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Bangla Text/posting in Forum


Badshah Mamun:
Dear Forum users,

At first take my greetings and thanks for your interest & contribution in DIU Forum.

Some of you are posting Bangla article in forum. They are requested to make the article font size large (14 is standard) before final posting. Then it will be easy to read the article for all otherwise some times it makes problem for other readers.

We hope that you have understand what we want to say.
If you have any other query please don't feel shy to contact with us.

Thank You.

Shamim Ansary:
Dear All:
Please write subjects in English in case of Bengali writeup. It is essential for Search Engine optimization and finding your posting worldwide


Badshah Mamun:
Dear Forum Members,

DIU forum is a vast online resourch center of all kinds of information in all over the world. It is increaing our DIU ranking day by day  rapidly. It is contributing about 60% percent for the SEO of DIU website. But recently it is hampering seriously due to posting Bangla content/article in forum. When any one search any artile in Google, it show no result because Google fails to find it out due to cause of Bangla.

So, on behalf of DIU management I am requesting you to avoid bangla posting in forum, if emmargency/necessary please make/translate the title in English.

Please don't feel shy to communicate with us, if you have any confussion.

Thank You.


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