dampened with club soda, then wipe dry with another clean cloth.

Use hydrogen peroxide to: Disinfect a keyboard. Dip a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide to get into those nooks and crannies.

Use it to:
Clean grease spills on carpets. Pour cornstarch onto spots and let sit for 15 to 30 minutes before vacuuming.

Rubbing Alcohol

Use it to: Erase permanent-marker stains from finished wood floors or solid-surface countertops. Pour rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball and apply.

Common Forum / Surprising Cleaning New Uses
« on: November 23, 2011, 11:02:36 AM »
Aluminum Foil as Glassware Scrubber

To get baked-on food off a glass pan or an oven rack, use dish washing liquid and a ball of foil in place of a steel-wool soap pad.It's one way to recycle those used but perfectly good pieces of foil you hate to throw out.

Baby Oil as Chrome Polish

Forget keeping skin soft, baby oil also polishes chrome. Apply a dab to a cotton cloth and use it to shine everything from faucets to hubcaps. You'll end up with shiny, happy surfaces from a medicine-cabinet staple.

Baking Soda as Silver Polish

To polish silver: Wash items, then place on aluminum foil in the bottom of a pot. Add a baking-soda solution (¼ cup soda, a few teaspoons salt, 1 quart boiling water) and cover for a few seconds. The result? A chemical reaction that gets the black off the gravy boat.

Broom as Long Distance Duster

To dust crown moldings, place a microfiber rag over the broom's bristles and secure with a rubber band. Then use the long handle to dust areas that your arms can't reach.

Chalk as Tarnish Prevention

Slow the tarnish on your good silver by tying up a few moisture-absorbing pieces in cheesecloth and store them with your cutlery for shinier flatware that reflects well on you in no time flat.

Cooking Spray as Candlestick Cleaner

Celebrating by candlelight? Spray the inside of a votive holder with a thin coating before dropping in a tea light. After the candle has burned down, the remaining wax will slip out.

Cotton Ball as Rubber Glove Protector

For leak-resistant gloves at your fingertips, push one cotton ball into the end of each finger of a dish washing glove to keep sharp nails from splitting the rubber.

Fresh Graduate / What Not to Say During a Job Interview
« on: November 23, 2011, 10:24:22 AM »

Don’t say: “My current boss is horrendous.”
Why: It’s unprofessional. Your interviewer might wonder when you’d start bad-mouthing her. For all you know, she and your current boss are old pals.
Instead say: “I’m ready for a new challenge” or a similarly positive remark.

Don’t say: “Do you think I’d fit in here?”
Why: You’re the interviewee, not the interviewer.
Instead say: “What do you enjoy about working here?” By all means ask questions, but prepare ones that demonstrate your genuine interest in the company.

Don’t say: “What are the hours like?” or “What’s the vacation policy?”
Why: You want to be seen as someone who focuses on getting the job done.
Instead say: “What’s the day-to-day like here?” Then, if you’ve really jumped through every hoop and time off still hasn’t been mentioned, say, “Can you tell me about the compensation and benefits package?”

Common Forum / What Not to Say in the Workplace
« on: November 23, 2011, 09:55:44 AM »

Don’t say: “That’s not my job.”
Why: If your superior asks you to do something, it is your job.
Instead say: “I’m not sure that should be my priority right now.” Then have a conversation with your boss about your responsibilities.

Don’t say: “This might sound stupid, but…”
Why: Never undermine your ideas by prefacing your remarks with wishy-washy language.
Instead say: What’s on your mind. It reinforces your credibility to present your ideas with confidence.

Don’t say: “I don’t have time to talk to you.”
Why: It’s plain rude, in person or on the phone.
Instead say: “I’m just finishing something up right now. Can I come by when I’m done?” Graciously explain why you can’t talk now, and suggest catching up at an appointed time later. Let phone calls go to voice mail until you can give callers your undivided attention.

Common Forum / What Not to Say About Someone's Appearance
« on: November 23, 2011, 09:38:35 AM »
Some things should never be said―like these phrases. Here, what to say instead.

Don’t say: “You look tired.”
Why: It implies she doesn’t look good.
Instead say: “Is everything OK?” We often blurt the “tired” comment when we get the sense that the other person feels out of sorts. So just ask.

