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Leader beware: How AI perpetuates mistruths about motivation

I was curious to see the results of an AI search on “How to motivate employees.” As someone who’s devoted her career to applying empirically sound motivation science, I shouldn’t have been surprised. Still, I was dismayed by the amount of misinformation and never-proven motivation practices.

I find it fascinating how we painstakingly analyze and interpret all kinds of big data. Still, when it comes to motivation — the most foundational aspect of human behavior — we rely on outdated science and questionable anecdotal evidence perpetuated through popular media.

You’re probably as intrigued with AI as I am. But as leaders, we can’t afford to be influenced by regurgitated mistruths about motivation that are so prevalent in blogs, promotional self-published books, and nonreviewed articles. After all, that’s the fodder that fuels AI. When it comes to motivation — a common topic, especially post-pandemic — if you don’t know what you don’t know, you’re apt to fall prey to stinkin’ thinkin’ and misguided advice.

To save you the headache and heartbreak of misapplied motivation practices, I offer three of the most significant untruths to beware of. I offer these warnings using exact quotes culled from my AI search results.

Common motivation mistruth: Rewards are effective motivators

This statement found online is one of 10 scientifically proven ways to motivate employees:

Offer employee rewards. People will stay with your business if they have a reason to. So if you want to keep your good people and keep them motivated, it’s worth starting an incentive program.

Science-Based Truth: Yes, people are motivated by external rewards. However, not all motivation is created equal. People may think they like incentives, but that doesn’t mean external rewards effectively generate the vitality they need to pursue, achieve and maintain their goals and flourish — just the opposite.

For more reliable resources on employee motivation and rewards, look to research by Marylene Gagne and Jacques Forest.

Common motivation mistruth: Ask people what they want

Here is a direct quote from one of my searches:

Understanding the passions, drivers, and the ‘what gets me out of bed each morning’ question for your employees is critical. Why? Because motivated employees are proven to drive business impact — they experience lower turnover and absenteeism, and ultimately stronger business outcomes as measured by shareholder return and revenue performance.

In the same paragraph of results was this advice for leaders seeking to motivate employees:

Ask them what they want. Instead of trying to guess what’s most important to them, actually sit down with them and find out what they value.

Science-Based Truth: I agree that discussing motivation with employees is good. But asking what motivates them isn’t. Most people aren’t aware of what genuinely motivates them: three psychological needs that are universal and foundational to optimal motivation and thriving. So, when you ask them, “What motivates you?” they will likely respond with external rewards that are proven to leave them unfulfilled. 

When a disgruntled employee whispers under her breath, “They don’t pay me enough to put up with this,” she ironically asks for more money, not realizing her genuine yearning is for the fulfillment that comes from experiencing optimal motivation and fulfilling her psychological needs for choice, connection and competence.

For a more reliable resource on what people want, depend on the groundbreaking science of self-determination theory, fathered by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan (the most cited psychological researcher in the world today).

Common motivation mistruth: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a proven theory of motivation

An instant red flag warning should go up when someone references Maslow’s hierarchy to explain what motivates people. I highly regard Maslow, but he didn’t even agree with his hierarchy — or that self-actualization should be at its pinnacle.

A well-known coach must not have read the source she cited in her blog about motivation:

Another expert on needs, Abraham Maslow, established a now widely accepted theory that all human beings have a hierarchy of needs that must be met in a specific order.

I retained the embedded link on purpose. If you scroll to the Critical Evaluation section of the cited work, you’ll discover that Maslow’s model was never empirically proven or accepted as a legitimate framework for motivation.

For a more reliable resource on Maslow’s hierarchy, check out this article in the Harvard Business Review.

I hope you find these warnings helpful as you navigate AI-augmented search capabilities. I have more mistruths to warn you about, such as using praise to motivate or trying to make people happy at work. But, unlike the exciting and voluminous information at your fingertips, thanks to AI, I’m attempting to be more discerning. That’s what I’m asking of you. Be discerning. Take the time to validate so-called truths. Don’t assume that the advice you’re reading is good. The point is this: As you take advantage of AI’s potential, don’t let it take advantage of you.


From Gratitude To Greatness: Nikole Reed’s Path To Leadership Success

Leadership may not always look like a destination, but it most certainly is a journey. It’s a journey paved by one’s ability to tap into one’s inner leader while inspiring others to do the same. It’s also a journey that requires one to lift as one climbs, and that’s precisely what Nikole Reed has done throughout her career. Reed is the regional vice president of INFINITI West, a division of the automotive company Nissan. With over two decades of leadership experience, Reed has learned the importance of cultivating a solid team in the workplace.

“You have to surround yourself on your team with people who can do great things with you. I can't do everything, and I had to learn to delegate. I had to learn how to hire the right people around me because I can't do everything, I can't make every decision, and I can't think of everything. And I think that's where people get in trouble sometimes. You get a lot more from your team when you involve them in the decision than if you just make it and give it to them. I like to get buy-in from my team because that aligns everyone, and sometimes they have great ideas. I don't have the best ideas about everything.”

While Reed has intentionally poured into her colleagues to ensure a healthy team structure, the same can be said about her relationships with the next generation of changemakers. When it comes to her relationships with her mentees, she makes it a priority to share her mistakes along the way so that they can learn from them. It’s one of the reasons why she’s so passionate about sharing her successes and losses.

“I wasn't always comfortable talking about myself in a forum like this, but I realize it's not talking about myself in a bad way. I tell my mentees that if they can learn from my mistakes and not make the ones I made, then I'll get something out of this. Everyone will make mistakes but don't make that one because I already did, and I will tell you how that will work out for you. I wish I had people to help guide me through some of that stuff.”

This may be considered a radical form of transparency for other executives, but for Reed, it’s directly rooted in humility. A simple scroll through the Detroit native’s resume reads like a catalog of achievements, positions, and more information that succinctly illustrates why she’s a trailblazer in the automotive industry. But for Reed, being as humble as she is successful is essential, a quality her family and friends have instilled in her.

“I wasn't given the same opportunities as other people and fought for everything I had, but it was important not to stomp on anyone along the way. At the end of the day, when all this is said and done, and it's time for me to go, I want people to say that I was a good person. Even as an executive, you can be a good person and empathetic to your team, and that's just who I am. I have a lot of great people in my life, my husband and some of my very closest friends; they wouldn't dare let me get that way and get a big head.”

As a Black woman executive in the corporate realm, obstacles are something that Reed is familiar with. So much so that they don’t bother her nearly as much because of the powerful tool equipped to her by her parents — gratitude.

“How I've always tackled things, even from a young age, is to let my work speak for itself. Whether that was in school or professionally, I know if I do my job and I do it well, no one can take that away from me. So you're going to face all these obstacles. People probably still doubt me but it took time to get there too. I'm not going to say it never used to bother me but It doesn’t bother me now but it didn't used to be that way. I think my parents have helped with that too, just the way they raised us, to always be thankful for things. They taught me to always remember that things can be taken away from you just as quickly as you get them. And life will do that to you. So be thankful for what you have. I start my day with meditation and with positive thoughts and just being thankful. I always have a moment of gratitude in the morning, a little meditation, and go into the day that way, thankful for what I have because I know I'm blessed. I know I'm blessed, but I also know I work for it.”


« on: September 29, 2023, 07:44:18 PM »

How do organizations get in contact with clients and staff during a cyber-attack? And how do they keep up urgent operations? We know from research and practice that one of the main challenges during a cyber-attack is the loss of internal and external communication systems (such as phone-system, Systems Applications and Products (SAP), e-mail, intranet) and internal coordination among staff. Taking the risk of cyber-attacks into account, organizations need to be well prepared and to have the right IT system back-up to prevent an attack, but also need to know how to deal with communication when experiencing a total breakdown of all systems and communication. Professional communicators play a vital role in this area.

Fear of Cyber Attacks

Fear of cyberattacks is constantly increasing all over the world. In Denmark, fear among citizens has increased from 45% in 2017 to 57% in 2022 (Danish Emergency Management Agency, 2022). Cyber-attacks and terrorism are a top concern! This high awareness is related to the level of threats; Many organizations have already experienced data breaches or cyber-attacks, or they know about attacks on other organizations. In a huge cyber-attack on June 27, 2017, more than 230,000 computers in 150 countries were hit by the ransomware virus, PETYA. It caused a total breakdown of all administrative systems and communication in the attacked international firms, such as Maersk, FedEx, etc., and created chaos (Frandsen & Johansen, 2020).

