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Messages - farahsharmin

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Thanks for your post

A good one!

Nice post.

Life Style / Premature Gray Hair – Causes and Solutions
« on: July 18, 2017, 12:34:01 PM »
As we age and grow older, we all expect that certain changes occur in our bodies and outward appearance. One of these changes is that, sooner or later, most of us will experience is gray hair. While it is usual for people in their senior years to have gray hair, many women, and some men, find it worrying to discover premature gray hairs appearing.

In fact, some men and women experience this in their late 20s. Scientists generally agree that after we reach our 30s the chances of gray hair appearing increase about 10-20% every 10 years.

So, what causes hair to turn gray prematurely? If you have premature gray hair, is there anything that you can do to ‘cure’ it?

Why Hair Turns Gray?

Our hair is made up of a protein called keratin and the reason our hair has color is thanks to a pigment called melanin. There are two basic types of melanin – dark and light, and they blend together to give our hair its color.

Sometimes we notice that during adolescence years and into our early 20s our hair changes color, usually darker. This is because the body starts producing different amounts of melanin.

So, as long as the body continues to produce enough melanin, we keep our hair color. However, as we age the production of melanin slows down until the hair turns gray then white.

So, the big question is, why does the body stop producing enough melanin? Scientists now think they have found the answer.

Gray Hair Linked to a Gene

For years, scientists have been trying to find why our hair turns gray and now they have found a gene which is linked to gray hair.

A study published in Nature Communications was able, for the first time, to pinpoint a gene which is responsible for gray hair1. The research investigated around 6,000 people from Latin America who had mixed ancestry. It was found that the gene in question is connected to blonde hair in Europe.

Professor Kaustubh Adhikari, who led the study, said that the gene they identified regulates and produces melanin and that melanin production in the body is determined by genetics2.

The study concluded that this gene was the reason for about 30% of participants developing gray hair. The other 70% was due to other factors.

Gray Hair Linked to Age

Research has also shown that there is a definite connection to age and gray hair.

Dr. Desmond Tobin, a professor of cell biology who also took part in the research that discovered the gene link to gray hair, published his own research on how age affects the pigmentation of hair. As we get older age and genetics regulate the decline in pigmentation of each hair follicle. He called this a “melanogentic clock”3.

Now that scientists have established the reasons behind gray hair, it will be possible to conduct further research on solutions to both gray hair in seniors and premature gray hair.

Dr. Tobin concluded that “the future looks bright and colorful for hair pigmentation research.”

Other Factors that Cause Premature Gray Hair

The study into the gray hair gene link showed that it caused gray hair in only about one-third of participants. What are the other factors that cause gray hair to appear? This is what research has shown:
Family history

Genetics play a role in gray hair. This means that if there is a family history of premature gray hair, then it is most likely that this will be passed on. Dr. Desmond Tobin, mentioned earlier, discovered this in his research about age and hair pigmentation. He stated that: “entire extended families can experience marked early graying or conversely unusually late graying3.”


There is a proven link between smoking and premature gray hair. The British Medical Journal carried out research into this link because smokers tend to have facial changes similar to those seen in premature aging, including gray hair. According to the observational study the researchers carried out, they were able to establish a link between smoking and gray hair in both men and women4.

Other research into the effects that smoking has on premature gray hair backs up these claims.

Oxidative Stress

There is more than just anecdotal evidence that oxidative stress and premature gray hair is linked. Oxidative stress happens when there are more free radicals than antioxidants at work in the body.

According to research published by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (the FASEB), oxidative stress is related to premature graying. Those people in the study with premature graying showed signs of lower antioxidant levels brought on by factors like poor diet and high levels of stress6.

Here are a few ideas on how to prevent oxidative stress:

-Consume food that contains high levels of antioxidants.
-Use meditation techniques to reduce stress.
-Consume vitamin E which was shown to reduce oxidative stress and improve hair growth.

Nutritional deficiencies

Vitamins and minerals are responsible for healthy hair, and deficiency of these vitamins and minerals affects hair color and can also cause hair loss.

Research has shown that premature graying of hair has been connected to a vitamin B12 deficiency, as well as low levels of iron, calcium and vitamin D3.

There is also a reported case where a person, who had gray hair, was treated for vitamin B12 deficiency. During the treatment his skin and hair pigmentation returned to normal8.

Other deficiencies that have been linked to gray hair include vitamin C and E as well as low levels of zinc and copper.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is known as a bleaching agent for hair and has many other uses. However, our hair also naturally produces hydrogen peroxide. A study carried out by the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom showed that oxidative stress causes more hydrogen peroxide to build up in the hair follicles which bleaches the hair color9.

It seems from the various studies that have been carried out that a combination of factors can affect when and how fast a person develops gray hair.

Medical/Health conditions

Obesity – A study published on 2015 found a link between obesity and premature gray hair.

Thyroid gland – Problems with your pituitary or thyroid gland can cause premature graying. 13

Vitiligo – Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition in which the melanocytes (the cells that make pigment) are destroyed, and the result is patches of white hair and skin.

