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Topics - zonaydorrahman

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MBA Discussion Forum / Income VS Profit
« on: October 01, 2016, 02:31:00 PM »
Some people intend for the terms income and profit to have the same meaning. For example, the income statement was commonly referred to as the profit and loss (P&L) statement. When a company is profitable, we mean that the company has a positive net income.

To aid in understanding these terms, the word "net" is often added. Hence, we often see the terms net income and net profit. This communicates that the amounts are the remainder after expenses have been deducted. For example, a company's profit margin is often listed as the net profit margin (which is defined as the company's net income divided by its net sales). The word "net" also helps to distinguish a company's net profit from its gross profit, and its net profit margin from its gross profit margin.

Some people use the term income to mean revenues. For example, a bank or an individual will often refer to the interest they earn on bond investments as interest income or investment income. A retailer will refer to the sales of merchandise as revenues, but the revenues from secondary activities will be reported as other income or non operating income.

It is wise to keep in mind that different meanings are not unusual among people, businesses and countries.

Common Forum/Request/Suggestions / Accounting and finance careers
« on: September 17, 2016, 09:32:13 AM »
Accounting and finance graduates are highly sought-after, with employer demand showing little sign of slowing down. In the US, the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts employment opportunities for accountants and auditors to grow by more than 13% in the decade up to 2022, while opportunities for financial analysts are predicted to increase by almost 16% during this period. Sectors which are predicted to offer the most significant expansion within these fields include management, scientific and technical consulting services; computer systems design and related services; accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services; and general financial investment activities.

Bear in mind, however, that many of the roles for which highest growth is forecast are those in which a specialized postgraduate degree is likely to be a major asset. Other less-specialized roles, on the other hand, are currently seeing lower levels of demand; these include roles such as data entry, file clerks, typists, couriers and switchboard services.

Accountancy firms, insurance companies, building societies, investment banks, high street banks, and public sector agencies are just some of the potential employers for those with an accounting or finance degree, with the large multinational financial services firms still offering many of the most popular opportunities. These firms often run large-scale recruitment campaigns to attract the most promising graduates in the field. But, while these opportunities are relatively plentiful, entry is still extremely competitive – so a specialized postgraduate degree could really help you stand out.

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