Communication Professionals and Cyber-Attack Concerns

Cyber-attacks and problems with cyber-security have become a new normal. According to the European Communication Survey (ECM) 2020 (Zerfass et al., 2020), one of the major concerns of communication departments and agencies in the field of cyber-security is that «cyber criminals could hack their website and/or social media accounts, and close down their digital infrastructure.» In fact, 6 out of 10 practitioners confirm the relevance of cyber-security for their daily work in communication departments, and more than half of the communication professionals studied in the ECM in 2020 had already experienced attacks.

Internal Crisis Communication
Studies on internal communication during crises show that there is a huge need for creating sense and understanding of the situation and dealing with the strong emotional reactions among staff during a crisis (Frandsen & Johansen, 2011, Johansen et al., 2012). In such situations, both managers and employees are central communicators. Managers need to communicate, set directions, and listen to employees, as they may come up with expert solutions. However, when it comes to a total breakdown of communication and all administrative systems during cyber-attacks, how can organizations deal with employee needs?

Challenges and Key Learnings about Attacks

From our research (Frandsen & Johansen, 2017) and various case studies conducted in Denmark and the United States, we have learned about ways to deal with the loss of IT and communication systems during an attack among private companies (e.g., energy, financial companies) and public sector organizations (e.g., hospitals) (Stowman et al., 2022).
During a cyber-attack, the Crisis Management Team (CMT) will of course have to deal with the cyber criminals, the virus, and key IT aspects. However, in this blog post we will focus on the communication systems:

Improvisation and resilience

During a cyber-attack, improvisation and resilience are keywords. Improvisation is essential to uphold operations and communication with central stakeholders, and you need to rely on resilience: i.e., the capability of staff to find right solutions and to be ready for needed changes.


Next, it is important to get a first overview of which parts and to what extent the communication systems are hit by the attack, and to prioritize urgent needs for communication among key stakeholders. Thus, it is important for the CMT to quickly establish contact to each location of the organization. Not all staff (or external stakeholders) may have the same needs for communication during an attack. For instance, people in the production vs. people within sales and logistics may have different needs for communication as not all systems are necessarily hit to the same extent. Knowing the needs will make it easier to handle them correctly and efficiently.

Alternative communication channels

Staff and external stakeholders quickly learn that an attack is going on, and they start communicating and searching for information. Can we fulfill our orders? Thus, decisions about communication toward staff, clients, partners, supply chain, and distribution should be made quickly to inform staff on how to proceed to keep up, if possible.For external communication, mail accounts beyond the company network must be established, and additional communication may be conducted via alternative channels such as social media (e.g., Facebook or LinkedIn), private phones, or networks, in addition to the regular communication system of the organization.For internal communication, WhatsApp or other cloud-based solutions have proven to be reasonable alternatives to share necessary information and files, as well as to assure quick, reliable, and secure communication with all employees (Stowman et al., 2022, Hawkins, 2017).During crises there is an urgent need for sensemaking and problem-solving among staff. Here, regular physical crisis meetings are an appropriate way to reduce misunderstandings and create sense around the challenges of the crisis, but also to invite new ideas and solutions. Front-line employees may be good at improvising and coming up with creative answers to challenges within their own area. Being able to strategically listen (Lewis, 2020) to staff and external stakeholders during an attack can be extremely useful to adjust corporate strategies and assure business continuity.

How To Prepare Communication for Cyber-Attacks

— Train staff in signal detection, cyber-security awareness programs, and conduct stress tests and simulations.
— Encourage a leadership and communication culture, where people feel free to speak up and suggest ideas.
— Identify key stakeholders and create an overview of alternative communication channels for both internal and external communication.
— Establish a cloud-based alternative platform for critical communication, and/or an independent ‘dark site’, as a parallel landing webpage for information to stakeholders.
— Do not just make the IT department responsible for clean up; make sure to include communicators in the CMT, and to have contacts in all important locations of the company.
— Prepare for improvisation and resilience!Never underestimate the impact of a cyber-attack on your communication process. Professional communicators are strongly needed during these crises and will be better prepared for organizational interruptions by following these steps.


Mastering ChatGPT's custom instructions, the new OpenAI feature you shouldn't ignore

OpenAI recently rolled out custom instructions for all ChatGPT users, and this new feature is worth paying attention to.

If you’ve ever driven yourself up the wall explaining and re-explaining to ChatGPT exactly what you want and how you want it, only to do it all over again for your next project, this will be welcome news. Custom instructions allows you to tailor the bot's responses to better fit your needs. Spending a few minutes setting it up can save you hours of refining responses and crafting prompts later.

While OpenAI provides basic guidelines for their new tool, I’ve found that there’s a lot more to discover. So here’s everything you need to know to use custom instructions and start slashing your prompting time.

How to set up custom instructions for ChatGPT

By clicking on the three dots by your username on the bottom left, you should see an option to specify custom instructions for your profile. It will prompt you to answer two questions to set ChatGPT's tone and style:

  • What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?
  • How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

Think of it as your ChatGPT "style settings". And once you set them, they'll be used for all your new conversations with the chatbot. The key here is to find a sweet spot in how specific your instructions are, so you're not constantly updating your settings for different conversations.

You can change it though — so don't overthink it when you're first setting it up. You can always update it later.

That said, you can't change the instructions mid-way through a conversation — you need to start over for the new custom instructions to take effect.

Introducing yourself

The first question asks you to provide information about yourself.  This is your chance to share any relevant information about your role. For instance, if you're an educator you can specify the grades you teach; if you're a podcaster, you can give information about your background and point of view.

Just giving details about your background only really gets you so far; the real advantage to this question is that it's the perfect opportunity to tell ChatGPT about your unique voice. If you're doing a lot of first drafts with ChatGPT, you already know how critical it is to guide the style of the output so it's closer to your voice — and how tiring and repetitive this process can be. Custom instructions shortcuts this and lets you specify your voice once and for all.

Customizing the bot's response

Next, you can tell ChatGPT how to respond to your prompts.

This section lets you control the length (although, let's be real, ChatGPT often has its own plans), formality, neutrality, and other stuff. You can also set the format of the output — for instance, in paragraphs, a bulleted list, in a script format, etc. If you usually transfer the bot's responses to another application like a spreadsheet, this is where you can ask for output in a consistent, easily transferable format.

You can also include interaction tips or feedback, which could be helpful ways to get the bot to better align with your expectations. Personal preferences, such as regional spellings, language nuances, desired topics, or themes, are also fair game.

When I tested it using custom instructions, the difference it made to the writing was significant. It's about the same as using a complex prompt: in my experience, prompting from scratch vs. using custom instructions got me about the same quality of result.

Adding your project’s context

OpenAI’s guide to using custom instructions lays out what kinds of information you can enter to help the tool tailor its responses. But I think they're missing a key part: project context.

I find that explaining my project's end goal can drastically improve how relevant and practical ChatGPT's outputs are. It can turn a generalized answer into a laser-focused one that meets your specific objectives.

The two custom instructions questions try to get at this information in an indirect way by asking you about yourself and how you want ChatGPT to respond, but the tool doesn't give you dedicated space to tell it what you’re trying to do. 

My suggestion? Add this information into one of the two custom instructions boxes anyway.

To effectively add your project context, think about what you want the output to be like: the style, tone, and format. This is where you can add details about the output you want. You don't just want a podcast script, you want a fast-paced, highly descriptive script with a gripping narrative; you don't just want some website copy, you want prospect-focused copywriting that encourages potential customers to get in touch.


For a podcast: "I'm working on a true-crime podcast and need a tone that is suspenseful yet respectful of the subject matter. The script should engage listeners and keep them at the edge of their seats."

For marketing copy: "The end goal is to create conversion-focused copy for an eco-friendly brand; tone should be inspiring yet informational."

For a children's book: "I am writing a children’s adventure story featuring animals as the main characters. The tone should be whimsical and imaginative, and the language needs to be suitable for children aged 6–9."

