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Records Management and Document Management are commonly confused. While they share some features, they are two different disciplines. Document management involves tracking and storing electronic files while records management includes document management, but with a stronger focus on archival, retention, and compliance issues.

Document Management Includes:

•   Reducing lost and misfiled documents
•   Providing faster search and retrieval of documents
•   Reducing physical storage space
•   Helping organize existing documents
•   Improving organizational efficiency

Records Management Includes:

•   Requirements of document management
•   Identifying records in an inventory
•   Applying required retention periods to stored items
•   Identifying the owner of each records series
•   Verifying the existence of a chain of custody and a proper audit trail
•   Assisting in e-discovery issues and applying legal holds to records
•   Administering records policies and procedures
•   Managing the disposal of documents
•   Preserving records throughout their life cycle

 An organization receives and processes tremendous amount of information day in and day out but not all of them are records. A record is regularly linked to an organization’s official business and maintained as evidence.

 Accordingly, “records” can be defined as any recorded information or data in any physical format or media created or received by an organization during its course of official business and kept as evidence of polices, decisions, procedures, functions, activities and transactions.

Records are defined as “information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business.”


Records management refers to the whole range of activities which an organization should perform to properly manage its records. The key activities include setting records management policy, assigning responsibilities, establishing and promulgating procedures and guidelines, as well as designing, implementing and administering recordkeeping systems.

In the Government, “records management” includes the planning, directing, organizing, controlling, reviewing, training and other managerial activities involved with respect to the creation, classification and indexing, distribution, handling, use, tracking, storage, retrieval, protection and disposal of records to achieve adequate and proper documentation of government policies, decisions and transactions as well as efficient and cost-effective operation of government bureau and departments.

 All organizations need to identify the regulatory environment that affects their records management. The regulatory environment may comprise such elements as laws and regulations, codes of best practices, code of conduct etc. For instance, the retention period of a particular type of records before they can be destroyed may be governed by a law or a code of practice.


Records management is important because
•   to support an organization to make decisions based on evidence;
•   to meet operational, legal and regulatory requirements;
•   to be transparent and accountable 
•   to enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness; and 
•   to maintain organization or collective memory


Good records management starts with a policy which reflects an organization’s needs.

 The objective of the policy should be the creation and management of authentic, reliable, complete and usable records which are capable of supporting business functions and activities of the organization for as long as they are required.

 Characteristics of a record Authenticity, reliability, integrity and usability are the characteristics of a record.

The purpose of any records management policy, practices, guidelines and procedures is to ensure that records should have these characteristics; as follows –

Authenticity - an authentic record is one that can be proven

(i) to be what it purports to be;
(ii) to have been created or sent by the person purported to have created or sent it; and
 (iii) to have been created or sent at the time purported;

 Reliability - a reliable record is one whose contents can be trusted as a full and accurate representation of the transactions, activities or facts to which they attest and can be depended upon in the course of subsequent transactions or activities;
Integrity - the integrity of a record refers to its being complete and unaltered; and 

Usability - a usable record is one that can be located, retrieved, presented and interpreted. It should be capable of subsequent presentation as directly connected to the business activity or transaction that produced it.

Library of DIU / About Voice Library
« on: March 22, 2018, 03:07:06 PM »
Voice library is a new technology based and innovative service of DIU. DIU library offers many services for its users (Teachers, Students and Administrative), Voice Library is one of them. Voice library helps the users to utilize their free time properly and enjoyably. DIU voice library has many important audio books on different subjects. It is mention-able that DIU authority is always concern about their students, how they will use their valuable time effectively. We live in technology based society and create much good opportunity to learn and share each and other through modern technologies. Sometimes it is noticed that students kill their valuable time like browsing internet, chatting face book, hearing song finding no other options available. On the other hand if students use DIU voice library they will be benefited in many ways. It will help them to improve their listening power, to understand the important topics as well as to gain subject knowledge which is taught by the teachers in the class. Students come from different places by bus, train or launch in that time he / she is able to hear his / her important topics through their smart phones, laptop, desktop  rather than spending the time meaninglessly via log in into DIU voice library. Indeed, we expect from DIU students that they will utilize their valuable time to read, to learn and to share. We are always expecting and trying to improve our voice library service and seeking valuable suggestion from you to develop and up to date its facilities.

