Hello Everyone!
The following rules need to be followed for posting in the DIU blog:
1. Post under proper category. If required category is not yet created please send your suggestion(s) in the Blog section of the forum.
2. Please avoid slang words in your posts. If any post contains any slang words or words that might attack anyone's feeling will be removed from the blog.
3. Please be creative. Post Articles & Essays, Poems, Stories, Experiences, Events and so on but please Post your own work rather than copy and paste. If any reference is needed please link the source or mention it. Proper credits must be given to the respective people if their works are used in your posts as reference.
4. Improper images and media(porno graphic) will be deleted and in some cases serious action may be taken against the author if any improper image and media is uploaded.
5. Any language can be used to make the post but it is recommended to link up the font in case the viewers having trouble to view the post properly (only when different language than English is used).
6. Remember that your post is getting published through the DIU blog for the world to see so lets be careful about our posts and its quality.
Happy Posting!
(More rules may be added later according to the need.)
Shah - Al - Mamun