Once you've added your project context, you can align your subsequent prompts with this context. That means your prompts can be more succinct and still give you high quality responses.

A word for advanced users

If, like me, you're in the habit of using advanced prompting techniques (here are 5 you can get started with), custom instructions give you a shortcut to use your favorites consistently, without having to constantly type them as part of each and every prompt.

Be careful in translating your favorite advanced prompt into custom instructions, though. With custom instructions, you need to be much more specific about the way you word the prompt, because the chatbot tends to ignore it unless you’re really precise.

For instance, my favorite advanced prompt style is to get ChatGPT to ask clarifying questions before it starts to generate a response. I find this less taxing mentally — I'm not spending a ton of time putting everything in the prompt, but rather responding to questions. When I add this element to custom instructions, ChatGPT generates relevant questions when it needs more information, but won’t disrupt my prompting otherwise.

Any advanced prompt — from acting as a persona to writing any logic step by step — can be put into custom instructions, so your favorite advanced prompt can become a standard feature in your custom settings.

How to get the most from custom instructions

1. Be specific(ish)

In terms of how well the custom instructions will affect the output, it helps to be as specific as possible. For example, instructing it to always use your voice when writing drafts, or always respond in a certain style.

But here’s the contradiction: the more specific your instructions, the less widely applicable they’re going to be.

The trick is to be general enough for the settings to apply in multiple scenarios but specific enough to get the tone and style you want.

2. Tell it what not to do

ChatGPT has its own default style and quirks, and in a lot of cases, that style gets in the way of generating the responses you want. Using custom instructions, you can override some of those details. Any phrasings or words that are distinctively not your style are fair game to add here.

3. Don't overload it

ChatGPT gives you 1500 characters (about 250-300 words) for each section of custom instructions, which gives you plenty of room to share information with the tool.  It might be tempting to try to fill it in with as much detail as possible, but I found that the opposite was more effective: the more I added to custom instructions, the worse it performed. It worked best with one or two really specific instructions. As with most things, it's quality over quantity. Keep it simple and clear for best results.

4. Optimize for long projects

If you've got a big project, custom instructions are a lifesaver. You set the tone once, and the bot keeps a consistent tone and style throughout — no repeating yourself over and over again after a long conversation.

For instance, I have been using ChatGPT extensively to write first drafts of marketing copy. Using custom instructions, I can make sure that it always uses the brand voice and that the copy it generates is targeted towards a certain audience or persona.  Then, when I’m done with the project, I can swap it out for a new set of instructions.

5. Add a dash of fun

I'm not quite sure why, but the most common use of custom instructions is to inject some levity in the output responses. While it might not work for every project, it's an easy way to make your bot interactions more fun.

You can ask it to always reply in a certain style (a poem? Pig latin?) or add any kind of fun quirks to the output.  For instance, I sometimes find myself growing weary with rerolls and regenerations, so I asked ChatGPT to lighten the atmosphere by sharing a 'bat fact' every so often. It helps temper my frustration working with the tool when it isn't going smoothly.


So, custom instructions in ChatGPT? Definitely a win. It takes a few minutes to set up but saves you heaps of time in the long run. It's flexible, yet you can guide it to stick close to your style or tone. But remember, it's not foolproof. Be clear with your instructions, and don't stuff it with too much info. Use it wisely, and you'll get a lot more out of your ChatGPT experience — and maybe even an unexpected Bat Fact or two.


Generations defined by name, birth year, and ages in 2023

What are the ages of the generations in 2023? If you do some research, you’ll find that dates overlap and names vary. While we hear generational terms all the time, the definitions are not official. However, based on widespread consensus as well as new Gen Z analysis by the Pew Research Center, and the one generation defined by the U.S. Census Bureau (Baby Boomers), these are the birth years and ages of the generations you’ll want to use in 2023.

Note: Generation names are based on when members of that generation become adults (18-21).

Generation names are based on when members of that generation become adults (18-21).

Generations-------Born--------Current Ages
Gen Z---------1997 – 2012---------11 – 26
Millennials----1981 – 1996---------27 – 42
Gen X---------1965 – 1980---------43 – 58
Boomers II---1955 – 1964---------59 – 68
Boomers I*--1946 – 1954---------69 – 77
Post War-----1928 – 1945---------78 – 95
WWII--------1922 – 1927----------96 – 101

*We increasingly break up Boomers into two different cohorts because the span is so large, and the oldest of the generation have different sensibilities than the younger. In the U.S., Generation Jones (Boomers II) are just young enough to have missed being drafted into war.

Thinking we’ve got it all wrong? Many people are confused by the labels demographers assign to the generations, and some tell us we’ve made a mistake. We haven’t. In fact, this page has been cited in newspapers including USA Today.

For more background on how the generations are defined, check out these references: Wikipedia, Kasasa, GenHQ and NetDNA. Generation Jones has its own website.

In short, the generation names are based on when members of that generation become adults (18-21).


The case for universities as a pathway to entrepreneurship

Professor Fiona Robson is the head of School of Social Sciences and Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University Dubai

Traditionally, studying for a university degree may not have been seen as the first-choice pathway for would-be entrepreneurs, in fact, many successful entrepreneurs talk about the ‘university of life’ as an alternative. However, as universities moved forwards and recognised the importance of small and medium-sized businesses as well as entrepreneurs, a wide range of programmes and courses are now available. Perhaps universities still have an unfair reputation for being more about theory than practice, but for many institutions, things have progressed hugely. It is now common for tasks such as putting together a business plan to be a way to assess an academic course.

Some students may never have considered becoming an entrepreneur, particularly if no one in their family has followed this path. Universities may, therefore, help to raise awareness about post-graduation opportunities beyond working for an organisation. A university business school education also gives students good insights into all the different aspects of business, including marketing, finance, and HR. Future entrepreneurs do not need to become experts in all areas, but they should have a good understanding of the key functional areas. There will also be some courses that are of high practical value, for example, in calculating costs and preparing a balance sheet.

Being part of a university cohort exposes entrepreneurs-to-be to different views and experiences, classes are usually full of diverse people, which provides a great opportunity for the first stages of market research. Universities provide a safe environment for trying things out, whether it is an idea for a new product or service or just practising a pitch. Students will be able to get constructive feedback from different groups, such as lecturers, peers, and university alumni. Through university courses, students can also benefit from the expertise of academics. It is becoming very common for lecturers to come from a range of backgrounds, including professional practice and/or being an entrepreneur. This leaves them well-placed to support students with idea generation and ask some of the critical questions.

Having a good business idea and plan is not enough, entrepreneurs need a wide range of soft skills. Highly developed communication skills that can be adapted for different audiences are important, including being able to listen and take onboard feedback that they receive. Developing strong self-awareness is also hugely beneficial and may help budding entrepreneurs to identify the gaps in their skills and think about collaborating with others. Students often worry about having to deliver presentations but, in later life, are usually grateful for the lessons that they learned.

Business schools in particular, may be able to provide access to some specialist services and/or resources for students interested in setting up on their own, for example, in understanding legislation that would be pertinent to their proposed project. Incubators are becoming increasingly popular in universities, they provide an opportunity for students to get expert support in taking their proposals from the initial idea stage. There may be funding available, for example, to support the production of a prototype.

Universities are usually very well-connected places both regionally and internationally, with thousands of alumni to seek support from as well as their membership in local networks. While many students find the idea of networking to be daunting, it can bring rewards. It is also now more commonplace for mentors to be provided to undergraduate students, future entrepreneurs can then learn from the successes and mistakes of others. Funders or business angels often visit universities as an efficient way of seeing different types of businesses they could invest their money in, this provides a very exciting platform for students to show off their ideas and receive feedback.

To conclude, universities can provide an excellent platform for students to be introduced to entrepreneurship and be successfully supported to make their dreams into reality.



Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the workforce in several ways, and it has significant implications for how we prepare students for the future job market. Here are some key points to consider:

Automation of Routine Tasks: AI is increasingly capable of automating routine and repetitive tasks. Jobs that involve data entry, basic analysis, and rule-based decision-making are at risk of being automated. This means that students need to be prepared for a job market where certain traditional roles may no longer exist.

New Collar Jobs: While AI can automate certain tasks, it also creates new opportunities. Many jobs will involve working alongside AI systems, requiring a blend of technical and soft skills. These roles are often referred to as "new collar" jobs, and they include positions in data analysis, AI programming, and AI ethics.

