
Author Topic: Branding  (Read 4253 times)

Offline shibli

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« on: May 12, 2013, 01:02:46 PM »
Employer Branding: A Neglected Dimension in Bangladesh
by Khandoker M. Rahman

Employer branding refers to a concerted effort by an organization to project its unique identity and superiority in the employment market as an attractive place to work to potential job candidates. Like branding a product (of course, an organization could also be viewed as a product to be promoted), employers should not ignore this important aspect of their strategic brand landscape.

Skeptics might pose a question like: why should I spend money to pitch a message to job candidates to tell them to consider me first when I am able to get a lot of applications for a single post without any effort at all? We do not need employer branding. Sorry, I beg to differ.

Now go back to your pile of applications and see how many of applicants are actually qualified enough to be recruited. This is a common problem in Bangladeshi perspective. People you expect to apply are actually not interested to apply to work for you. Most people who apply, are either not matching well where they are currently working, or not perfectly matching the required qualification as you expect. Well, I might be generalizing too much, because exceptions are always there. But this happens to be the case in many organizations in Bangladesh. Did you ask yourself why are you ending up with bad resumes?

In my humble opinion, the problem is not with job candidates. The problem lies in your branding gene. You might not have created an image in the market that appeals to the top performers in the industry. They look at the ad and perceive the employer as not of their ideal ones. If we want to attract talented candidates, we need to get on top of their minds through employer branding.

Next time you end up with bad resumes, think about what went wrong with your employer branding, if you have any program like this at all.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 03:16:14 PM by shibli »
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

Offline shibli

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Re: Branding
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2013, 03:17:30 PM »
Here are six strategies (based on observation of best practices by multinational corporations) to help you develop a strong employer brand:

1. Brand your product first

Employer branding cannot take place in a void. This must be interlinked with your overall branding campaign of the final product. A strong external brand can create a story in the job market for which potential candidates would be attracted to compete for a job. Working for a strong brand with much reputation provides both external (social) and intrinsic (psychological) rewards for an employee. These social and psychological motives would ultimately inspire the best talents to seek jobs at your place.

2. Fair Recruitment through Engagement

Are the talented candidates sure that your organization will hire him/her on a fair basis? Talents cannot be recruited and nurtured unless the employer believes in fairness. Lot of talented candidates won’t apply if there is a perception that they would not be considered on a fair ground. "Professionalism" in employer branding means that you project a positive image through honest communication and fair recruitment process. Some would argue that, complete fairness in all recruitment events cannot be ensured, because this is not practical. Organizations go through pressures from many quarters, as well as through their own internal agenda. Well, some organizations handle the situation by not providing these “back-door” employees any critical task that is crucial to their success. Keep your fairly recruited talents upfront in the battling arena where the key roles of heroes need to be played.

Recruitment process also needs to be re-engineered. The traditional interview method might be obsolete by now because anybody can be trained to do well in front of an interview board. This may not necessarily reflect the candidate’s future performance in the organization. Can you make your recruitment process more engaging? Can you make the candidate go through multiple stages of case solution, group discussion, oral interview on problem solving and like? Engagement reveals more of a candidate that needs to be known to decide whether he/she would be a right fit for the organization. Even a talented candidate might become irrelevant for a job because of this specification misfit (i.e., his/her expertise may not be useful and relevant for the job he/she is applying for).

3. Internal Branding

Once recruited, how do you nurture your employees for internal branding? Internal branding refers to educating, indoctrinating, and training its employees to know the philosophy of the company, its products, values and environment with the pulse and reflection of the company's leadership and direction. It helps in achieving rational and emotional attachment of employees with the organization. Starting with educating employees about organization and brands, it ends up with employees “loving” the organization and brands, thereby they start “living the brand”. It is about knowing, liking, loving and living sequence that an employee needs to be moved on through company’s ongoing internal branding efforts. It would ultimately result in "internal brand evangelists", who would go a long way to spread the good word, not because they are being paid for their jobs, but because they love and live the brand from their hearts. Of course, competitive compensation package is a must to sustain this like-love-live sequence. Under-compensated employees would have a feeling of deprivation, and love for an organization cannot sustain in the long-run without money in it.
(to be continued)
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

Offline Nurul Mohammad Zayed

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Re: Branding
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2016, 10:06:54 PM »
sir, with you and our other respected teachers we will surely take our brand value to higher level.
Dr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed
Assistant Professor 
Department of Business Administration 
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University