Dear all,
We are glad to inform you that very soon we will be implementing a user ranking system for our blog site. Everyone will be able to vote for others post. So in our blog site people with most quality post will gain most ranking.
Also notice that for now blog contributors have no access to post media or pictures. After we start the rating system we will promote the users who have most rating according to their post quality to "Authors". From that time they can add pictures to their post directly from the blog site.
The Final rating of an user will depend on the following:
1. User rating
2. Admin rating
For now if any of you feel the need to add pictures/media to you post in blog feel free to email us( or, the pictures in a zip file and we will add the pictures or media to your post. You can also upload your picture through other image uploading sites and give the link in blog in your post.
Please submit your feedback about this system here.
*These steps are only taken to maintain the quality of our blog site.
Shah - Al - Mamun