Emphasis on Soft Skills: As routine tasks become automated, the demand for soft skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, adaptability, and emotional intelligence increases. These skills are not easily automated and will be highly valuable in an AI-driven workforce.

Continuous Learning: The rapid evolution of AI means that students must embrace a culture of continuous learning. They should be prepared to update their skills throughout their careers to keep pace with technological advancements.

Ethical and Social Implications: AI brings ethical and social implications that students need to understand. This includes issues related to bias in AI algorithms, privacy concerns, and the impact of AI on society. Being ethically literate in the context of AI is crucial.

To prepare students for an AI-driven world, educational institutions should consider the following strategies:

Curriculum Enhancement: Integrate AI-related topics into the curriculum, including courses on AI ethics, machine learning, and data science. Ensure that students have a basic understanding of how AI works.

Emphasize Soft Skills: Put a strong emphasis on developing soft skills through project-based learning, critical thinking exercises, and collaborative projects.

Promote Coding and Computational Thinking: Encourage students to learn coding and computational thinking skills. This not only prepares them for AI-related jobs but also enhances problem-solving abilities.

Experiential Learning: Provide opportunities for students to work on real-world AI projects or internships, allowing them to gain practical experience and exposure to AI technologies.

Encourage Adaptability: Teach students the value of adaptability and resilience in a rapidly changing job market. Encourage a growth mindset that embraces lifelong learning.

AI Ethics Education: Incorporate discussions on AI ethics into the curriculum to help students understand the societal impact of AI and make informed decisions.

In summary, AI is reshaping the workforce by automating routine tasks and creating new opportunities. To prepare students for this AI-driven world, educators must focus on developing soft skills, fostering adaptability, and providing education on AI-related topics and ethics.

- Dr. Md. Sabur Khan

Chairman of,
Daffodil International University

Entrepreneurship and Development / 7 KEY “ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSETS”
« on: September 09, 2023, 02:22:52 PM »

The human “default mindset” wired into our brain 100,000 years ago is fear and scarcity. It’s time for a mindset upgrade.

As much as we’d like to think that we twenty-first century homo sapiens have made huge evolutionary leaps forward over the past 100,000 years, it turns out that our genome and the wiring of our brains are basically unchanged. The problem is that we’re all trying to operate with outdated software that doesn’t serve us anymore.

In today’s blog, the next in the series on my forthcoming book Scaling Abundance, I’ll discuss how our brains developed, and provide an overview of what I believe are the 7 key mindsets required for today’s exponential entrepreneurs and leaders.

Let’s dive in…

A Brief History of Our Brains

Back in the Paleolithic period, when our ancestors lived in caves or simple huts and were hunters and gatherers using basic stone tools, we lived in a world fraught with constant, ever-present danger. It was an environment of true scarcity.

Back then, change was slow and the everyday activities of life—namely hunting, foraging, sleeping, screwing, tending to young, escaping predators, battling other tribes—didn’t’ change year to year, century to century, millennia to millennia, it was stagnant.

This is the world in which our brains evolved to survive and thrive. The world back then was best described as local and linear. Local because nothing affected you that wasn’t within a day’s walk, and linear because, well, nothing was changing. As a result, we evolved a number of default mindsets, specifically ”fear & scarcity” coupled with “local & linear” thinking.

These mindsets, which helped our distant ancestors survive daily life, still remain with us as our underlying default software that we utilize in the jungles of Wall Street and social media.

Unfortunately, in our modern world, where change is constant these mindsets do us a vast disservice, placing us back on our heels, cowering in fear, when instead we should be pursuing our Moonshots.


The Mindsets that Matter Most

Today’s world requires updated cognitive software—a new set of 7 mindsets—to navigate the exponential world before us.

I can’t overstress the importance of actively choosing and shaping your mindset, rather than simply accepting your default software designed by evolution and reinforced by your parents, siblings, traumatic experiences, or the evening news.

There are many mindsets to consider implementing during our technological age. The mindsets that I believe are of greatest value and are worthy of your consideration and adaptation are the following:


1. Curiosity Mindset

Albert Einstein famously said, “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” You could argue that curiosity is responsible for all major scientific and technological advances because it’s rooted in the desire to seek the truth and explore the unknown. Having a Curiosity Mindset means always asking insightful questions and not taking things at face value.

I recently spoke with the brilliant writer Tim Urban, creator of the Wait But Why blog and one of the most curious people I’ve met. As Tim puts it, “When you begin with a curious mindset, you’re both more interested in what you’re learning, and you retain more of what you’ve learned.”

Because Google and AI chatbots like ChatGPT give us the power to know nearly anything we’re curious about, what matters today more than raw knowledge is the quality of the questions you ask.


2. Gratitude Mindset

When you’re grateful, you make the shift from expectation to appreciation, and from overwhelm to thankfulness. Having a Gratitude Mindset is especially critical for entrepreneurs and leaders. For example, when you’re grateful, you’re more inspired, optimistic, and even healthier. This helps you attract the best talent and individuals into your orbit and onto your team.

Being grateful even makes you feel physically better, by causing your brain to release dopamine and serotonin: the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions. There’s only upside to gratitude!


3. Abundance Mindset

An Abundance Mindset is one that realizes that every year brings more and more opportunity, and that technology is a force converting what was once scarce into greater and greater abundance. As we discussed earlier in this series, there are two dimensions to this mindset: abundance vs. scarcity and optimism vs. fear.

Nothing is more fundamental to an Abundance Mindset than how you see the world in these two dimensions. Mastering this will bring you greater fulfillment and less stress. It will change how and where you see opportunity.

If you’re an entrepreneur, an Abundance Mindset will inspire the best employees to work for you, while visionary brands, partners, and investors will want to work with you. Just think of the sort of people whose company you enjoy.

Would you rather spend your day with someone who thinks the world is falling apart and sees danger around every corner? Or with someone who believes that the passionate and determined human mind can overcome almost every challenge?


4. Exponential Mindset

Our brains evolved for a linear world: ~200,000 years ago, during early hominid evolution, the rate of change was super slow. Not much changed from generation to generation, or millennium to millennium. As a result, our minds were built for a slow and linear world. But today, we live in an exponential world where technologies from AI and biotech to robotics and VR are doubling every 18 to 24 months, thanks to Moore’s Law.

An Exponential Mindset allows you to understand that 10 doublings yield 1,000x improvement, while 30 doublings yield 1,000,000,000x gains. With an Exponential Mindset, you can grasp that in the next decade (2023 through 2033) we will see as much progress as humanity experienced during the entire past century (1923 – 2023).

This mindset impacts what you study, what career you pursue, where you invest your time and money, and if you’re an entrepreneur, what venture you start.

5. Longevity Mindset

A Longevity Mindset is one in which you believe in the ability of science to extend your healthspan—perhaps by 10 or 20 years.

Further, it is a belief (and an understanding) that during these additional few decades, science isn’t standing still. Instead, health technologies are accelerating exponentially, continuing to make breakthroughs driven by AI, CRISPR, gene therapy, genome reading and editing—all of which are being focused on expanded healthspan and reversing disease.

A person with a Longevity Mindset believes that there is no real “upper-limit” to human aging, that keeping oneself in peak health will enable you to intercept the coming breakthroughs in gene therapies, epigenetic reprogramming, and stem cells.

A Longevity Mindset means becoming the “CEO of your own health” and recognizing that “Life is short, until you extend it.”

6. Moonshot Mindset

Most people and companies are happy with incremental progress. For example, 10% more revenue or salary, or a 10% reduction in costs. The problem is if you’re only aiming for 10% progress, then 10% is likely what you’ll get. So, why are so many people content with just 10%?

Because they’re stuck in a scarcity mindset. On the other hand, the world’s most successful people pursue a 10x improvement—a 1,000% change. That’s the spirit of a Moonshot Mindset: billion-person challenges, objectives that sound crazy until they are achieved and are then considered breakthroughs.

A Moonshot Mindset forces you to ask: What’s the 10x version of my product or company?

7. Purpose-Driven Mindset

Finally, and perhaps most important, is a Purpose-Driven Mindset which is best summed up by this quote: “Find something you would die for and live for it.” Doing something big and bold requires a TON of hard work. And it involves risks, restarts, and setbacks.

