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Messages - Johir Uddin

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A quiz contest is going to be organized by the Department of Law, Daffodil International University to celebrate the 48th Constitution Day of Bangladesh on 4 November 2019. This contest will take place in two stages: at first, the participants will have to sit for the preliminary quiz contest on 23 October 2019. This time, it will be a written contest. Finally, the six selected participants will participate in the Grand Finale on 4 November 2019. This time, it will be an oral contest. On that day, a seminar will be organized as well. Distinguished guests will speak at the Seminar. They will hand over the prizes to the winners.

Any University student is eligible to participate in the contest. The last day to fill up the form is 21 October 2019.

Registration Form Link:

Registration Fee: Tk 100

Humanities & Social Science / Daffodil Constitution Day Quiz Contest 2019
« on: October 15, 2019, 07:10:06 PM »
A quiz contest is going to be organized by the Department of Law, Daffodil International University to celebrate the 48th Constitution Day of Bangladesh on 4 November 2019. This contest will take place in two stages: at first, the participants will have to sit for the preliminary quiz contest on 23 October 2019. This time, it will be a written contest. Finally, the six selected participants will participate in the Grand Finale on 4 November 2019. This time, it will be an oral contest. On that day, a seminar will be organized as well. Distinguished guests will speak at the Seminar. They will hand over the prizes to the winners.

Any University student is eligible to participate in the contest. The last day to fill up the form is 21 October 2019.

Registration Form Link:

Registration Fee: Tk 100

Law / Daffodil Constitution Day Quiz Contest 2019
« on: October 15, 2019, 07:08:01 PM »
A quiz contest is going to be organized by the Department of Law, Daffodil International University to celebrate the 48th Constitution Day of Bangladesh on 4 November 2019. This contest will take place in two stages: at first, the participants will have to sit for the preliminary quiz contest on 23 October 2019. This time, it will be a written contest. Finally, the six selected participants will participate in the Grand Finale on 4 November 2019. This time, it will be an oral contest. On that day, a seminar will be organized as well. Distinguished guests will speak at the Seminar. They will hand over the prizes to the winners.

Any University student is eligible to participate in the contest. The last day to fill up the form is 21 October 2019.

Registration Form Link:

Registration Fee: Tk 100

Law / Re: Killings on Public Campuses: No punishment in most cases
« on: October 15, 2019, 07:02:00 PM »
Very pathetic scenario!  :'(

Law / Re: Marry-your-rapist phenomena and legal realities
« on: October 15, 2019, 07:00:54 PM »
You are welcome.

"Nazrul’s productivity, however, did not interfere with the quality of his poetry as well as with the variety of thematic and stylistic trajectories he pursued in his work. Take the year 1922 alone as an example. In that year Nazrul published his famous poem “Bidrohi” (the Rebel)—a rhetorically high-voltage and linguistically explosive poem, a politically charged anticolonial work, a stylistically innovative intervention, one that itself exemplarily stages an unprecedented mythopoesis and even morphs into a mode of praxis against all forms and forces of oppression in the world. This poem immediately established Nazrul as the “rebel poet” in Bangla literature. And in the same year Nazrul also wrote a number of poems, at least 18 other poems, each of which is amazingly unique. For instance, on the one hand, he gave us a poem like “Bidrohi,” and on the other a poem like “Dodul Dul,” experimenting with the Arabic meter called Motaqarib and producing fast-paced rap-like beats and cadences hitherto unknown in Bangla poetry."

"In fact, one can place Nazrul’s work in the global tradition of what the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once called littérature engage—the tradition of socially committed, politically engaged, radically interventionist literary productions. I’ve argued elsewhere that Nazrul is more than a ‘rebel poet;’ that, more appropriately, and by his own admissions, Nazrul is a revolutionary poet. I’ve also argued that in the interest of decolonizing comparative literature as well as our own mind, Nazrul can profitably be situated in the constellation of a whole host of anticapitalist and anticolonial poets from Asia, Africa, and Latin America—ones who poetically and powerfully mediated and mobilized the cause of revolutionary politics without degenerating into vulgar didacticism."

Read more here:

"Fourth, not much attention has been paid to how Nazrul revolutionizes the field of metrical experiments by appropriating in his poetry with unusual effects at least five different Arabic and Persian meters such as Motaqarib, Motdarik, Hajaz, Rajaz, and Mashaqel. His poem called “Dodool Dool”—composed in Motaqarib—is a metrical tour de force, a poem that seems to be anticipating even some of the textures and valences of today's hip-hop and rap. Nazrul also studied ancient Sanskrit poetry, and he uses in Bangla such Sanskrit meters as Anushtup, Totok, Mondakranta, and even Shardul Brikrityo, clinching the point that even the experimental appropriation of meters is by no means a politically and ideologically innocent practice."

Law / Marry-your-rapist phenomena and legal realities
« on: October 09, 2019, 10:33:30 PM »
"The Parliament of Bangladesh passed the Child Marriage Restraint Act 2017 with a special provision allowing a boy or a girl to get married before reaching the statutory age in some exceptional cases. This provision stirred the civil society of the entire country. Controversial section 19 of the Act says that notwithstanding anything contained in the Act, if a marriage takes place, in the best interest of the underage boy or girl involved, with the permission of the parents of the underage boy or girl, and with an order of the court, upon following the due procedure as laid down in the relevant Rules, that marriage shall not be considered as an offence under the Act.

One of the major criticisms against this provision was that almost anything could come within the purview of the wide domain of ‘special circumstances’. It could bring marriage of a child who happens to be a rape survivor with the rapist within its purview as well. Therefore, one of the main concerns was that this provision would turn the Act into a rape-marriage law and would exonerate the rapists from prosecution if and when he undergoes marriage with his victim. It was feared that even though the Penal Code of 1860 does not give any impression on marriage being an exonerating touchstone to absolve the rapists, the Child Marriage Restraint Act could prove to do something similar to what is done in certain North-African and Middle Eastern countries’ rape-marriage laws."

Read more here:

Humanities & Social Science / Talk Show on Kazi Nazrul Islam
« on: October 09, 2019, 10:29:21 PM »
Azfar Hussain talks about Nazrul in our time!

Watch here:

""The leading French philosopher Alain Badiou maps out a global revolutionary tradition of poetry in The Age of the Poets (2014) thus: “In the last century, some truly great poets, in almost all languages on earth, have been communists. In an explicit or formal way, for example, the following poets were committed to communism: in Turkey, Nâzim Hikmet; in Chile, Pablo Neruda; in Spain, Rafael Alberti; in Italy, Edoardo Sanguineti; in Greece, Yannis Ritsos; in China, Ai Qing; in Palestine, Mahmoud Darwish; in Peru, César Vallejo; and in Germany, the shining example is above all Bertolt Brecht. But we could cite a very large number of other names in other languages, throughout the world.” One can surely place Nazrul in the constellation of the poets Badiou lists here. Nazrul even anticipates some crucial insights mobilized by some of those poets, as I have argued elsewhere.""

Read more here:

You are welcome.  :D

হাই বিচারকের বলিষ্ঠ উচ্চারণ, "আমি যদি আমার শপথ রক্ষা করতে না পারি, তবে আমি অসম্মানিত হয়ে বাঁচার চেয়ে বরং মরে যাব।"

Read more here:

Law / Re: Kashmir on the Edge of the Abyss: Tariq Ali
« on: October 07, 2019, 01:04:36 PM »
Your readership inspires me!  :D :D

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