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Topics - fatema_diu

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Person / Interview of Noam Chomsky
« on: March 16, 2014, 05:20:15 PM »
MIT Institute Professor and outspoken critic of U.S. foreign policy, Noam Chomsky, discusses U.S.-Muslim relations and possible reasons for the tensions between the two. Professor Chomsky addressed the chat audience through a typist over the phone from Boston. The following is an edited transcript of the audio of that phone call. Chat producer Will Femia moderates.
MSNBC-Will Femia: Ok. Welcome Professor Chomsky.
Question from Chip Berlet: I agree with you that aggressive militarism is not the answer to this mess, but the Taliban and Osama bin Laden’s networks seem to me to be totalitarian and apocalyptic clerical fascist movements. Isn’t this a moment the left needs to just say it is against terrorism, and that groups like the Taliban and OsB’s networks are not liberation stuggles but reactionary or fascistic movements that we oppose?
Noam Chomsky: As far as I’m aware, that’s what the left has been saying for 20 years. I know I have ever since these groups were organized by the CIA, Pakistani and Egyptian intelligence and other U.S. allies. They were organized recruited, trained, and armed to fight a holy war against the Russians, which they did. But they also started right away carrying out terrorist acts. 20 years ago they assassinated the president of Egypt and they’ve been carrying out terror ever since. The groups that the CIA organized were drawn from extremist radical Islamic groups and they have been pursuing their own agenda. They did what the CIA wanted them to, but they have been pursuing their own agenda. There is no doubt that from the start they were murderous terrorist organizations. I don’t know if the word fascist is exactly correct, they don’t have that kind of ideology. But they’re extremely dangerous and have been for 20 years. It is quite obvious. That’s been the position, as far as I’m aware, of any serious person on the left as far back as I can remember.
Question from Geraldine Fincannon: We are a nation which would advance the destiny of all lives and share the wealth existing in our country with all its inhabitants and those of the world. Isn’t this the real bone of contention between our country and the radical Moslems who send terrorists to do horrible deeds in our country?
Noam Chomsky: It has nothing to do with money. They have been very clear about what they want. Bin Laden himself has had many interviews with western journalists, many of them are broadcast in just the last week. Two long ones were broadcast by the BBC. What he and the others have been saying for 20 years is consistent, and it’s also consistent with their actions so we should take it seriously. They say their main targets are the corrupt brutal regimes of the Middle East, which from their point of view are not properly Islamic and they want to defend Muslim rights against infidels anywhere in the world. So they’ve been fighting in Chechnya, Bosnia, North Africa, Kashmir, the Philippines, all over.
They turned against the United States when the United States established permanent military bases in Saudi Arabia about 10 years ago. They regard that very much like the Russian occupation of Afghanistan they fought against. Apart from the Islamic fanaticism, what they say has considerable resonance in the region, including very pro-American wealthy sectors. The Wall Street Journal has been doing a particularly good job in surveying those opinions beginning September 14. When they condemn the United States for its anti-democratic stands for supporting brutal regimes and corrupt regimes, they are saying what people in the streets think and there’s a reason for it. The same is true when they condemn U.S. policies towards Iraq and Israel.
They know, even if we choose not to, that the United States has been devastating the civilian society of Iraq while strengthening Sadam Hussein, and it’s been supporting a very harsh military occupation that is now in its 35th year in Israel, over the Palestinians. The U.S. has been pretty much alone in the world in imposing that very cruel domination with economic and military and diplomatic assistance. That’s quite well known there and even the most pro-American wealthy Muslim businessmen bankers have the same feelings others do. When Bin Laden talks about these things there is a resonance. They may hate him. Most of them do hate him because they overwhelmingly oppose his terrorist violence and his Islamic fanaticism, but a good part of the message does reflect what people believe and with justification.

Humantities / Think of others
« on: March 16, 2014, 05:03:36 PM »
Read an article - in a meeting of 50 the speaker suddenly gave a balloon to each of the participants to write their name on it. Then he put all the balloon to the next room.Next he asked all the participants to find their own balloon from the next room in 5 minutes. But the balloons were jumbled together in such a way that they made a huge chaos colliding ,pushing others but could not find their won balloon.
Then  he asked the participants to go again and take any balloon and give it to the one it is signed with. Surprisingly everybody got their balloon within a minute.