Voice library link

Library of DIU / Principles of Quality Assurance
« on: March 15, 2018, 04:59:30 PM »
1. Responsibility: Higher education institution is primarily responsible for quality pledge in education through quality assurance system.
2. Spotlight: Quality assurance system should highlight on safeguarding the interests of the major stakeholders.

3. Contribution: The process of education need to be ensured who are contributed with clearly assigned responsibilities for quality assurance.
4. Purpose: Quality assurance is not only to prove anything but need to be improved.

5. Continuity: Quality assurance is a dynamic and continuous process to achieve goals.

6. Commitment: Commitment is a very essential fact and it is continuous process to improvement.

7. Organized effort: Quality assurance practices need to be initiated and managed under a structured organization.

8. Flexibility: Quality assurance needs to flexible enough to accept from a variety of internal and external constituencies.

9. Transparency:  Quality assurance must be transparent in all aspects of its activities including the academic and financial matters. 

Library of DIU / Techniques of Quality Assurance
« on: March 15, 2018, 04:56:47 PM »
1. Monitoring: It is an essential source of information for programme evaluation to achieve perfect goal.

2 Evaluation: Monitoring and evaluation can help transform educational programmes and measure quality indicators toward educational outcomes, increase stakeholders participation, and empower educational leaders and teachers to build and sustain is unique, evaluators should be prepared to vary their evaluation approach based on the purpose and context.
3. Supervision: Supervision is essentially the practice of monitoring the performance of staff, observing the advantages and disadvantages with the aim of using benifits and good techniques to ameliorate the deficiencies while still improving on the standards and achieve educational goals.

4. Inspection: Inspection involves an assessment of available human and material resources in an institution has met prescribes standards, it is more of an assessment rather than an improvement induced exercise (West-Burham,2004).

5. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC): The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the performance of institutions. The IQAC will make a significant and meaningful contribution in the post-accreditation phase of institutions.   

6. Quality control: Quality control cannot be over-emphasized. It is one of the techniques for establishing quality assurance in the educational system at all levels.

7. Access and equity: The trend of students transiting from the junior secondary school to other levels of education has not been encouraging as it has been falling short of the expectation (Ojedele, 2007).  Implementing quality assurance techniques in education engenders a successful administration in educational institutions.

8. Classroom management: Classroom management is a quality assurance technique used by the institutional heads to achieve quality education. Kruase, Duchesne and Bochner (2013) view a classroom as where teachers create serene environment for students to know how to use the available time and resources, and also cooperate with their class mates to achieve quality teaching.

Library of DIU / Introduced Book Reading Scholarship
« on: June 18, 2017, 04:36:44 PM »
DIU has launched of the Farida Zoha Reading Scholarship Programme held on March 22, 2017.  Professor Dr. Ahmed Shamsul Islam, Department of Botany, University of Dhaka who is the father of Professor Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, Honorable Vice Chancellor of DIU has donated an amount of Tk 5,00,000 ( Taka Five Lacs only) and creating a fund for the purpose of inculcating reading habits among the students of DIU. Farida Zoha was a sister of Dr. Islam and him paying tribute to a loved one with a noble initiative in memory of Farida Zoha for her great contribution in education.   

Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Treasurer, Registrar all Deans and the convener of Book Reading Competition along with distinguished were present in the program.   Book Reading helps readers to develop their creativity and boost up their vocabulary. 

Reading books require readers to read the book in such away so that they remember and understand the subject in details. This will provide them to improve their thinking process. Reading probably is one of the most beneficial and feasible activities that one can do. A through reading one can gain the ability to discover new ideas and concepts about everything. Now a day’s students have lost interest in reading books. So DIU library wants to encourage students’ to concentrate in reading. In doing, so they will improve their deliberation, thinking abilities, and plunge them into their brains. Dr. Md. Milan Khan, Librarian of DIU executed the program.