Sure, some people are lucky. But most success stories require getting back up one more time, facing your challenge, and starting again—over and over. What many think of as an overnight success, is often a success after 11-years of hard work.

How do you fuel that persistence and choose what to focus on? The answer is your Massive Transformative Purpose, or MTP.

Getting clarity on your MTP (for yourself, your family, or your company) can be one of the most critical first steps you take as a leader and entrepreneur.

So, what’s yours?

Mine is “To inspire and guide entrepreneurs to create a hopeful, compelling and abundant future for humanity.”


Why This Matters

These are the 7 Mindsets that I teach in my private mastermind Abundance360 and many of these are the subject of a future book, but for now I want to focus specifically on what it takes to transform a default mindset of fear and scarcity into one of optimism and abundance.

It’s hard to truly fathom how far humanity has come over the last 50, 100, 500+ years. How extraordinary our lives are today compared to just one or two generations ago.

Today, we worry about our social media likes and followers, whether we should upgrade from an iPhone 14 to 15, and whether the latest diet fad is worth trying out. For many (but not all), the battle for basic survival... for food, water and shelter is only something you occasionally see on TV.

As the author and spiritual leader Sadhguru said to me over dinner years ago: “Technology has finally enabled man to take a vacation from survival.”

Like the proverbial frog placed in a slowly boiling pot of water, we haven’t really noticed that we’re in the midst of a roiling cauldron, that each of us today, powered by the technology at our fingertips, has more power than the kings and queens, robber barons, and presidents of decades past.

So, the question is: What will you do with such extraordinary power? What MTP will you set for yourself, your family, your company?
What inspiring Moonshots will you pursue in order to uplift humanity and help create a more hopeful, compelling, and abundant world? In our next blog in this series, we’ll share details on the three most important things you can do to guard and shape your mindset.


কানাডা যাওয়ার কথা যদি একবারের জন্য ভেবে থাকেন তাহলে নিচের লিখাটি সম্পূর্ণ আপনার পড়া উচিৎ। 

যেহেতু কানাডা তে বর্তমানে ভিজিট  এবং ওয়ার্ক পার্মিট  ভিসা পাওয়া সবচেয়ে সহজ, আমরা আজকে কিছু Secret  আপনাদের সামনে তুলে ধরব!!

কানাডার ভিসা এপ্লাই কোন টাইপিং ওয়ার্ক না এটা একটা স্টোরি  টেলিং। কি কি বিষয় লক্ষ্য রাখা উচিৎ তা নিচে আলোচনা করা হলঃ

ইনভাইটেশন লেটার: আমাদের অনেক এর ধারনা কানাডা থেকে একটা ইনভাইটেশন লেটার  পেলেই  হয়ত আমরা খুব সহজেই ভিসা পেয়ে যাব। ভিসা অফিসার আপনার যোগ্যতা দেখেই আপনাকে ভিসা দিবে।  আমরা মনে করি ব্যাংক এ বেশি টাকা থাকলেই ভিসা পাওয়ার সম্ভবনা বেশি। ভিসার  অফিসার দেখতে চান কানাডা ঘুরে আসার জন্য আপনার পর্যাপ্ত সেভিংস আছে কিনা।

💥কিন্তুু দেশে ফিরে আসার  প্রমানের জন্য উনি আপনার লিকুইড ক্যাশ এর পাশাপাশি এমন কিছু সম্পদ দেখতে চান যা আপনার ফিক্সড  Assest। যেমন আপনার গাড়ি, ফ্ল্যাট, জমি, বাড়ি ইত্যাদি যা কিনা আপনি ইচ্ছা করলেই ফেলে যেতে পারবেন না।

💥পাশাপাশি আপনার স্থায়ী ভালো জব এবং ব্যবসায়িক ইনকাম।  আপনি যত সহজ ও বিশ্বাসযোগ্য ভাবে আপনার   দেশে ফিরে আসার প্রমান  ভিসা অফিসার এর কাছে তুলে ধরতে পারবেন আপনার ভিসা পাওয়ার সম্ভবনা তত বেশি।

ব্যাংক ব্যালেন্সঃ আমরা অনেকে  ধারনা করি যে ব্যাংকে বেশি  পরিমাণ টাকা থাকলে হয়ত ভিসা হয়ে যাবে।

💥কিন্তুু এম্বাসি থেকে কোন নির্দিষ্ট পরিমাণ টাকার কথা উল্লেখ নেই যে এত পরিমাণ টাকা থাকলেই  আপনার ভিসা  Approve  হবে।

💥এইখানে জরুরি বিষয় হচ্ছে আপনি কত দিনের জন্য কানাডা যাচ্ছেন আপনার ফ্যামিলি মেম্বার কত জন। আপনার পাসপোর্ট এর মেয়াদ যত দিন তত দিন এর ভিসা হবে

টুরিস্ট ভিসা তে গিয়ে থেকে যাওয়া যাবে কিনা?

বাংলাদেশ থেকে প্রসেসিং করে স্টুডেন্ট ভিসা অথবা ওয়ার্ক পার্মিট ভিসা পাওয়ার চাইতে টুরিস্ট ভিসা তে গিয়ে স্টুডেন্ট অথবা ওয়ার্ক পার্মিট এ কনভার্ট হওয়া অনেক সহজ।

💥 বাংলাদেশ থেকে প্রসেসিং করার চেয়ে ওখানে গিয়ে কনভার্ট করা তুলনামুলকভাবে বেশ সহজ।

💥যেমন স্টুডেন্ট ভিসা তে কনভার্ট করতে চাইলে IELTS করা থাকতে হবে, একাডেমিক ডকুমেন্টস রেডি রাখতে হবে ইত্যাদি।

💥     LMIA জব এর ক্ষেত্রে একা একা জব পাওয়া বেশ কঠিন। যাওয়ার আগেই আপনাকে সঠিক রিক্রূট্মেন্ট এজেন্সি অথবা ল ফার্ম এর সাথে যোগাযোগ করে যেতে হবে। রিক্রূট্মেন্ট এজেন্সি অথবা ল ফার্ম গুলোর কাছে LMIA approved জব available থাকে।

💥এছাড়াও Child Schooling, Business Investor প্রোগ্রাম, Asylum সহ আরও অনেক প্রক্রিয়া আছে।

Gen Z Canadians: The future of entrepreneurship and innovation

New survey from GoDaddy shows three-quarters of post-secondary-aged Canadians have or plan to start their own business.

SASKATCHEWAN — As Canadians get ready for another back-to-school season, a new survey from GoDaddy highlights attitudes towards career trajectory and the future of work among post-secondary-aged Canadians (ages 18-26, or "Gen Z"). The survey finds that one-in-two Gen Z Canadians (53 per cent) feel that their generation is better equipped to start a business than previous generations, with 63 per cent stating they believe technology makes it easier for them to start a business. Among this tech-savvy entrepreneurial demographic, three in four (77 per cent) respondents either have their own business or plan to start one.

"Canada's youth are tomorrow's innovators and entrepreneurs, and we're inspired by their continued drive and optimism for entrepreneurship," said Young Lee, Canada Market Lead at GoDaddy. "GoDaddy is committed to providing the tools and resources to help make entrepreneurship more accessible than ever, so Canadians can feel confident turning their business ideas into reality." 

For Myriam Provost, owner of Atelier Renouveau by Myriam and GoDaddy customer based in Varennes, Quebec, technology made it possible to bring her dream of an upcycled furniture design business to life. She started painting and restoring furniture in November 2021 and in less than two years, has built her hobby into a thriving small business that applies her passions for design and sustainability.

"Launching my website was a key turning point in my business journey, and as a designer, I needed it to reflect my artistic style – GoDaddy made it easy," said Myriam. "Today I use my website to showcase my latest work, and I plan on adding e-commerce to my website in the future so customers can easily purchase or request custom pieces."

When thinking about future career options, young Canadians say a secure income and work/life balance is significantly more important than autonomy or job security: The top three factors to consider when evaluating future career choices were secure income (49 per cent), work/life balance (38 per cent) and passion (32 per cent). Younger respondents (18-21) were more likely to report that passion is more important than financial security (38 per cent) while older respondents (22-26) saw financial security as more important (67 per cent).