Cures for Premature Gray Hair

Now that scientists have been able to find out more about the reasons why hair turns gray and what causes premature graying of hair, it is possible to look for solutions to the problem.

Researchers at New York University Langone Medical Center were able to isolate a protein called the Wnt protein. Among many of the functions of the Wnt protein is hair follicle development. The researchers blocked the Wnt protein in black mice. The result was that they eventually turned gray10.

It is thought that in time, this Wnt protein could be added to hair care products to keep pigmentation in our hair follicles for longer.

In another development in looking to “cure” premature gray hair, the FASEB Journal published findings that the hydrogen peroxide in hair follicles can be reversed using a compound called PC-KUS.  The compound is applied topically to hair and it blocks hydrogen peroxide from accumulating in the hair follicle. Results show that this can retain hair color and even in some cases restore the original hair color11.

Of course, for many people, having gray hair is not a problem. And, the latest fashion trends have seen more and more people embracing gray as a fashion statement.

If, however, you are looking for a solution to premature gray hair, hope is on the horizon. For the meanwhile, here are natural supplements that are believed to assist in treating premature gray hair.

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Health Tips / 12 Reasons You Should Eat More Turmeric
« on: July 03, 2017, 10:03:05 AM »
Turmeric is anti-aging, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory super spice. Turmeric is a member of the ginger family. Known as “The Queen of Spices”, it can be found in many Indian dishes for its wonderful earthy flavor and golden color. It has been around for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat a wide variety of health problems, going from pain control to fighting cancer.

Curcumin, the magical substance, which gives turmeric its golden color and its many health benefits, has been well-studied over the past decades. It works as a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

But that’s not all… turmeric is jam packed with healthy nutrients such as fibers, calcium, vitamins and minerals. It is non-toxic, even in high doses, and doesn’t usually cause any side-effects. However some people may experience an upset stomach, nausea or dizziness. If this is the case, turmeric must be used in moderation to reap its benefits.

How to Increase Turmeric Absorption

You also need to remember that while turmeric is a powerful and effective compound for treating a wide range of diseases, studies have revealed that turmeric has low absorption and rapid metabolism that lead to relatively low bioavailability in the body. To increase its bioavailability in your body read this article for more information.

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Turmeric In A Nutshell

•    Cancer prevention: turmeric fights free radicals and helps to maintain healthy cells. It is believed that curcumin blocks the enzymes that promote the growth of cancer cells. Turmeric is one of the top 14 foods that protects against cancer development.

•    Alzheimer’s prevention: turmeric improves the overall brain health and may prevent or slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain. These are types of proteins that play a role in various neuro-degenerative disorders. And indeed turmeric is one of the top 5 foods and supplements to delay Alzheimer’s  disease and dementia.
•    Diabetes control: turmeric improves blood sugar levels and reduces insulin resistance to prevent diabetes type II. However, when combined with strong medicines it may cause a low blood sugar level. See here another 6 best foods to control diabetes.
•    Natural painkiller and prevents arthritis: due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties it helps with stiff or creaky joints and arthritis. It is one of the natural remedies that are covered in the article about natural remedies for arthritis, and is also one of the foods that help to reduce inflammation in your body.

•    Wounds healer: a paste made from turmeric can quickly heal minor cuts, burns or bruises due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It helps to repair your skin and may even be used to treat psoriasis or other inflammatory skin conditions.

•    Improves digestion: stimulates the gallbladder, reduces bloating and gas and may be helpful to treat bowel inflammation. However when suffering from a gallbladder disease, turmeric should not be taken as a dietary supplement, as it may worsen the condition.

•    Liver detox: turmeric works as a natural liver cleanser and improves blood circulation.

•    Weight control: turmeric increases the bile flow, which is important to break down fat.

•    Promotes healthy skin: prevents skin pigmentation, tone the skin and when frequently used in your skin care products it can give your face the perfect glow. Turmeric is one of the top 10 foods to get the best skin ever.

 Heart health: turmeric reduces the bad cholesterol, prevents blood clots and plaque build-up in arteries.

•    Boost Immune system: Its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties help to strengthen your immune system. Turmeric is wonderful to soothe a sore throat or fight a cold or flu.

•    Mood improver: turmeric has been used in alternative medicine to treat depressions and provides a better night’s rest.

Adding more turmeric to your daily diet is one of the best things you could do to improve your overall health. So if you love turmeric and are interested in herbal remedies, you can find more useful information about turmeric and other herbs in the e-book Herbal Remedies Guide. This guide will teach you how to treat common ailments using herbs.

I’ve been adding turmeric to many of my dishes to give it that nice saffron-like color and wonderful flavor. It works well in curries, stir fried dishes, smoothies, salads or dressings. The optimal dose for daily consumption is between ¼ and ½ teaspoon.

Although I’m not a huge fan of taking supplements, turmeric can be found in pill form at most health food stores if you don’t like the taste. However, like mentioned before, people with gallstones or bile obstruction should not take those supplements as they are very concentrated and too powerful. The same can be said for pregnant women.

