I start from a story that I took a course of Mrs. Fariha Tasnim about three semesters before. She had made a rule in the class that nobody allows in the class room without ID card. After the next class about 10-15 students did not carry ID card. So, Madam said them to leave the class. Those students escaped the class but some moments later they returned with ID card. Madam asked them were from, they collected their ID cards. Those students were laughing and replied that they collected their ID cards from their friends who were sitting on the counseling room or here there. Madam accepted them in the class that day. After that day, all the students carried ID card and completed that course with carrying ID cards.
All the top ranking university’s students carry ID card, and the authority forces them to do it like Mrs. Fariha Tasnim. I know some university whose students have to carry ID card. These universities are A.I.U.B, ASA, N.S.U, B.U, etc.
It is nothing but the reflection of our identity. When students go to University from the house, most the people take at glance at student’s id card. It’s our nature if we see any id card, we try to read it. So, I just want to say, isn’t it the good advertisement of our university?
Sometimes, I have seen in our university that our authority tried to establish a rule to carry student’s ID card. The security guard standing beside the lift, said to the student to hang on their ID card. However, our authority failed to make to establish this system.
As I can see, in our examination hall, nobody allows in the class room without ID card. Please establish it all the class.
I advise to the authority through Head of the Department and the entire concern person, please suggest all the teacher’s not to allow any single students allowed in the class room without ID card.
I love my Parents.
I love my Country.
I love my University.
Thank you