Money doesn't talk - In total, three in four (76 per cent) were willing to take up to a 26% salary cut to do work they were passionate about.

On the future of tech, Canadians are more concerned than any other market about artificial intelligence (AI), even though they are using it at far higher rates: Almost 2 in 3 Canadians are already using AI tools, making their adoption significantly ahead of other English-speaking markets (63 per cent versus 50 per cent; other markets surveyed include Australia, United Kingdom and the United States), but over half (56 per cent) are worried about AI's impact on their future.

When building a career or business, Gen Z Canadians are committed to long-term growth: 68 per cent of Gen Z understand building a business takes time, and that it may take over a year to see success. Almost six-in-10 (58 per cent) are willing to fail and try again, and 50 per cent state they are willing to take short-term financial losses to achieve long-term success.

On barriers to entrepreneurship, lack of financial resources (61 per cent) was reported as the biggest barrier to starting their own business: Lack of confidence or fear of failure was second highest, with young women more likely to report confidence as a barrier than young men (50 per cent of women versus 38 per cent of men). Other factors included lack of skills or expertise (37 per cent), not enough time (26 per cent) and lack of support (22 per cent).

Mental health continues to be top of mind for young Canadians:
In all regions surveyed (Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, and the United States), while there has been some improvement in mental health in 2023, it appears to have only been experienced by men. Women are almost as likely to say their mental health has declined as improved.

To explore how GoDaddy supports everyday entrepreneurs, visit

About GoDaddy
GoDaddy helps millions of entrepreneurs globally start, grow, and scale their businesses. People come to GoDaddy to name their ideas, build a professional website, attract customers, sell their products and services, and accept payments online and in person. GoDaddy's easy-to-use tools help microbusiness owners manage everything in one place and its expert guides are available to assist 24/7. To learn more about the company, visit

About the GoDaddy Survey

Research methodology: Antenna, an independent consumer research agency on behalf of GoDaddy, conducted an online survey of n=4,232 people aged 18-26 across Australia, the UK, Canada and the US. The survey was conducted in July 2023 of 1,069 Canadian Gen Zs (18–26-year-olds) conducted via external research agency Antenna Insights. The Canadian survey data collection was national and respondents were sourced using an accredited online research access panel. Data was weighted for representation against country census data.


Become a recognized Cyber Security expert with in-depth knowledge and skill

In this constantly-evolving digital age, the internet has become an important component of our lives. The field of Cyber security protects us from the dangers of our digital world. Cyber security protects virtual systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks, unauthorized access, and potential damage. 

Like a guardian, cyber security experts protect your sensitive data, be it private or business-related, from cyber threats that lurk within the digital shadows. Let’s delve into the area of cybersecurity and explore the importance of a cybersecurity expert in the current world.

Master the art of cyber security with Simplilearn’s comprehensive training. Our expert-led courses cover a wide range of topics, from Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) to CompTIA Security+. Dive into practical scenarios, hands-on labs, and real-world insights, gaining the skills needed to combat modern digital threats. With Simplilearn’s trusted education, you’ll be equipped to protect systems, networks, and data from cyber attacks. Elevate your career in this high-demand field by choosing Simplilearn for top-notch cyber security training. Prepare to excel in a rapidly evolving landscape with the guidance of industry experts. Your journey to becoming a cyber security expert starts here.

The rising Cyber threat 

While bringing great convenience and possibilities, the internet also introduces risks that must be noticed. Cyber threats are increasing, with hackers and cybercriminals continuously evolving their strategies to exploit vulnerabilities. From ransomware and phishing to information breaches, the list of threats seems endless.

The role of a Cyber Security Expert

Technology has become involved in nearly every aspect of our lives in the latest constantly advancing virtual age. Thus the need for strong cyber security has always been more important. Cyber threats and attacks are getting increasingly advanced, posing tremendous dangers to individuals, businesses, and even worldwide. To protect against these threats, we depend on the knowledge of the cyber security professional, who plays a pivotal role in safeguarding our virtual world.

The cyber safety professional, often a cyber security or records safety specialist, is a skilled expert committed to defending sensitive data, computer structures, and networks from malicious activities. Their primary focus is to perceive vulnerabilities, determine potential risks, and implement effective strategies to mitigate and save you from cyber attacks.

Their position may be similar to that of a virtual guardian, vigilantly tracking the virtual systems to keep cyber threats at bay. This important responsibility entails various responsibilities and obligations, which we will discover in detail.

Become a skilled ethical hacker with Simplilearn’s Certified Ethical Hacker certification. Our comprehensive training equips you with the knowledge to identify vulnerabilities and protect systems from cyber threats. And that’s not all – enhance your cyber security credentials further with our CISSP Certified training. Simplilearn offers expert-led CISSP training to excel in information security, risk management, and governance. Equip yourself with the tools to safeguard valuable data and navigate the complexities of modern cyber security. Choose Simplilearn for a trusted education that empowers you to stand out in this critical field. Start your journey to becoming a Certified Ethical Hacker and a CISSP Certified professional today.

1. Risk assessment and vulnerability analysis

One of the main obligations of a cyber protection expert is to conduct thorough risk assessments and vulnerability analyses of structures and networks. They methodically compare potential weaknesses and loopholes that hackers and cybercriminals should exploit. They can use enhanced techniques to boost and strengthen these virtual defenses by figuring out these vulnerabilities.

2. Implementing protective measures

Upon coming across potential weaknesses, cyber security experts devise and apply strong security features to guard against assaults. They set up numerous equipment, firewalls, intrusion detection structures, encryption techniques, and multi-aspect authentication to create layers of protection for virtual belongings.

3. Monitoring and incident response

In the ever-evolving world of cyber threats, slow tracking is necessary. Cyber security experts monitor network activities, identifying suspicious conduct or unauthorized access attempts. When an incident does arise, they act directly and efficiently, removing the danger, reducing damages, and restoring normalcy.

4. Educating users and raising awareness

Beyond their technical understanding, cyber protection specialists also play a vital position in teaching customers about high-quality security practices. 

They conduct training classes to enhance employee awareness, teaching them to understand phishing attempts, create strong passwords, and adopt safe online behavior. It is said that 92% of the malware is often delivered through mail. So, the part played by cyber security experts is crucial. 

5. Staying updated on emerging threats

The field of cyber security is dynamic, with new threats rising frequently. Cyber safety experts must keep themselves updated with the latest trends, evolving weaknesses, and hacking techniques. Continuous learning and professional development are important to hold effectiveness in their roles.

6. Forensic analysis and investigation

As a result of a cyber attack, cyber security specialists perform unique forensic analyses to understand the scope of the breach and become aware of the attackers. This data is important for strengthening safety features and stopping potential incidents in the future.

6. Get hands-on experience

Internships, part-time jobs, or volunteering opportunities in the cyber security discipline can offer valuable hands-on experience. Working alongside seasoned experts will let you develop your cyber security knowledge in real-life situations and build a network of business contacts.

7. Master the art of problem-solving

Cybersecurity professionals need to be outstanding problem solvers. Cultivate your analytical and critical thinking abilities, as they may help you troubleshoot complex security troubles and devise effective solutions.

8. Build an impressive portfolio

Create a portfolio showcasing your initiatives, achievements, and any cybersecurity-associated contributions. A sturdy portfolio can leave a lasting impact on potential employers and customers.

9. Emphasize communication skills

Being a cyber security professional is more than just a technical field. Effective communication is essential, as you’ll want to provide an explanation for complicated principles to non-technical stakeholders and collaborate with groups from different backgrounds.

10. Ethics and integrity matter

Lastly, remember that a cyber security expert holds an amazing deal of obligation. Upholding ethics and integrity is important, as you will defend sensitive data and virtual property.


Cyber security specialists play an important role in protecting our virtual world with the help of those proactively protecting us against attacks, responding unexpectedly in instances of disaster, and instructing others about secure online practices. As we include virtual technology, investing in cyber security knowledge is not just a choice but necessary to ensure a stable and thriving digital future.


Google Workspace Announces AI-Powered Security

Google announced an expansion of Google AI into their Workspace product, promoting zero trust and digital sovereignty controls. The announcement details steps they are taking to ensure customer data in Google Workspace. What’s novel about their system is that it incorporates AI-powered defenses.