Don’t say: “Wow, you’ve lost a ton of weight!”
Why: To a newly trim person, it might give the impression that she used to look unattractive.
Instead say: “You look fantastic.” And leave it at that. If you’re curious about how she got so svelte, add, “What’s your secret?”

Don’t say: “You look good for your age.”
Why: Anything with a caveat like this is rude. It's saying, "You look great―compared with other old people. It's amazing you have all your own teeth."
Instead say: “You look great.”

Don’t say: “I could never wear that.”
Why: It can be misunderstood as a criticism. (“I could never wear that because it’s so ugly.”)
Instead say: “You look so good in skinny jeans.” If you slip, say something like “I could never wear that…because I wasn’t blessed with your long legs.”

Common Forum / Caring for your Laptop
« on: November 22, 2011, 03:25:13 PM »
Caring for your Laptop

Daffodil international University is providing Laptop among the students for the betterment of the students.We we were at your age it was not even in our imagination to become the owner of such a device.We are happy that our beloved students are enjoying the opportunity to use a single laptop of their own. Here are some tips to take care of your laptop.Hope these will help you.

While your laptop is designed and tested to hold up to a lot of use, common sense should tell you that you should not misuse your machine. As a result of some hard lessons students have learned in the past few years, we offer you the following advice, emphasizing the top three items:
1. Have liquids, especially sweet, sticky drinks like soda, nearby when using your laptop. Spills can cause serious damage to the machine and can be costly to repair.
2. Crush your laptop by stuffing too many books around it inside your backpack.
3. Pile heavy objects on top of it.
4. Drop, jar, or bump your laptop.
5. Pick up or hold your laptop by the screen, or scratch, twist, hit, or push the surface of the display.
6. Leave a pen or pencil on your laptop when you close it. Doing so will break the screen.
7. Disassemble or attempt to repair your laptop yourself.
8. Leave the laptop's base resting directly on your body (your legs or torso) for an extended period of time. It can get hot!
9. Use your laptop in or near water.
10. Use or store your laptop at temperatures above 950F or below 410F. Which means don't leave it in your car.
11. Place your laptop closer than five inches from any electrical appliance that generates a strong magnetic field, such as a television, refrigerator, etc.
12. Touch the lens on the CD-ROM tray or the surface of the compact disk.
1. Condition your battery. (Please see the "Conditioning and Charging the Battery, and Increasing Battery Life" section of this document for more information.)
2. Replace the plastic bezel when you exchange drives.
3. Use a soft cotton cloth, such as a handkerchief, moistened with non-alkaline detergent to clean your computer. The Campus Computer Store recommends -- and sells -- Kensington's "Screen Guardian" cleaner for this purpose. Since different types of the "Screen Guardian" cleaner are available, make sure that you purchase the small spray bottle cleaner that is made especially for laptop computers, and anti-glare and polarized computer screens.
•   Use a carrying case that provides good protection for your laptop, such as the backpack you received with it.
•   Register your laptop with IBM in case it is lost or stolen, and also to receive upgrade notices.

