Recent Technologies and Trends in Software Engineering

Child Boards

[-] Machine Learning/ Deep Learning

[-] Data Mining and Big Data

[-] Internet of Things

[-] Cyber and Software Security

[-] Blockchain

[-] Robotics and Embedded Systems

[-] Management Information Systems

[-] Cloud Computing

[-] Artificial Intelligence

[-] Image Processing Computer Networks

[-] Requirements Engineering

[-] Software Architecture and Modeling

[-] Software Quality Assurance and Testing

[-] Software Project Management

[-] Natural Language Processing

[-] Empirical Software Engineering

[-] Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE)

[-] Program Analysis

[-] Software Evaluation and Maintenance

[-] Human Computer and Interaction

[-] Software Services

[-] Mining Software Repositories

[-] Distributed Software Engineering

[-] Bioinformatics and Photonics

[-] Data Science



[1] The emergence of the professional AI risk manager

[2] Survey on ICT Job Market in Bangladesh 2018


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