Only recently I’ve discovered an ancient yogic remedy, called “Golden Milk”, traditionally used to cure diarrhea, fever, bronchitis, colds and non-specific viral infections, headaches, parasitic worms, leprosy, bladder and kidney infections, and to reverse joint and muscle pain due to inflammation or arthritis.

Golden Milk – The Recipe

Ingredients (for 1 serving)
•    1 cup milk of your choice (I use homemade almond milk) – see here healthy and easy homemade milk substitute recipes
•    ½ tsp. ground turmeric
•    ¼ tsp. freshly ground black pepper
•    1 tsp. raw honey (or to taste)
•    ½ tsp. pure extra virgin coconut oil (leave this out when you use coconut milk)
•    Optional: 1 crushed green cardamom pod (or ⅛ tsp. ground cardamom)
•    Optional: 1 small cinnamon stick (or ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon)

The pepper and oil will help your body to absorb the curcumin. Studies show that in combination with pepper, turmeric may be absorbed 1000 times better. Honey on the other hand has a great anti-viral and antibacterial properties, and I’ve added cardamom and cinnamon for extra flavor.


Heat the milk. Add the cardamom and cinnamon if you’re adding these. Add the turmeric, pepper, honey and coconut oil while stirring constantly. Heat the mixture until steaming but not boiling. Strain the cinnamon and cardamom and serve. Note that not all ingredients are soluble, so stir occasionally while drinking to avoid a strong turmeric flavor at the last sip.



Health Tips / Pineapple’s Amazing Health Benefits
« on: June 12, 2017, 01:36:57 PM »
Pineapple is one of my favorite fruits, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. And indeed pineapples became one of the of the most popular tropical fruits in the world. Actually, they are second only to bananas as America’s favorite tropical fruit. They are delicious, juicy and balance the tastes of sweet and tart.

A short history

Pineapple (Ananas comosus) belongs to the Bromeliaceae family, from which one of its most important compounds, the enzyme bromelain, was named. The plant was indigenous to South America and was first discovered by Columbus in 1493 on the Caribbean island Guadalupe. He brought it back with him to Europe and there were attempts to grow this fruit in Europe, but since this fruit needs tropical climate, it didn’t flourish in this region.

By the end of the 16th century, Portuguese and Spanish explorers introduced pineapples into many of their colonies in Asia, Africa and the South Pacific, where the pineapple is still being grown today. Because of its rarity and high price in those times, it was considered as a status item. In the 18th century, pineapples began to be cultivated in Hawaii. Other countries that commercially grow pineapples include Thailand, the Philippines, China, Brazil and Mexico.

The Health Benefits of Pineapple

Here we are going to look at some of the pineapple’s main health benefits and how to use pineapple as a medicine:

Reduces inflammation

The enzyme bromelain, which is extracted from pineapple, is used to treat a number of conditions, but is particularly effective in reducing inflammation from infection and injuries. Bromelain also decreases osteoarthritic pain, so is relevant to you if you suffer from arthritis, gout, joint pain and chronic inflammation. Bromelain is also used for reducing swelling (inflammation), especially of the nose and sinuses. Bromelain also contains chemicals that interfere with the growth of tumor cells and slow blood clotting.

Further reading: also read my article about these foods to reduce inflammation in your body.

Improves immune system

Pineapples are packed with Vitamin C. High concentration of vitamin C is known to boost immune system and acts as an antioxidant. It also provides a boost to your immune system by helping to shorten the duration of colds.

Pineapples are also loaded with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, manganese, copper, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, dietary fiber, folate calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pineapples are also known for their ability to build and maintain strong bones due to the content of the trace mineral manganese, which your body needs to build bones and connective tissues.

The enzyme bromelain, also aids digestion by breaking down proteins. This is why pineapple juice is often used in marinades, as the bromelain helps to tenderize the meat. The added benefit of marinating meat in pineapple juice is that the protein will reduce the inevitable spike in blood sugar levels from the pineapple’s sugar content. Find here how to make this delicious digestive detox smoothie which one of it’s ingredients is pineapple. To learn more about the concept of detox and how to use detox to cleanse and energize your body, you can find useful information in my e-book the The Detox Guide. The whole process helps to increase stamina and energy and improves the digestive process.

Protection against macular degeneration

This disease is the most common cause of vision loss for older adults and is caused by damage to the retina. Including pineapple in your diet can lower the risk of this disease because pineapples contain beta-carotene, which is important for healthy eyes. We’ve all heard that carrots are great for keeping our eyes strong and healthy, but actually research has proven that fruits are better for keeping your eyesight as adults. Find here more information about how to prevent eyesight problems and improve vision naturally.

Aids in weight management

Pineapple is a nutrient-dense food, which means that it provides a lot of nutritional benefit for a small amount of calories (one cup of cubed pineapple contains about 80 calories). Nutrient-dense foods can help with weight management as they help you feel full without adding too many calories, and provide you with fiber and a number of essential vitamins and minerals.

