Design is essential but design is not brand_Seth

Author Topic: Design is essential but design is not brand_Seth  (Read 5853 times)

Offline shibli

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Design is essential but design is not brand_Seth
« on: May 30, 2013, 04:08:10 PM »
A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another. If the consumer (whether it’s a business, a buyer, a voter or a donor) doesn’t pay a premium, make a selection or spread the word, then no brand value exists for that consumer.
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

Offline shibli

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Re: Design is essential but design is not brand_Seth
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2013, 04:12:32 PM »
"What does your brand stand for? If you are what others are, then there's nothing here to own or protect or build upon."_Seth
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

Offline shibli

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Re: Design is essential but design is not brand_Seth
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2013, 07:42:51 PM »
A brand is a promise that makes people feel great about it
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

Offline shibli

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Re: Design is essential but design is not brand_Seth
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2013, 01:31:33 PM »
What is the difference between branding and advertising? The brand is the impression, the reputation, the ideas people have about you in their minds. On the other hand, advertising is one technique available to those who are attempting branding. Advertising is targeted at raising public awareness of the brand,
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

Offline shibli

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Re: Design is essential but design is not brand_Seth
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2013, 01:44:47 PM »
Advertising is a paid form of communication in which you inform, educate and promote an idea, goods or service. Advertising is always a paid form of promotion and is non-personal. Take for example, if i promote something to you, it is not an advertisement even when i am paid to promote it to you. This is known as personal selling. Advertising is a mass-mediated communication. For example, if i promote a product a service to a large number of people.

On the other hand, branding means giving name, mark or label to a product or service that ensures a promise or a significant difference in the mind of the customers. Like when you purchase a KFC chicken, you are not buying just the chicken but also the promise of the quality of KFC
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

Offline shibli

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What is the difference between branding and advertising?
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2013, 04:50:45 PM »
The brand is the impression, the reputation, the ideas people have about your company or your product or service or you in their minds. On the other hand, advertising is one technique available to those who are attempting branding. Advertising is targeted at raising public awareness of the brand. On the other hand, a brand is a promise that makes people feel great about it.

However, Prof Kotlar said, you cannot establish brand by advertising. Branding is the consistent fulfillment of customers' expectation that makes them feel delighted or excited about you. Branding remains in the heart or mind of the customers, so you have to do something different like innovation, CSR activities and continuous quality development.

Bottom line is............ make your customer feel excited about you or your products or services consistently and continually.
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

Offline shibli

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Re: Design is essential but design is not brand_Seth
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2013, 11:41:32 AM »
Brand Equity is the power of brand:
A brand's power derived from the goodwill and name recognition that it has acquired over the years, which convert into higher sales volume and higher profit margins against competing brands.

When people speak of "brand equity" they mean the public's valuation of a brand. It is not what you talk about your product/service., but it is what people say about it. Brand equity is associated with wide recognition, customer loyalty, and the market share enjoyed by the branded product or service.

Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

Offline shibli

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Re: Design is essential but design is not brand_Seth
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2013, 03:32:21 PM »
What is a brand?
A brand is a forcing identity that creates a lasting emotional attachment with the customers. A brand is a promise of superior values that deliver a certain distinctive experience to the customers.
A brand is not owned by the company, it’s owned by the customers: It is not what you say, it is what people say about you.
So, my definition of brand is anything that makes a significant long-lasting difference in the mind of the customers.

Brand is part of everything we do: Everything that a company does –is part of establishing your brand. So, Integrated Marketing Communication can be one of the effective ways of brand development...
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

Offline shibli

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Re: Design is essential but design is not brand_Seth
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2013, 04:24:44 PM »
According to Professor Kotlar, the best strategy of CSR is to select one or two areas or fields which a company can go for continuously and consistently so that it can position that activity in the mind of the public, otherwise people will not remember that. Human mind is very forgetful. Unlike contributing in scattered areas, I mean, choosing one or two specific areas like donating laptob to bind people, providing scholarship or beautification of city or providing donation or providing auto rickshaw to the poor or the like.

Bottom line: Choosing one or two specific area and keep doing that consistently. (people tend to forget CSR done haphazardly)
Those who worship the natural elements enter darkness (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). Those who worship sambhuti sink deeper in darkness. [Yajurveda 40:9]; Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.