According to Google:

“The sheer scale of modern attacks and the sophistication of motivated adversaries are something that legacy productivity solutions can’t keep pace with.

There is a better way — a cloud-native architecture rooted in zero-trust principles and augmented with AI-powered threat defenses.”

Google offered statistics to prove their Workspace systems are secure. They claimed zero known exploits from vulnerabilities and 41% fewer security incidents than other email systems.

One of the innovations of Workspace is the ability to liberate users from having to depend on VPN, tunneling through secure networks, as a security measure, notably with what Google calls, context-aware access (CAA).

A customer explained how CAA worked to enable more access while simultaneously ensuring total security.

They were quoted:

“Context-Aware Access (CAA) has helped us manage our risks by not making access a binary choice, but allowing for more flexibility in access policies and allowing them to be applied to the right people, applications, and data. Since using CAA, we’ve been able to allow our users to use more of Google Workspace for a broader set of scenarios with more confidence in the safety of that work.”

New capabilities enables greater control over data use and who has access to it. Google AI is used to classify and label Google Drive data to protect it from Leveraging Google AI to automatically and continuously classify and label data in Google Drive to help ensure data is appropriately shared and protected from having the data copied or removed by threat actors.

IT and set permission levels by device location or security status in order to lock down how data is shared. These capabilities are extending to Gmail:

“Extending enhanced DLP controls to Gmail: Already available in Google Chat, Drive, and Chrome to help security teams control sharing sensitive information inside and outside the organization, enhanced DLP controls are coming to Gmail and will be available in preview later this year.”


জিমেইলে যেসব কাজ করলে ব্যবহারকারীর পরিচয় যাচাই করবে গুগল

ব্যবহারকারীদের নিরাপত্তা বাড়াতে নতুন নিরাপত্তাসুবিধা চালু করেছে জিমেইল। ‘ভেরিফাই ইটস ইউ’ নামের এ সুবিধা চালুর ফলে জিমেইল অ্যাকাউন্টের সেটিংস হঠাৎ পরিবর্তন করতে গেলে ব্যবহারকারীদের পরিচয় যাচাই করবে গুগল। বেশ কিছু পদ্ধতি অনুসরণ করে ব্যবহারকারীর পরিচয় নিশ্চিত হওয়ার পরই কেবল সেটিংসগুলো পরিবর্তন করার সুযোগ দেবে প্রতিষ্ঠানটি। এর ফলে পাসওয়ার্ড হ্যাক অথবা ব্যবহারকারীর অজান্তে কোনো ব্যক্তি তাঁর জিমেইল অ্যাকাউন্ট ব্যবহার করলেও সেটিংসে বড় ধরনের কোনো পরিবর্তন করতে পারবেন না।

গুগলের তথ্যমতে, জিমেইল অ্যাকাউন্টে নতুন ফিল্টার চালু, চালু থাকা ফিল্টার সম্পাদনা এবং নতুন ফিল্টার ইমপোর্ট করলে ব্যবহারকারীর পরিচয় যাচাই করা হবে। জিমেইলের সেটিংস থেকে ফরওয়ার্ডিং বা নতুন ফরওয়ার্ডিং ঠিকানা যোগ করলেও পরিচয় যাচাই করবে গুগল।

জানা গেছে, সংবেদনশীল বা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সেটিংস পরিবর্তন করার সময় প্রথমেই ব্যবহারকারীর কাজের ধরন পর্যালোচনা করবে গুগল। এরপর ব্যবহারকারীর পরিচয় নিশ্চিত হতে দুই স্তরের যাচাইকরণ পদ্ধতি অনুসরণ করা হবে। পরিচয় নিশ্চিতে ব্যর্থ হলে জিমেইল অ্যাকাউন্টটি যে ব্যক্তির নামে খোলা হয়েছে, সেই ব্যক্তির ফোনে নিরাপত্তামূলক সতর্কবার্তা পাঠানো হবে। ফলে জিমেইল অ্যাকাউন্টের নিরাপত্তা বর্তমানের তুলনায় আরও শক্তিশালী হবে।


‘Entrepreneurship is the process of creating great ideas and following through on them’

We spoke to David von Rosen-von Hoewel, Founder of 25 Degrees, about Dubai’s property market, advice for entrepreneurs looking to expand their portfolio, and much more.

Before we start, you are the founder of Oceana Market, Lottoland, VONROSEN, and CareerConcept AG, but most notably for this Q+A, you are the co-founder of 25 Degrees. Can you tell us a bit about this company?

25 Degrees is a boutique property development company that I launched with a friend in 2022 and chose to name after Dubai’s latitudinal location. We partner with top architects, interior designers, contractors, and trade specialists to push the boundaries of luxury property development in Dubai.

We’re relatively new on the block, but we’ve already begun developing private homes on Palm Jumeirah, giving them a modern, stylish, and European feel. And we have ambitious plans to scale over the coming months, so I’m very excited about where the future will take us.

What drew you to Dubai’s property market?
I’ve always been drawn to Dubai as a city. It’s a beautiful place, a great location to do business, and, most importantly here, its property scene is world-leading in terms of quality and innovation. It’s one of the major reasons the city attracts so many expats year-on-year, and Dubai’s economy continues to grow at a steady pace. This market seemed like an opportunity I couldn’t pass on, and I’m eager to put my own stamp on it, which is why I co-founded 25 Degrees.

Dubai looks to become a global tech hub, but you’ve said that property prices could prove a hindrance to these plans. Can you explain what you mean by this?

Over the last few years, Dubai has made huge strides to become a global tech leader. The city has already established three tech startups now valued at over $1bn (£782m): Kitopi, Vista Global, and Dubizzle Group. And it has committed significant investment to infrastructure, such as the AI and Web 3.0 centre being built by the Dubai International Financial Centre to attract 500+ AI and Web3 startups by 2028.

But, cool – and important – initiatives aside, we can’t ignore the fact that one of the leading incentives drawing talented entrepreneurs to Dubai has been competitive living costs. Dubai, while expensive, has maintained cheaper living than other more traditional tech hubs such as Silicon Valley, London, and New York. That status could now be at risk as the cost of living rises sharply, driven in large by spiking property prices and rent.

If this goes on for long, many of the top tech talents may be priced out of the market and choose to remain where they are or set up shop in cheaper emerging tech hubs. This would restrict the talent pool available to the most innovative tech businesses in Dubai – the very businesses that will drive the city’s tech success.

You invested more than half a billion AED in Dubai’s tech and property ecosystems through Oceana Market and 25 Degrees, what can you predict from the tech and property scene in Dubai to best benefit the company’s drive to move there?

For me, investing in tech and property within Dubai was a no brainier. The tech and property sectors are what I see as two of the hottest markets in the globe at the moment. Tech is busier and more competitive than ever, and the global property scene is thriving as a result of businesses and people relocating in search of better working and living. Where Dubai becomes the best location to be involved in these sectors is its drive to get stuff done, which for me, remains unrivalled anywhere in the world.

In fact, it doesn’t matter about the sector. Any firm looking to move to Dubai can do so with confidence. The region has proven for many years that it doesn’t hold back with its ambition to innovate and become a leading city. Just look at the tourism sector, which is ranked no.1 globally – the reason it is so successful is because of the investment Dubai has committed to its iconic landmarks, luxury shopping, cultural attractions, entertainment, beaches, resorts, sports, and security to make it a top destination to visit.

For the tech sector specifically, there are already many initiatives that have been put in place and are still being ramped up by the Dubai government to ensure the region is an enticing place for growth. The Future District Fund has committed $1bn (£782m) to start-ups by the end of 2024, the Future Foundation has become a researcher and advocate of applications for the Metaverse, and the Smart City Accelerator is leading Dubai’s IoT, blockchain, and sustainable and smart city program. Dubai is relentless.

There’s no sign of the innovation slowing down – the tech scene is flourishing, and the property scene will continue to produce world-class real estate. Both of these factors will continue to draw in companies from around the world for many years.

You’ve also said that Dubai should be looking to capitalise on the AI race, which is the largest tech battle since Google won search engine dominance, but the only way Dubai can achieve this notoriety is by stabilising commercial property sector prices to encourage businesses to set up shop. How do you advise this to be done, from both the tech side and the property developer side?