Few things to consider

1. Pineapples have high sugar content. It’s best to consume sugar-rich foods such as this for a quick boost of energy during exercise or to combine them after eating proteins or healthy fats that will reduce the sugar level spike in the blood. Pineapples also have a medium glycemic index so be aware of it if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic.

2. The common pineapple fruit may not contain enough doses of bromelain to act as medicine for certain conditions. Consult your physician before changing your diet or taking any bromelain supplements. This is because supplements may have side effects or interact with medications, so you should take them only under the supervision of your doctor. Bromelain is available in tablet or capsule form for use by mouth.

Tips for selecting and storing pineapples

1. Look for pineapples that are heavy for their size and have dark green leaves, and eat them within 2-3 days for best results.

2. Choose Pineapples that don’t have soft spots, wrinkled skin and bruises which may indicate that the pineapple is past its prime.

3. For the most antioxidants, choose fully ripened pineapple (pineapple stops ripening as soon as it is picked). A sweet scent is generally considered the most important aspect of choosing a ripe pineapple.

4. A whole pineapple can be left at room temperature for one or two days before serving. After two days, if you are still not ready to eat it, you should store it in the refrigerator where it will keep longer (a whole pineapple can last up to 2 weeks, and a cut pineapple will last for up to one week).

5. Once you cut the pineapple, you should store it in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

6. Although pineapple can be frozen for up to 6 months, this process greatly affects its flavor.

Thanks :)

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Summer is here in full swing and it's mango season again! Mangoees aren't dubbed the 'King of fruits' for nothing. Apart from the fact that it is one of the yummiest fruits to feast on in this hot season, it is also loaded with vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants, all of which are good for the skin. Mangoes are high in fibre but low in calories and sodium. It is also rich in vitamin A and has good amounts of vitamins B and C as well as Potassium, Calcium and Iron.
Take a look at 8 benefits that mangoes have, apart from being just an enjoyable fruit...
1. Fights acne
 Beta carotenes in mangoes convert to vitamin A and has a dramatic effect on acne.

2. Fairer skin
Beta carotenes in mangoes have a strong anti aging effect. In addition,the vitamin C in mangoes helps lay down collagen. Mangoes are a great way to reduce dark spots, acne scars and pigmentation.

3. Exfoliation
Mango pulp when applied on the skin along with glycerine or honey, helps in exfoliation of dead skin layers and hence helps achieve  smooth supple glowing skin.

4. Skin PeelingWe are all aware of chemical peels and the benefits on the skin. Raw mango pulp is high in AHA ( alpha hydroxyl acid) and Vitamin C , both of which are excellent skin peeling agents. Vitamin A is the greatest vitamin friend to a good skin and its deficiency can cause dull skin, open pores as well as eruptions on the arms, elbows and knees ( keratosis pilaris).

5. Fights cancer
 Due to its richness in anti oxidants, mangoes are known to prevent breast cancer, prostrate cancer, colon cancer and even blood cancer.

6. Fights obesity
Most people believe that mangoes are very fattening. However, the lesser known fact is that high content of fibre and also vitamin C, helps break down lipoproteins in body, increases metabolic rate and helps regularize bowel movements. Hence it also prevents the chances of diabetes and strokes.

7. Hair benefits
The seed of the mango when kept in oil ( any) for few days, helps fight hair loss and grey hair. When mixed with fenugreek and yogurt, it is an excellent home remedy for dandruff.

8. Happy hormone
Mangoes contain a lot of tryptophan which helps in the formation of the "happiness-hormone" - serotonin. It is thus called a happy fruit!

Do you have a favourite fruit that does more than just tease your tastebuds?


So Enjoy Mangoes!!!!!

Everyone wants to lose weight. The chubby lot, the slim lot (*eye roll*) and everyone in between. However, while it's easy to get a gym membership or join a yoga class, it's always a task when it comes to figuring out what diet plan to follow. We browse the web and get into the lengths and depths of complicated meal plans that we're unable to keep up with, because the foods required are not easily available and even if they are, they're sometimes not so budget friendly.

So, for everyone who is looking for foods that can be easily found and won't pinch your pockets, we've got just the right guide. Here are 10 foods that are low on calories, high on nutrition value and absolutely great for weight loss.  All you have to do now, is make sure your daily meals contain these foods and you are sure to notice a change in the way you feel and ofcourse, the number on the weighing scale!

1. Cabbage
Cabbage is rich in minerals and vitamins that help wash away the toxins, resulting in a detox of your body.

2. Strawberries
Strawberries are filled with natural sugars and super low on calories. They will reduce your sugar cravings quite a bit. Everytime you feel like eating something sweet, eat some strawberries instead.
 3. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains antioxidants known as flavonoids, which promote good heart health. As a bonus, an ounce of 70-85 percent cacao dark chocolate has 3 grams of fiber and 64 grams of magnesium, which supports nerve and muscle function, immune health, and bone strength.