Library of DIU / Library Ambassador
« on: August 23, 2016, 07:08:53 PM »
Daffodil International University Library is playing an important role for research and developing activities as well as providing quality services among users since 2002. Library resources and services are escalating day by day due to meet the need of information of the users. In the age of information, DIU library has initiative to more exposure library resources and services among the students through the faculty members’ who will be act as Library Ambassador.

Library ambassador program is an initiative designed to advocate for the perspectives of library users and promote library resources and services through faculty members’ involvement. Library Ambassadors are faculty members who are nominated by related head of the department. This is the first initiative of Daffodil International University library in Bangladesh to create the honorary post of Library Ambassador to promote library services and facilities among their students. They will be honored with certificates after one year completion. In this connection, DIU library has organized day long training on “Increasing Awareness and Use of Library Resources and Services” for nominated faculty members at permanent campus. There are sixteen (16) faculty members participated the training program. This training covers: (I) DIU library: Overview (II) Explore Library Website (III) Discover DIU e-Library (IV) A-Z databases (V) Database Search Techniques (VI) Copyright Vs Plagiarism and (VII) OPAC: Overview.

Objectives of the Program

•   to suggest ways to improve the student experience within the DIU Library by participating in monthly meetings and focus groups
•   to publicize and work at library events
•   to promote library resources and  services to students
•   to organize workshop / training by the library with the help library ambassadors
•   to visit the library frequently by the students with the help of library ambassadors
•   to increase and develop search strategy by the users

Library of DIU / Significance of marketing in university libraries
« on: March 14, 2016, 10:25:52 AM »
Libraries are the best candidates for marketing among non-profit service organizations. Here, the important thing is that we can see these benefits from the point of view of users and communicate in the way they can understand. The public image of the library comes through experiences or moments of truth when users really come into contact. All promotion, advertisement, promises will be wasteful if we are unable to transform these experiences into pleasant ones and that too from user's point of view. The deciding factors are our own attitude and our commitment to the community. We who work in the library are the greatest marketing forces in libraries.

Marketing is an integral part of library services, because it has to do with basic principles of librarianship: to develop good collection and user-oriented services. This is the very first aspect of employing effective marketing in any kind of libraries. Many librarians correlate marketing with profit and consider that libraries are not for making profits. Basically because they were not taught marketing at library schools and do not see marketing to have anything to do with running a library.

Marketing helps show a library staff’s expertise, further an organization’s mission, promote productivity by quickly and efficiently finding the right information at the right time, and add value to an organization’s products. Without any promotional effort, some key individuals may not be supporters or even users of the Information Centre. Libraries therefore, will look impressive and the librarians will emerge as activists fostering proactive services to the users. Every service activity must be performed with a conscious mind to meet users’ needs exceptionally.

Library of DIU / HRM challenges in university libraries perspective
« on: March 03, 2016, 03:22:51 PM »
 HRM is developed largely in and for corporate settings; the principles and practices have      import for non-corporate organizations such public libraries, academic libraries within government agencies, and many special libraries. The application of ICT in universities have dramatically changed the environment and facing different challenges to promote library activities as well as provide services to its users. The challenges include skills shortages, talent management, shifting demographics, improving work / life balance, technological development, recruitment and retentive, changed employee expectations, motivational approach, and managing diversity.  However, the library is still expected to change along with the parent organization and respond effectively to whatever HRM policies are executed in order to develop library working environment. Through collaboration with other functions of the organization, library HR can increase its understanding of qualifications and skill sets to ensure that qualified employees are capable of executing their functions.

