Meta marketing

Author Topic: Meta marketing  (Read 894 times)

Offline Jeta Majumder

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Meta marketing
« on: March 30, 2014, 01:54:08 PM »
Meta marketing is "the synthesis of all managerial, traditional, scientific, social and historical foundations of marketing,” a term first coined by E.J.Kelly while discussing the issue of ethics and science of marketing. Thus, Meta Marketing is an attempt to widen the horizons of marketing by covering non-profit organizations. The best examples of Meta Marketing can be selling family planning ideas or the idea of prohibition.
A Meta market will bring all buyers and sellers in one place for one purpose only. Instead of giving multiple products to one customer, a Meta market brings together different customers who need not necessarily differentiate between closely related products. Meta market is thus, a place, where everything connected with a certain market can be found. Let’s say a car selling in a Meta market would be a website, that sells cars but you will also find car parts there, add-ons for cars, colors for cars, mechanic’s reviews, etc. So Meta market of a certain market is a market, where you can find everything about that market and everything about markets that are strongly connected to that market.
Meta marketing is an approach to the study of marketing and its relationship to every aspect of life by focussing on all social, ethical, scientific and business experience on marketing, thus establishing a body of knowledge base on the integration of every facet of experience with the human personality.