4. Salmon
Oily fish like salmon is incredibly healthy. It is also very satisfying, keeping you full for many hours with relatively few calories. Salmon is loaded with high quality protein, healthy fats and also contains all sorts of important nutrients. Fish, and seafood in general, supplies a significant amount of iodine. This nutrient is necessary for proper function of the thyroid, which is important to keep the metabolism running optimally.

5. Broccoli
Broccoli is high in fiber and incredibly fulfilling. It also contains a decent amounts of protein. Though it's not as high in protein as animal foods or legumes, they’re high compared to most vegetables. A combination of protein, fiber and low energy density makes this cruciferous vegetable the perfect food to include in your meals if you need to lose weight.

6. Tuna
Tuna is a low-calorie, high protein food. It is popular among bodybuilders and fitness models who are on a cut, because it’s a great way to keep protein high, with total calories and fat low. If you’re trying to emphasize protein intake, then make sure to choose tuna canned in water, not oil.

7. Yoghurt
Another excellent dairy food is yoghurt. Yoghurt contains probiotic bacteria that can improve the function of your gut. Having a healthy gut may potentially help protect against inflammation and leptin resistance, which is the main hormonal driver of obesity.

8. Chia seeds
Chia seeds are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. They contain about 12 grams of carbohydrate per ounce, which is pretty high, but 90 percent of those grams are fiber. This makes chia seeds a low-carb friendly food, and one of the best sources of fiber in the world.
9. Avocados
Whereas most fruit is high in carbs, avocados are loaded with healthy fats. They are particularly high in monounsaturated oleic acid, the same type of fat found in olive oil. Despite being mostly fat, they also contain a lot of water, so they aren’t as energy dense as you may think. Avocados are perfect as additions to salad, because studies show that the fats in them can increase the nutrient uptake from the vegetables, considerably. They also contain many important nutrients, including fiber and potassium.

10. Spinach
This dark, leafy green is chock-full of so many beneficial nutrients, like iron, potassium (a helpful bloat-buster), fiber, and even protein. It is excellent for weight loss and is a versatile veggie that can be cooked in many different ways.

Enjoy :)

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Bones / Arthritis and Vitamin D- The connection
« on: April 20, 2017, 02:58:00 PM »
Millions of people suffer from the painful and debilitating effects of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The cause of RA is not yet fully understood, however recent studies have shown that rheumatoid arthritis sufferers routinely have lower levels of vitamin D in their bodies than normal people and their level of vitamin D is strongly correlated with arthritic activity.

The Two Most Common Types of Arthritis

There are actually over 100 different types of arthritis that have been identified, but these are the two most commonly found types:


This type of arthritis is most commonly associated with aging and it’s characterized by chronic inflammation of the joints.

It is thought to be a bi-product of the overuse of joints at some period in a person’s life; it commonly occurs in athletes and workers who have jobs that require a lot of repetitive movement of the load bearing joints (such as the spine, elbows, knees, and hips).

Rheumatoid arthritis

This is the most common type of arthritis that causes inflammation and it predominantly affects the joints in the body.

It is classified as an autoimmune disease and researchers are just beginning to understand it. Chronic inflammation of the joints over time can lead to severe pain, severe joint damage and even deformities. Of the people that are affected by rheumatoid arthritis, almost 75% are women.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important for a good overall health and plays an important role in making sure our muscles, heart, lungs and brain function well. Our body can make its own vitamin D from sunlight.

Vitamin D deficiency is more common than you may think. In fact, it is so common that The American Journal of Clinical NutritionIt called it a world wide problem which is recognized as a pandemic. I’ve already mentioned the importance of vitamin D and how it can cause 12 common diseases as well as dementia.

People who have higher levels of Vitamin D in their bodies have been found to have lower incidences of heart disease, depression, obesity and certain forms of cancers.

Vitamin D and Rheumatoid Arthritis (The Research)

Study #1

A study published in the journal Rheumatology has found that vitamin D levels are significantly associated with disease activity, levels of inflammatory cytokines (small proteins), and bone loss in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

According to the study, “it appears that vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and that vitamin D deficiency may be linked to disease severity in rheumatoid arthritis”.

Scientists, doctors and researchers do not have a definitive answer as to why vitamin D plays an important role in the body (except for helping calcium metabolization). But they do know that the studies that have been done strongly suggest it’s better to not let it get too low in your body, especially if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Study #2

A study conducted by researchers from Boston University and published in in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives took the connection between low levels of vitamin D and increased levels of rheumatoid arthritic activity one step further.

I have mentioned that vitamin D is naturally produced by our bodies when the sun’s UV rays shine upon our skin, so it would make sense that people who lived in warmer climates would get more sun and would have more Vitamin D produced by their bodies naturally.

The Boston University researchers concluded that the percentage of people that reported having symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in the north-eastern part of the USA, where they get less exposure to sun than other parts of the country, was much higher than those percentages of people that lived in so called ‘sunshine states’.

