Dear students,
This is my personal observation that students who are involved too much in co-curricular activities are not good students at DIU. The prime duty of a student is to study, first of all, then comes extra curricular responsibilities. If you are very good in sports or event management or presentation, but your CGPA is below 3, you are probably not going to get a good job anywhere.
Of course, extra curriculum is very important for a student to lean many things and to grow. But please make sure that you have to study, first and foremost, then try to excel in other activities. I was a very good sports person, i used to play cricket and football in inter-school and college competition. I became first in essay competition and impromptu speech competition. But i knew too much involvement in those activities could hamper my studies and i didn't let it happen so. That's why we took a decision that to become a member in the debating club, a student has to maintain a certain CGPA. Excel in your studies first, then comes co-curricular activities.
All the very best