The speaker said, we only search for our happiness.With out thinking of ourselves if we would think of others, happiness would automatically come to our life.

Body Fitness / Water Therapy
« on: January 03, 2014, 05:35:40 PM »
(courtesy: DECCAN CHRONICLE, 29.09.91)


Several diseases can be cured by a simple method called WATER THERAPY. An article published by Japan's Sickness Association tells us how the system has to be followed for quick results. Before giving the details of this therapy, one might be interested to know some of the diseases which can be cured under this therapy. They are HEADACHE, HYPERTENSION, ANAEMIA, RHEUMATISM, GENERAL PARALYSIS, OBESITY, ARTHRITIS, SINUSITIS, TACHYCARDIA, ANESTHESIA, COUGH, ASTHAMA, BRONCHITIS, PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS, MENINGITIS, HEPATIC, UROGENITAL DISEASES, HYPERACIDITY, DYSENTRY, RECTAL PROLAPSE, CONSTIPATION, DIABETES, EYE TROUBLES, OPTHALMIC HEAMORIAGE, OPTHALMIA, IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION, LEUCORRHOEA, UTERINE CANCER, CANCER OF THE MAMMARY GLANDS, RHINITIS, PHARYNGITIS.

It might sound incredible, but facts cannot be denied. As said by CONFUCIUS early 2500 years back, the health of an organism is tempered wholly by the mechanics of the stomach. As a modern Saint, PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA analysed, that IT IS OVER EATING ON ALL THE 365 DAYS OF A YEAR that leads to and complicates diseases.

Consuming ordinary drinking water by the right method purifies the human body. It renders the colon more effective in forming new fresh blood, known in medical terms as 'haemotopaises'. That the mucousal folds of colon and intestines are activated by theis method, is an undisputed fact. Just as the theory that new fresh blood is producted by the absorption of the nutrients of the food by the function of the mucousal. If the colon is cleaned then the nutrients of the food taken serveral times in a day will be absorbed and by the action of the mucousal folds, they are turned into fresh blood. This blood is all important in curing ailments and restoring health, and for this, water should be consumed in a regular pattern.

Every morning, as soon as one gets up, he should drink 1.26kg (1260cc/ml) of water at a stretch, without washing teeth, mouth, face or even eyes (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT). For the next 45 minutes, one SHOULD NOT EAT OR TAKE ANY BEVERAGES. After the Night Dinner (before going to bed), one SHOULD NOT EAT OR DRINK STIMULATING BEVERAGES OR SOFT DRINKS, A youngster who followed this therapy sums up his experience this way ".....After taking water, I urinated three times in one hour and the breakfast later tasted wonderful, The next day too, I drank water and felt that my bowels became free. In three months time, I put on weight. Ever since I took to WATER THERAPY, I never felt sick nor was affected by the COLD or COUGH ......" Where water contains impurities, it should be boiled in the night to be used in the morning.

Now all this triggers the inevitable question: "Can sickly persons drink 1260cc (about 4 steel glasses of 320cc or 2 bottles of syrup) of water at a stretch?" Perhaps no. After drinking maximum quantity of water , one should do "SPOTWALKING", lie for one minute and then drink the remaining water. Those who are weak to walk should practise abdominal breathing in a sitting or a standing posture and drink the rest of the water. During the first one or two days, one may urinate three to four times within one hour of water intake. However everything will be normal within 3 or 4 days. Persons suffering from ARTHRITIS and RHEUMATISM should practice WATER THERAPY three times a day for one week and therafter once in a day. While following this therapy, one should drink water 2 hours after a meal. One should not consume soft drinks containing poison or snacks or fast food before going to bed. WATER THERAPY is very simple, in-expensive and miraculous in its effects. NO SIDE EFFECTS.

Experience has shown that following diseases were cured by water therapy within the time shown:
1. HYPERTENSION (1 month)
2. CONSTIPATION (1/2 days)
3. DIABETES (1/2 weeks)
4. CANCER (1 month)

Printed courtesy Mr. R.G. Gangwani for the benefit of citizens.
3, White Rose, 4 Perry Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai, India.