How to Increase Your Vitamin D Level

If you are an arthritis sufferer, then the next logical question is how do you increase the level of vitamin D in your body?

1. Get Some Sun

The first answer to this question would be to get more sun. A caucasian person at midday can get all the vitamin D their body needs in a day in less time than it takes for the skin to turn pink. It is also known that people with darker skin have more trouble absorbing the sun’s rays and subsequently producing vitamin D. Not to mention that too much sun can wrinkle your skin prematurely and cause skin cancer.

The more skin you expose the more vitamin D that your body produces. Just remember you might not want to bare it all because there are some spots on your body that will burn easily because they are not used to exposure.

This is not so difficult if you live in a warmer climate but if you live in a place which does not get much sun, as the second study suggested, then this may not be possible.

2. Consume Foods That are Naturally Rich in Vitamin D

If you don’t live in a warm climate then what do you do?

The next thing to try is adding foods that are rich in vitamin D to your diet. The daily recommended dose of vitamin D is 400 – 600 IU per day, but some nutritionists feel that up to 4000 units a day is needed for patients that suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. But make sure to consult with your doctor first.

Here are some suggestions:

Cod Liver Oil  (you can get it packed in capsules – like this one or in a bottle like this one)
Oily Fish (Salmon, Tuna)  – I’ve already mentioned that the consumption of oily fish can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Portobello Mushrooms
Extra Lean Ham
Hard Boiled Eggs
3. Supplements

If all else fails then take an over the counter supplement. Most daily vitamin capsules contain a day’s recommended dosage of vitamin D. There are also supplements that contain much higher doses of vitamin D too.

Ask your doctor about these before you take them to see if they are safe for you to use.

If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, this low vitamin D level and arthritis connection is certainly worth keeping an eye on. Millions of people around the world suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and there will surely be new studies results coming out in the very near future.

Be Happy Stay Healthy :)

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Beauty Tips / 12 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster
« on: April 05, 2017, 02:35:50 PM »
1. Remember that it can't grow overnight. Unless your scalp unleashes new strands like a Chia Pet, gaining new length is going to take time. "Hair typically only grows about a quarter of an inch — to a half an inch max — a month," says celebrity hair stylist Mark Townsend, who helped Ashley Olsen grow out her asymmetric bob to past her waist. "And that's only if it is super-healthy and doesn't have a ton of split ends." The bottom line: Practice patience.

2. Ironically, scissors are your friend. Although getting regular trims to snip splits won't make your hair actually grow faster, it will keep tips looking healthy and prevent splits from working their way up strands, requiring you to chop hair off more often. "If you wait so long that splits are causing your hair to break off high up on the strand, your hair will actually be shorter than if you get consistent trims," Townsend says, who suggests asking your stylist to take around just an eighth of an inch off every 10 to 12 weeks to prevent extreme split ends before they start.

3. Use conditioner every time you shampoo. "If your hair is wet, that means you have to condition it," Townsend says. "Over time, from coloring and heat styling, strands start to get thinner at the bottom." Conditioner helps replace the lipids and proteins inside the hair shaft, "as well as seal the cuticle to help prevent more damage from happening so that you can get your hair to grow longer and look healthier," he says.

4. And don't shampoo every time you shower. "It's shocking to me how many women skip conditioner when showering, which is the worst thing you can do for your hair — especially when you're trying to grow it long — and it's actually shampoo that you should be skipping as much as possible," Townsend says. Here's why: The purpose of shampoo is to wash away dirt and product buildup, but it can also take essential natural oils that keep strands soft and healthy along with it. When you really do need shampoo, be gentler on your hair by only lathering up at your scalp and then simply letting the suds slide down strands, hitting the rest of the hair as the water rinses it away.

5. Apply an oil or mask treatment weekly. Hair that touches your shoulders or beyond can be several years old and most likely needs more TLC than normal conditioner. Townsend suggests using moisture-based masks and oils weekly. "I make a natural oil treatment and give it to all of my clients to use pre-shampoo," Townsend says. (His easy recipe: 1 cup of unrefined coconut oil mixed with 1 tablespoon each of almond, macadamia, and jojoba oils.) Because oils can leave a residue on hair, he says to apply it to damp hair, leave it on for 10 minutes, then shampoo and condition like normal. "These oils are able to fill strands up with fatty acids and then, when rinsed out, using regular shampoo helps seal them inside hair," Townsend says, adding that Kate Bosworth, Diane Kruger, and Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen are fans. Not into DIY? Try an oil-based hair treatment instead.

6. Consider trying hair-boosting supplements. Your body requires many vital nutrients to create new hair, from ample protein to a slew of essential minerals. So take a look at your diet — because while eating a balanced diet helps, you may not be getting the proper amount of all the hair-building nutrients needed to create healthy hair that can grow super-long and withstand damage. "I take Viviscal Extra Strength and biotin tablets every day and tell my clients to do so as well — especially if they want to grow their hair and make it healthier as soon as it comes out of the follicle," Townsend says. Before starting to take supplements, it's best to check in with your doctor to make sure that you take the right amounts and that they won't interact with any medications you're currently taking.