The locations that can house AI firms and technologies will cement their reputation as the leading business hubs for years to come. That’s why it’s so important for Dubai that it is a leader in this race, and stabilising property prices must be a part of its strategy.

This might require the government to divert from its traditional and hands-off approach to business and implement targeted policies to slow down the inflation in property prices. Many will assume this is out of the question, but by preventing a property bubble and maintaining an environment capable of attracting many top tech companies, the city will secure its position in the long term. The impetus is certainly there.

On the tech front, I think inevitably AI has a part to play. It should be utilised to speed up the construction and development of real estate and to reduce overhead costs. It could even be used to monitor and analyse market prices to assist in the regulation of the market, should the government choose to go down this route.

You have dabbled in multiple different business ventures including fashion, tech, gambling, and now properties. There’s a saying ‘A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one’. Would you consider yourself a Jack of all trades?

I’d say all of my ventures to date say a lot about my character. I’ve always been a very creative, ambitious, and determined person. I love doing new things, so if something interests me and I think I have something to offer and I can learn something new, I’m going to go for it headfirst.

When I launched VONROSEN, I had no experience in the fashion industry. But we were passionate about disrupting the space by creating high-quality, timeless garments that were free from the heavy branding that tends to dominate luxury clothing.

Then, when I made the move to the tech and gambling sectors with the launch of Lottoland, it was all about transforming the traditional lottery to give people a chance to play in countries where they’d never been able to. To solve this problem, we designed an innovative online platform to bring one secure and diverse lottery to regions all over the world.

Fast-forward to now, with the launch of Oceana Market and 25 Degrees. I saw the opportunity to contribute something new to Dubai’s thriving tech and property markets. So, I took it. I’m confident we’ll see similar success with those companies too.

My business interests aren’t restricted to one area, which has driven me to try my hand in all these different sectors. But there’s a lot I still want to do and many areas I haven’t explored yet – for example, I’ve recently entered into fintech and sustainable energy, and I have many more ideas in the pipeline. So I wouldn’t describe myself as a jack of all trades, not yet at least.

And while some might argue it’s better to stay in one place and perfect your expertise in a particular area, in terms of raw commercial success at least, I would argue that the entrepreneurial process is very similar no matter what sector you’re going into. It’s all about taking that creative idea and turning it into something successful. It’s that process that it’s important to be a master of. And I would rather be a generalist than a specialist who has only tried their hand at one thing.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs looking to expand their portfolios?

First of all, I would encourage all entrepreneurs to get outside their comfort zone and try new things. You never know where you might find success or be able to have a real impact, whether it’s in a new sector or a new region of the world. Always be on the lookout for the next opportunity, and don’t be afraid of failure.

This brings me to my second piece of advice – always follow your gut and don’t be afraid to make difficult decisions. If you fail, you’ll have learned something important. Ultimately, it’s better to try something and fail than to not try it at all – otherwise, you’ve both failed and learned nothing. As long as three out of five decisions go the way you’d planned, then that’s okay.

My last piece of advice is more operational – find the right people. I can’t stress the importance of finding the right people to found a business with enough. The early hires are the most important ones. They’ll help determine the success or failure of the business.

What, to you, makes a good business leader?

Someone who is in tune with the modern world. You’ve got to be aware of all of the shifting markets, technological advances, geopolitical risks, social responsibility considerations, and so much more that could impact your business. Too often, I come across business leaders who think they know the best way to run a business, but the world is always changing, and with it, the best practices.

All the best business leaders are also creative. Entrepreneurship is the process of creating great ideas and following through on them. Of course, you can’t create a successful business if you can’t run a company, but it starts with the idea first.


The one question every entrepreneur should ask: what if…?

What’s the one question every entrepreneur should ask themselves, if they want to disrupt an industry for the better? For me, it’s: What if…?
‘What if entrepreneurs could easily get a small loan to turn their idea into reality?’
‘What if travelling by plane didn’t have to be so dull?’
‘What if gyms didn’t have to be so intimidating?’
‘What if people could travel to space without training their whole lives to become an astronaut?’

Throughout my life, I’ve asked ‘what if?’ to find obvious solutions to established problems, and then built Virgin companies that address these frustrations and gaps in the market.

Over the next few months, I’ll be looking back at the genesis of our Virgin companies, and I’ll share the ‘what if’ question that guided us through each launch. On World Entrepreneurship Day, it seemed fitting to kick off the series with the story behind Virgin StartUp, which celebrates it's 10th anniversary this year.

I started my very first business with £300 my mum gave me after selling a necklace when I was a teenager. Mum had found the necklace on the ground and handed it into the police. After months with no-one claiming it, the police gave it back to Mum, and she sold it to help pay the expenses of a youth magazine I was launching called Student. Without this cash, Student wouldn’t have existed, and Virgin Records may never have followed. This £300 sparked the whole Virgin story.

Throughout my career, I began to wonder why budding entrepreneurs couldn’t get a similar leg-up from loan providers? I asked myself: ‘What if entrepreneurs could easily get a small loan to turn their idea into reality?’ What would that mean for them, and what would it mean for the economy and the future? If university students could access loans, why couldn’t businesses and banks work with the government to do the same for the people who are building the businesses of tomorrow? I knew that Virgin was in a position to help, and so the follow up question was, ‘how?’.

I sent out letters to scores of MPs to explain my idea for start-up loans, and I sat down with David Cameron, who was Prime Minister at the time, to persuade him of the idea. In 2012, the government launched a pilot of the scheme – championed by the late Lord Young – and here at Virgin, we pulled together a diverse group of people from across the industry to work on a new not-for-profit we called Virgin StartUp, to help deliver the new scheme.

Virgin StartUp was launched to provide entrepreneurs with access to early capital, mentorship, advice, and networking opportunities. It doesn’t sound overly ground-breaking now, but start-up funding and support just wasn’t available at the time. We knew that a one-size-fits-all support model wouldn’t work, and we wanted to go beyond just funding to give business founders access to mentorship, networking, events and accelerator programs. This would give them the best possible chance to start, fund and scale the businesses they were passionate about.

When we launched Virgin Atlantic, I turned to Sir Freddie Laker for mentorship, and he gave me invaluable insight into what went wrong with Laker Airways, and gave me plenty of other business advice. This was critical to our success, and I wanted Virgin StartUp applicants to have similar access. Virgin StartUp now has more than 600 mentors in its network, which is one of the largest business mentoring communities in the UK.

As a not-for-profit, budgets were minimal, but we had plenty of imagination and the energy around the idea reminded me of the early days of Virgin Records. We knew that by thinking big, not forgetting the details and maintaining an unrelenting focus on the founders that we support, we could find a winning formula. We also knew that flexibility would be vital. Every application should be treated on its merits and on the founder’s needs.

Fast forward a decade, and Virgin StartUp has evolved into a full-scale entrepreneurship incubator. As a proud Business Support Partner to the British Business Bank, the team has distributed more than £70 million in Start Up Loans to 5,000 founders and will distribute a further £36 million in the next two years. This extends to tens of thousands of hours of business advice, mentoring, countless brilliant ideas and innovations, and a whole new generation of thriving entrepreneurs. It's no wonder 74% of businesses are still trading after 3 years, compared to 54% being the national average.

What makes me even more proud is the work Virgin StartUp is doing to level out the playing field of entrepreneurship. From launching its 50:50 Pledge to fund an equal number of women and men founders (when it became apparent that only one in five UK start-ups had a woman founder), to launching its latest Empower100 programme, a fully-funded accelerator to support 100 under-represented business founders in Greater London before the end of 2024.

Virgin StartUp is also passionate about start-ups that are changing the world for the better. It’s Collective Impact program is an investment readiness program specifically for purpose-driven start-ups that want to have a positive impact on people, places or the planet. Virgin StartUp was also one of the first organizations to sign up to support the Better Business Act - a campaign to change company law that so every business in the UK aligns the interest of its shareholders with those of wider society and the environment. Brilliant.

It’s incredible to look back at Virgin StartUp’s story, and to see how many dreams it has turned into reality… And in true entrepreneurial style, it all started with a ‘what if?’ moment.


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