Physically Securing the Machine
Always remember to use the security cable that you received with your laptop! This is especially important whenever you need to leave your machine for a few moments, whether you're looking for a book in the library, asking a question at the VCC Help Desk, getting your lunch in one of the dining halls, or leaving your dorm room.
You may want to seriously consider using some of the following tips and tricks to make your machines more secure:
# Always secure your laptop in your dorm room by using the security cable.
# It may sound like common sense, but keep your laptop with you as much as possible, and never leave it unattended and unsecured. For example, let's say you need to run into the Union Bookstore to buy a book; you know you'll only be in there a minute. Think you can just leave your backpack -- with your laptop in it -- on the open shelves inside the door? Well, think again! Sure, it may be tempting to leave your laptop and backpack unattended, especially if you know you'll only be gone for a short period of time, but the truth is that the potential for someone to walk off with your laptop is high. So keep your machine with you, whenever you can. And whenever you go into the Union Bookstore, take advantage of their free lockable storage to secure your laptop and other belongings until you've finished your shopping.
#   Protect your data by requiring the use of a password.
#   Consider using a Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) password, which you can add for additional security; it won't prevent the actual theft of your machine, but it will protect the data on it. However, please note that you should exercise extreme caution when setting any of these passwords, as setting and then forgetting them can have serious consequences, as explained below.
# The Power-on Password prevents unauthorized users from starting up the ThinkPad. You must enter the correct power-on password prior to starting an operating system. Rensselaer Computer Repair (RCR) or an IBM repair facility can reset this password if you forget it.
#    The Supervisor Password protects the system information stored in the BIOS in such a way that a user can change the computer's configuration only after entering the correct supervisor password. Important note: If you forget the supervisor password, RCR or an IBM repair facility will have to replace the system motherboard. This expensive repair is not covered under the IBM warranty or by insurance.
#    The Hard-disk Passwords (master and user) protect the information stored on your hard disk in that you can only access the information on a hard disk after entering the correct hard-disk password. Important note: If you forget the hard-disk password, RCR or an IBM repair facility will have to replace the hard disk, and you will be unable to recover the information from the hard disk. This expensive repair is not covered under the IBM warranty or by insurance.
Conditioning and Charging the Battery and Increasing Battery Life
Your laptop is equipped with a Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) battery, and, while it has been programmed to save power whenever and however possible, you'll have to initially condition your battery, as well as recharge it from time to time. Use the following tips to obtain the best condition for your battery and extend its rundown time.
Conditioning the Battery
If your battery is brand new, and you are using it for the first time, it may not be charged to full capacity. To obtain maximum battery performance, cycle the battery three times. To do this, plug your laptop into a standard electrical outlet to fully charge the machine, then run the laptop off the battery until it is fully discharged. (This procedure is also recommended if you have stored the battery for a few months.)
Tips for Charging the Battery
#    Do not charge the battery until it is completely out of power. (Check the small green battery-shaped icon on the right-hand side of your laptop's taskbar to check your machine's current battery capacity.) Partial charge or discharge may cause a degradation of your laptop's performance.
#   Once you have started charging the battery pack, do not use it until it is fully charged.
Increasing the Life of Your Battery
You can also use the following "power management" techniques to help extend the life of your battery:
#      Suspend mode (Fn+F4) - Although your laptop appears to be powered down when it's in suspend mode, the machine's memory contents are actually kept active at very low power. You can bring your machine out of suspend mode by pressing any key. Your laptop can remain in suspend mode for about three days before the battery is drained.
#    Hibernation mode (Fn + F12) - This mode uses no power until you restart your laptop; the machine stores its active memory to the hard disk and then turns off the ThinkPad. Entering a single keystroke should bring it back up, without the need to reboot. Your laptop can remain in hibernation mode indefinitely..
Another Helpful Security-Related Tip
As long as we're talking about viruses, here's a simple step you can take to make sure that you don't open a certain type of file, such as one that may contain a virus: show the file name extensions on your laptop!
To do this, first double-click on the My Computer or Windows Explorer icon on your machine's desktop, and select a disk (for example, your C: hard drive). Pull down the View menu and select Folder Options� In the separate View Options window that appears, left-click on the View tab, and select the Show all files option (if it isn't selected already). Finally, ensure that a check mark does not appear to the left of the "Hide file extensions for known file types" option.
As we mentioned before, taking this precaution is really important when you don't want to open a certain type of file, especially to avoid spreading a virus. A good example is with the Anna Kournikova virus that has affected campus in the past; if you don't show filename extensions on your machine, the virus file appears as a simple .JPEG file, and you don't see that the file really has the .VBS extension.
So, do yourself a favor and take a minute to show the complete file extensions on your laptop!
Accessing Software Patches and Drivers
Following the steps below will close many security vulnerabilities on your machine as well as add functionality and correct any software defects.
Windows XP recognizes when you are on line and searches for downloads from the Windows Update Web site. Each time updates are available, an icon appears in the notification area on the task bar at the bottom of the screen (near the clock). You will also receive pop-up reminders that "New updates are ready to download". In some cases, you will need to restart the computer after installing the updates, so do this procedure when restarting will not cause interruption.
•   When the reminder pops up, click as instructed, or else click on the appropriate icon on the taskbar.
•   Click on Start Download.
•   After a short wait, a window will pop up saying, "New updates are ready to install."
Click as instructed to bring up the Install window.
•   In the Install window, click on Install. Wait while the installation takes place.
•   When the installation is complete, click OK.

