Call For Papers
When Dec 6, 2013 - Dec 7, 2013
Where The Heritage Hotel Manila, Philippines
Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2013
Notification Due Aug 31, 2013
Final Version Due Oct 31, 2013
Papers can be presented in any of these parallel sessions:
● Paper Presentation: This is best suited for completed research and scholarly work. Individual paper presentations are organized around a theme. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to discuss his/her work and five minutes for Q&A.
● Poster Presentation: This is ideally intended for current research projects or works in progress more suited to visual displays. Presenters will be assigned an area within the congress venue where they can set up their posters and time to discuss and entertain questions.
● Roundtable Discussion: Three to four authors presenting on related topics will have an assigned table during a session to review and discuss the ideas, frameworks, and perspectives underlying their work with interested delegates who gather at the table.
● Virtual Presentation: For individuals who want to participate but have travel constraints. Presentations can be in the form of powerpoint presentations, video or screencasts and will be made available during and after the congress. An online Q&A facility will be set up to allow virtual presenters to answer questions.
For more information, visit