Daffodil International University

Faculty of Science and Information Technology => Environmental Science and Disaster Management => Topic started by: tariq on December 19, 2012, 12:13:59 PM

Title: New Earth??
Post by: tariq on December 19, 2012, 12:13:59 PM
The news is so encouraging that sharing it directly from BBC news:

"The nearest single Sun-like star to the Earth hosts five planets - one of which is in the "habitable zone" where liquid water can exist, astronomers say.
Tau Ceti's planetary quintet - reported in an online paper that will appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics - was found in existing planet-hunting data.The study's refined methods of sifting through data should help find even more far-flung worlds.
The star now joins Alpha Centauri as a nearby star known to host planets.
In both those cases, the planets were found not by spying them through a telescope but rather by measuring the subtle effects they have on their host stars' light."

Skipping all the technical details how the star and planets were found and confirmed, we just can hope to get some other place adaptable for human or having friendly companion.
Title: Re: New Earth??
Post by: adnanmaroof on January 26, 2013, 02:53:09 PM
Its really a great news for the living creatures, since our earth is day by day becoming unsuitable for living.
Title: Re: New Earth??
Post by: nayeemfaruqui on February 20, 2013, 02:27:56 PM
Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: New Earth??
Post by: Faizul Haque on March 20, 2013, 12:47:28 PM
good news for living creature...............
Title: Re: New Earth??
Post by: sethy on March 20, 2013, 10:17:24 PM
Thanks for sharing the great information.
Title: Re: New Earth??
Post by: Narayan on March 23, 2013, 12:00:07 AM
Great News