Library of DIU / Significance of Web 2.0 Technologies in Libraries
« on: February 25, 2016, 01:14:29 PM »
]Library  users  are  becoming  more  dependent  on  web  resources  owing  to  its ease of use and anywhere or anytime accessibility. This is mainly due to the way   the   Information   and   Communication   Technology   (ICT)   tools   and services  have  influenced  the  library  services.  When  a  user  is  in  need  of information, the first thing that comes to mind is the web. Earlier  academic  libraries  were  ‘place -based’  service  providing  institutions and  users  visited  the  library  to  consult  the  catalogue  and  use  the  physical collection of books, journals, CDs, etc. With the rapid changes in the field of information  and  communication  technologies  (ICT),  library  and  information centers have been completely transformed. Web 2.0 tools have overcome the barriers  to  communication  and  the  distance  between  the  libraries  and  users.

The  application  of Web 2.0 tools can easily help libraries to survive and flourish in the Internet age.  Web  2.0  technologies  have  also  significance  in  the  following  aspects.

a. Powerful: Web   2.0   technologies   can   be   a   powerful   allure   for   an organization;  their  interactivity  promises  to  bring  more  employees  into daily  contact  to  lower   cost.  When   used  effectively,  they   also  may encourage participation in projects and idea sharing.

b. Reduced  Cost:  Using  web  2.0  technologies,  most  often  report  greater ability to share ideas, improved access to knowledge experts and reduced costs of communications, travel and operations.

c. Satisfaction: The ability to forge closer ties has increased user awareness and   consideration   of   user   activities,   resulting   in   improved   user satisfaction.

d. Easy  Retrieval:  The  users  find  retrieving  information  from  the  Internet easier  than  visiting  a  library.  The  overwhelming  success  of  Internet services  indicates  that  libraries  have  to  evolve  and  change  to  meet  the needs of modern users.

e. Environment :  Web  2.0  is  providing  engines  of  change  for  academic library environment. These tools help library professionals organize their materials, enhance services for users and improve internal functions.

Library of DIU / Importance of Public Relations in Academic Libraries
« on: February 24, 2016, 04:26:38 PM »
The prime aim of any academic library is to satisfy its users by providing materials to meet their educational, research, information and recreational needs. The library cannot achieve these aims without ‘good will’ and co-operation of its public. Thus, the library needs public relations in its effort to achieve its aims.

The importance of public relations in academic libraries are as follows:

1.Public relations influences and create confidence for library services in the public in various ways, such as making the public aware of the services and policies of the library. Develop knowledge and understanding of a new reorganization or new initiative introduced by the library.

2.Public relations helps in opening up the world of books and knowledge better and more completely than would otherwise be possible by bringing together clientele, collections and services. It helps to make better contact between the library staff and the public, so that what is known can be enlarged upon and used more fully.

3. Public relations bring about co-operation among professional colleagues creating a sense of oneness thereby improving relationship. This relationship can lead to mutual collaboration wherein one library receives and extends help from and to another library.

4.Public relations helps to make better contact between the librarians and the public, this give the librarian opportunity to create a good image of the library which can lead to an increase in the utilization of library services and resources.

5. In academic institution, there is a tendency for people especially students to be stuck in grooves and become dull and lazy about the academic work. A public relations that is well conceived and carried out can help correct such negative tendencies and become a means for energizing people to creating better harmony.

6. Public relations help to keep tab on the external environment so as to gather outside opinions/comments and pass on this information to the library management for possible consideration.

7. Public relations in an academic library will help to keep the various publics informed about policy, functions and services of the library as well increase the staff knowledge and understanding.

8. Good public relations will help librarians get more support from their parent organizations and the public in terms of personnel, budgets and equipment. It is believed that improving librarians living and working conditions depends to a great extent on librarians themselves persuading, explaining and bargaining.

9. Quite a number of new students do not know what a library is, what services it provides, or what benefits they can gain from it, public relations will help to publicize and market the functions and services of the library.

10. In Bangladesh, most academic library’s social image is not very good. Public relations as the art of portraying an image should change what people formerly thought of the library by improving our services and communicating with readers, in order to enlarge the library’s influence within society.