Common Forum / Few Interesting Jobs
« on: November 10, 2011, 10:58:27 AM »
Paradise island caretaker

Ben Southall, 34, of Petersfield, beat out nearly 35,000 applicants from around the world for the dream assignment to swim, explore and relax on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef, while writing a blog to promote the area. He was selected for the $111,000 gig - a six-month contract to serve as caretaker of a tropical Australian island. He now has to live rent-free in a three-bedroom villa, complete with pool.

Before getting the job he had to spend four days on the island for an extended interview process, which required applicants to snorkel through crystalline waters, gorge themselves at a beachside barbecue and relax at a spa. He also had to demonstrate his blogging abilities, take swimming tests and sit through in-person interviews.

Luxury bed tester

A student from Birmingham City University has landed her dream job...literally! Sleeping on the job and having a lie-in will no longer be a problem for a girl, who has been selected to test out luxury beds for a month and get paid for it.

Roisin Madigan, 22, is earning £1,000 to sleep in designer beds every day for a month. The student is helping with a "sleep survey" carried out by luxury bed specialists Simon Horn Ltd. The company sells luxury Savoir Beds, originally made for the Savoy Hotel. General manager Craig Roylance said Roisin will not only provide an objective view of the beds on sale, but will also be part of a look into what brings a good night's sleep.

Resort waterslide tester

Surely the envy of any desk-bound office worker, Tommy Lynch has travelled over 27,000 miles this year for his job, testing holiday resort waterslides. Mr Lynch, 29, works for holiday giant First Choice, checking the height, speed, water quantity and landing of the flumes, as well as all safety aspects. In 2008 Mr Lynch tested waterslides at holiday villages in Lanzarote, Majorca, Egypt, Turkey, Costa Del Sol, Cyprus, Algarve, Dominican Republic and Mexico. This year he will quality control First Choice's new splash resorts in Greece, Turkey, Florida, Jamaica and Ibiza.

Liverpool-born Mr Lynch, whose job title is lifestyle product development manager, was recruited to identify the very best pools to be featured in First Choice's new Splash Resort collection. He also ensures potential new resorts are up to the company's standard.

Candy taster

Another one of the world's best job has gone to schoolboy Harry Willsher, 12, chief taster in a sweet factory. Harry's job is to test top secret recipes. He got the job after winning a contest at Swizzell's Matlow to find a recruit. According to him, after his first tour at his new job, he felt like having stepped into the book Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. He wowed judges by describing the flavor and smell of his favourite sweet, the Drumstick lolly. The Derby firm, which also makes Love Hearts, Rainbow Drops and Parma Violets, has now given the youngster chief taster overalls and business cards. As well as sampling the sweets, he will also monitor their development at the company's factory in New Mills, Derbyshire. I don't know if it's the best job, but it's definitely the sweetest.

World of Warcraft Tester

Do you Play World of Warcraft? And if so, do you play well? Can you farm 200 gold an hour and hit level 80 in under 2 weeks? If the answer is yes, you can apply for the job that about 12 million players only dream about, as a Wow game tester! There are in fact several Blizzard jobs posted on their website. The Blizzard employment database has dozens of mmorpg jobs available, mostly WoW employment opportunities. They are currently hiring for several game tester positions for World of Warcraft, under the QA department. They are in particular looking for foreign language testers, so if you speak any other language besides English, don't hesitate to apply to start your Blizzard career. And, yeah, you will be required to play at least four hours a day.

Director of Fun at a museum (age 6)

A six-year-old boy who wanted to become the director of York's National Railway Museum landed himself a job - as the director of fun. The ambitious youngster got a plum role at the National Railway Museum after applying to replace retiring boss Andrew Scott. Sam Pointon sent a handwritten letter headed "Application for director" asking for an interview at the center, in York. The letter listed his credentials for the role, including his expertise on his train set. "I am only six but I think I can do this job," wrote Sam. "I have an electrick (sic) train track. I am good on my train track. I can control two trains at once." Staff was so impressed they appointed Sam an honorary "Director of Fun" and his job will be to bosses how he thinks they can ensure the museum is the most fun place for kids to spend a day out.

Ok, maybe this isn't the best job in the world for an adult, but it certainly rocks the world of a 6 year old.

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