7. Brush your hair like it's spun from gold. Constant brushing can cause physical harm to your hair. "When you detangle wet hair, be sure to start from the bottom and work your way up — we often instinctually go from the scalp down, but that just brings small tangles into one large knot and can cause you to lose a lot of hair," Townsend explains. He also suggests reaching for the Sheila Stotts Natural Boar Bristle Brush, as boar bristle brushes are good at distributing your scalp's natural oils down your hair and being extra-gentle on strands too.

8. Ditch your cotton pillowcase. Townsend recommends switching to a sateen fabric such as Calvin Klein Sateen White Sheeting because it has a softer surface that won't cause friction the way that regularly woven cotton does with your hair, so you'll wake up with fewer tangles.

9. Never, ever wrap your hair in a massive towel again. What could be so bad about putting hair in your super-soft bath towel? A lot. "It causes so much breakage," Townsend says. "Your hair gets caught in all the woven fibers and since most women almost always wrap it too tight around their face, all those tiny, fragile strands around your face are more prone to break." Opt for the super-thin and soft microfiber hair towels instead (like Aquis microfiber hair towel), which are totally OK to wrap into a turban.

10. Switch up your pony placement. It's an easy move that can help maintain the integrity of your strands wherever you tend to secure your ponytail all the time, which means they'll continue to grow out strong and damage-free.

11. If you have bleached (or dry, super-fragile) hair, skip putting it up with a hair tie at all. One ponytail — one! — can give you what stylists refer to as a "chemical cut." This is where your hair literally breaks off at the point of tension where the elastic ends up being wrapped around your hair to hold it into place. Instead, if you're looking to work out and want your hair off your neck, gently twist your hair into a bun and clip it with a tiny claw clip, bobby pin, or larger pin.

12. Do a cold-water rinse at the end of each shower. "This really does help to grow hair and keep long hair healthy for longer," Townsend says. "Cold water lays down the outer layer of hair more smoothly, which helps prevent moisture loss, snags and heat damage — you only need to do it for a few seconds, but this one extra step over time can make a huge difference."

Thanks :)

Diabetics / Top 4 Natural Remedies that Help Diabetes!!
« on: April 05, 2017, 02:30:13 PM »
It is estimated that nearly 30 million people in the USA alone have diabetes – which is caused by the pancreas either not producing insulin at all (type 1 diabetes) or not producing enough of it to keep up with the body’s demands (type 2 diabetes).

This disease can lead to serious problems: It is the number one cause of kidney failure in the United States, as well as the number one cause of non-traumatic amputations.

Unfortunately, many of the medications that mainstream medicine is now using can have serious side effects and do not always seem effective at preventing the serious complications that can arise from this disease.

You can go a long way towards protecting yourself against the risk of diabetes by eating healthy to maintain a safe weight and exercising to maintain a healthy glycemic index. For diabetic patients, keeping blood sugars at safe levels will help prevent complications.

Here are 4 traditional natural remedies that have been found by scientific research to give support for this health condition:

1. Nigella Sativa (Black Seed)

Nigella sativa, also known as black seed, has been valued for its medicinal properties for around 2,000 years. It has been shown that some of the active compounds in black seed can have an anti-diabetic effect. In order to take advantage of this, use the oil made from the seeds and use it in water or a juice daily to help modulate the effects of diabetes.

2. Cinnamon

This is perhaps one of the best-known (and widely-researched) natural remedies for diabetes. Research has found that bioactive ingredients in this popular spice are able to mimic the action of insulin. In other words, they make it easier for glucose to travel from the bloodstream to the cells (where they are needed for energy). This in turn helps prevent high blood sugar and all the problems that can go with it.

3. Grape Seed Extract
Many people are not aware of this, but the liver (like the pancreas) plays a big role in regulating blood sugar levels and keeping them in a range that is safe for the body! Grape seed extract can help because it is able to protect and rejuvenate liver tissue and support healthy liver function. This is a very important factor to consider for diabetics.

4. Bitter Melon

Bitter melon (depicted in the image), also known as balsam pear, bitter gourd, or karela, is a popular Indian remedy for diabetes and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years for this and many other conditions. It is thought that compounds in bitter melon mimic the action of insulin in the body and can help with natural blood sugar regulation and control.

Thanks :)

Health Tips / Lemons for your hair!!
« on: February 23, 2017, 12:25:31 PM »
Some ways in which lemons are useful for hairs are:-

**Our hairs face a lot of pollutions. They engulf and bind the toxins that cause hair damage for certain time period. Daily sipping or drinking of lemon juice opens the harmful toxins and therefore helps in hair growth
and keeps it healthier.

**Hairs can be submerged in the residue of lemon to shelter it from germs and external bacteria. It even extracts the unwanted oil to balance the required amount of oil in the glands to keep the hairs healthy and strong.