Books / The lowland
« on: December 23, 2013, 05:41:24 PM »
The lowland by Jnumpa Lahiri.Enlisted for Booker prize selection this year. Wonderful book.

English / Jhumpa Lahiri's Lowland
« on: December 23, 2013, 05:37:19 PM »
It is a wonderful book on India, partition, Naxalite movement and immigration. Specially the information aboiut the  Naxalite movemnt proves Lahiri's meticulousness as a writer. Do not miss the book.
The story focuses two brothers Udoyan and Shubash. First one, a revolutionary, was killed in Tollygonj, and the second one studied abroad and finally married his brother's widowed wife, Gauri.

Parents Guidance / Febrile seizure/convulsion
« on: November 21, 2012, 01:24:13 PM »
Recently my baby had had it. i was very worried than my doctor described it to me and asked me to be very careful regarding any symptom of fever .I am supposed to give her sedil and napa as soon as i find her temperature abnormal.

A febrile seizure, also known as a fever fit or febrile convulsion, is a convulsion associated with a significant rise in body temperature. They most commonly occur in children between the ages of 6 months to 6 years (with only 10% of reported seizures occurring after the age of 3) and are twice as common in boys as in girls.
The direct cause of a febrile seizure is not known; however, it is normally precipitated by a recent upper respiratory infection or gastroenteritis. A febrile seizure is the effect of a sudden rise in temperature (>39°C/102°F) rather than a fever that has been present for a prolonged length of time.[3] Parents caring for children that may be febrile who wrap them up in warm blankets in an attempt to give comfort unknowingly increase their fever and therefore the risk.[

Islam & Science / T H E S E C R E T REMAINED HIDDEN FOR 1400 years
« on: November 03, 2010, 06:00:08 PM »
There are few lines like these in the Qoran:

Then we learn that those who decide that Quran is
human-made will be proven wrong by the NUMBER 19:................................
On it are NINETEEN." (74:26-30)

Do you know what does it mean by the number 19?

Any one will be completely astonished to find out the use of number 19 in the HOly Qoran.

English / Students of Uttara
« on: October 21, 2010, 11:07:10 AM »
Dear Students

Since I spend half of the week in Uttara Campus ,you may not ask me questions related to your study. Use the forum to ask me any question.

Fatema Begum Laboni

IT Forum / Students E-mail ID- My Earnest Request
« on: October 20, 2010, 12:59:58 PM »
Those who are involved in giving the students their e-mail Id, I have an earnest request to them.
As we all know many of our students come from sub urb area, they don't even know how to use the keyboard.I found it a great problem for few students who have never even touched a computer.

Please help the students log in to their id at least one time, or give them some practical tips instantly while having the e-mail id or, ask them to talk to the respective co-coordinator. I from my part is trying heart and soul to make the thing clear to them, we all should come forward to help our weaker students.

Fatema Begum Laboni
Dept of English

English Language Lab / Check your Grammar
« on: October 06, 2010, 01:31:18 PM »
Can you answer the  following questions

Jobs: Subject- verb agreement

Example: Neither Rahim nor his friend's smoke.

               Neither Rahim's friend nor Rahim smokes.

1. Either Rahim's friends or Rahim himself ___ going there.(is/are)

2. Rahim or his friends________ going there.(is/are)

3. Rahim's friends and Rahim _____ not smoke.(do/does)

Departments / New room for the faculties( 501 administrative building)
« on: October 05, 2010, 04:27:39 PM »
Our new room is very nice with windows on two side viewing some part of the Dhanmondi lake and the Metro shopping. It is full of light and when it rains the view becomes such lovely! Moreover, as there are few classes on this floor, working environment is also cool!

There are some problems too, as the AC is not yet fitted but I hope it will be set soon. Thanks to the authority for making spacious faculty room.

Fatema Begum Laboni
Dpt. of English

English / Socialweb
« on: September 30, 2010, 01:53:37 PM »

I have started using the Socialweb and I am excited about its multifarious use that I want to do. More over, I am really inspired by today's news on a free-learning website) made by Salman - a person of Bangladeshi origin who has won 2 million dollar for his best idea on 'future world'.

I have visited the website and found many useful videos on physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics are given in a simplistic and understandable way. Students can visit this site.

Department of English

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