« on: February 24, 2016, 04:05:03 PM »

Change management is the only feasible solution to overcome all the difficulties and problems created in ever changing environment for the overall development and progress. Change management has remained with the corporate world for a long time; it will remain so for so much longer. It is obvious that change management conceived and conducted outside of the employee is bound to fail. Leadership during change management period also has to be persuasive just as much as it should be focused.

It must be driven by a clear definition of employees’ commitment to new goals in terms that everyone could understand and act on. Without such leadership, employees will remain skeptical of the vision for change and distrustful of management, and management will likewise be frustrated and stymied by employees’ resistance.

Difference changes in the following:
1. Change in Marketing
2. Change in Technology
3. Change in Quality
4. Change in Cost
5. Change in Strategies
6. Change in Structural
7. Change in HRM
8. Change in Leadership

Library of DIU / Marketing Plan in University Libraries
« on: February 24, 2016, 03:55:31 PM »
A good marketing plan begins with a mission statement that defines the objectives of the library or the information center, which includes an identification of the target market segments. Realistic and measurable targets set should be subjected to ongoing evaluation process as part of the marketing plan, and used to adjust or revise the marketing activities.

For a library that recognizes marketing plan and has this orientation in its services will be the closest to its users. Marketing plan must be understood and implemented in a comprehensive way. No one plan will serve the purpose. Customers / users are at the heart of the library or all marketing plan. Marketing plan needs to be developed and implemented with ongoing enhancement of the services and products.

Marketing plan of the library is a set of practical techniques and proven processes which can be applied to all aspects of service planning, service delivery and service evaluation. Effective service planning begins with market research, analysis of needs and preferences of the user community. Effective service delivery requires market awareness, a carefully planned strategy of promotional activity.

Library of DIU / HR benefits in University Libraries
« on: February 24, 2016, 03:50:58 PM »
i.   To help in hiring and training the workforce

Manpower planning is one of the most important responsibilities of the HR department. HR managers devise hiring strategies for bringing in the right kind of people in their organization. They prepare their job description which is best suited for the role in the company. After hiring they also plan for the employee’s induction with a well laid out training and development plans for them.

ii.    To take care of the performance management system (PMS) for a team

HR is responsible for keeping people feel motivated for their work. At first come the tasks of defining an individual’s role. Thereby an effective feedback mechanism from time to time helps the employees to improve their skills. This helps in alignment of the organizational objectives with their own personal goals. An effective PMS helps in recognition and rewarding people's performance.

iii.   To build culture and values in the libraries

Performance of an individual is dependent on the work atmosphere or culture that prevails in an organization. Creating a good conducive working environment is expected from the HR department. A safe and clean work culture helps in bringing the best of an employee and creates a higher job satisfaction.

iv.   To create an important responsibility of HR in libraries

There can be many occasions where there is a disagreement between the employee and the employer. It cannot avoid conflicts from happening; but try to positively manage them for developing good relationship. Here comes the role of the human resource department in acting as a counselor and a mediator to sort the issues in an effective manner. The HR takes timely action so that thing does not go out of hands.

v.   To develop good relations between users and staffs

Establishing cordial relations lies with the HR to a great extent. They are responsible for holding meetings, seminars and all official gatherings on behalf of the management. Apart from core HR role, if required, the department also lends a helping hand in drafting policy and marketing plans for the company / library.

So it observes very well to see that a proper HR department is more essential part to help in building and managing an organization. Hence, companies / organizations are attributing a greater emphasis on setting up strong and effective Human Resource Department.

Library of DIU / Pillars of TQM in Libraries
« on: February 24, 2016, 03:45:31 PM »
The five pillars are:
1.   Product (Service)
2.   Process (Library materials process)
3.   Organization (University libraries)
4.   Leadership (Lead by the librarians)
5.   Commitment ( Provide proper services)

As an explanation of the five pillars, the product (service) is the focal point for organization purpose and achievement. Quality in the product (service) is impossible without quality in the process. The right organization is meaningless without the proper leadership. Strong, bottom-up commitment is the support for all the rest. Each pillar depends upon the other four, and if one is weak all are weak.

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