**A mixture of henna, egg yolk and lemon can be used in hairs to make them more shiny and stronger than before.

**Lemon can even directly be scrubbed over the scalp to remove any harmful deposits or dandruff. It makes the roots stronger from inside as the roots grow strong the hairs also turns to grow better. This scrubbing with lemon should be done once in a week for better shine and to prevent breakage.

**In order to prevent loss of hair we can apply a mixture of equal amount of coconut water and citrus juice for a span of twenty minutes. After the interval the hairs should be properly rinsed.

**Citrus juice is been diluted before applying as it is highly acidic. It prevents any chances of the skin getting itchy and burnt. The dilution helps to remove the discomfort.

**As the acid content of lemon bleaches the hairs, it even lightens the braid. Therefore, those who have dark color hairs they should not try this because it finally leaves behind the faded hairs.

Take care.

Life Style / Top 10 Foods and Herbs to Improve and Protect Your Eyesight
« on: January 23, 2017, 01:17:24 PM »
Researchers have discovered a range of nutrients that are essential to eye health. These nutrients have been shown to protect the eyes, slow eye damage and possibly even improve vision and eye function.

One of the leading cause of adult blindness and vision loss in adults over sixty is macular degeneration which affects millions of Americans. Factors that increase the risk are smoking, poor diet, obesity, high blood pressure, family history, aging, and a newly discovered gene, which is strongly associated with macular degeneration. That leads to decrease in vision in which still you have peripheral vision, but lose your central vision. Another very common cause of blindness is cataract. Cataract is a clouding of the lens inside the eye which leads to a decrease in vision and is conventionally treated with surgery.

The good thing is that a few simple supplements can significantly reduce eyesight issues and might even improve vision. What you eat and the supplements you take affect your eye vision, and research shows that diet and supplements can he used to treat or prevent these conditions. It’s time to appreciate all what your eyes do for you. Maintaining a good eye health is also one of the 70 habits featured in my e-book 70 Powerful Habits For A Great Health which will guide you how to take positive steps to improve your wellness and overall health.

So what are those nutrients that can prevent eyesight problems and improve vision?

Lutein and zeaxanthin

Lutein and its related compound, zeaxanthin, belong to the carotenoid family and are very important for vision. You can get lutein from foods such as spinach, kale, broccoli and Brussle sprouts, but probably not enough to get the full effect as taking a supplement. Lutein and zeaxanthin can be fount in formulas for eye health and for prevention of adult vision loss. Recommended dosage for lutein is 10 mg daily for general prevention, and 20 to 40 mg if you already have macular degeneration.


Antioxidants protect cells in our body and reduce the risk of vision loss especially in groups at higher risk. They can also decrease the risk of cataracts. It is recommended to take multivitamin containing at least 500 mg vitamin C, 400 IU vitamin E, 15 mg beta-carotene and 80 mg zinc daily. Zinc has been shown to help protect the eyes from the damaging effects of light and to slow vision loss due to macular degeneration.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3, which is found in oily fish, can help protect the eyes and maintain the vision, and should be included  in any plan for eye health and retaining vision.


Selenium is a trace mineral that may help prevent cataracts, macular degeneration, and may also improve dry eyes and general eye health. Natural Sources of selenium include: Lobster, tuna, shrimp, oysters, fish, herring, liver, egg, ham, beef, bacon, chicken, lamb, veal, Brazil nuts, oats,brown rice, garlic, broccoli, wheat germ, whole grains, mushrooms, red grapes and sesame seeds.

Bilberry and blackcurrant

These are high in potent antioxidants and may help protect the lens and retina from damage and reduce the risk of cataracts. They also may help improve blood supply to the eye. To learn more about the amazing healing properties of bilberries and blackcurrants, as well as other berries, have a look at my e-book The Healing Berry Guide. This e-book will teach you how to transform your health with berries.


Taurine is an amino acid that is essential for correct eye function. Taurine occurs naturally in food, especially in seafood and meat.

Euphrasia (Eyebright)

This herb is used for eye-strain, whose symptoms are fatigue, pain in or around the eyes, blurred vision, headache and occasional double vision. These symptoms often occur after reading, computer work, or other close activities that involve tedious visual tasks. If you want to learn more about medicinal herbs, you can find more useful information in my e-book the Herbal Remedies Guide. This guide will teach you how to treat common ailments using herbs.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B2, along with other nutrients, is important for normal vision and may help to prevent cataracts. The best sources of riboflavin include brewer’s yeast, almonds, organ meats, whole grains, wheat germ, wild rice, mushrooms, milk, yogurt, eggs, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and spinach. Flours and cereals are often fortified with riboflavin.


“Yumberry” OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) is a kind of water-soluble pigment and is one of the major types of pigments composing the colors of flower petals and fruit. It is a very effective antioxidant. Human body cannot produce OPC by itself as plants are the only source of OPC. As a kind of antioxidant, OPC’s effectiveness of anti-oxidation is 20 times higher than that of vitamin C and 50 times higher than vitamin E. It is very important in protecting eyesight and helps to stop the forming of cataract.

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