The Play of Your Life

Author Topic: The Play of Your Life  (Read 631 times)

Offline diljeb

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The Play of Your Life
« on: December 14, 2014, 12:49:54 PM »

Life can sometimes be like a play the difference is how you act. We hope the words of wisdom in this thought reminds you that life is not a rehearsal.

What we think is only a rehearsal.

The play begins once we take action. We can think and think about things for a long time, but if we don't take action, our thinking is only a rehearsal.

The same applies to talking. It is easy to talk about what we are going to do, but it doesn't mean anything until we take action and make it happen.

Far too many people assume that they only have to take a few steps to be successful. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact of the matter is that sitting on a couch watching TV, or drinking, or playing a sport just cannot help towards success. It is a matter of being able to take action after action and never be dissuaded from moving forward by obstacles.

Obstacles crossed are simply stepping stones onward. Nothing is ever accomplished without some sort of challenge or obstacles.

The real test to what you want to achieve is how easy it is to give up. Or, more often than not, it is only a matter of finding an available excuse to quit. Quitters never win and winners never quit ? believe and live this and you will succeed where others fail.

What is it you would like to achieve?

So, you have an opportunity to write your own play, a play where you can be in the lead role and there are thousands sitting in the audience applauding. The first thing to do is to sit down and create a play that ensures that there is a strategy where every move, every action, and each chapter is written in a clear dialogue that can be completely understood and followed. This will mean that your opening chapter of the play sets the scene so the main character in the play, this is you, knows where to go and what to say. Each chapter must be as clear and focused as the last and must lead into the next chapter without any gaps in what to do.

There will be times in the play that you might find that you have to somewhat rewrite your chapter because of small snags, or your props for the play must be redesigned. This is not an unusual occurrence so you must set out from the beginning realizing that a rewrite either small or large may just happen. There are no guarantees that every chapter unfolds just the way you originally intended.

As you know in any production, there is a reason to have a trial run or several rehearsals. This is a sound idea because this is the time where you can find that certain readjustments are vital if the play is to succeed. One of the best ways to rehearse your beginning play is to invite a small but critical audience of the best advisors you can find. These are not just a few people that you pick willy nilly but are people who know quite a lot about the total play having either witnessed first hand a similar kind of play, or have actually been in a production that accomplished the same end that you want.

It is the feedback from this rehearsal that will allow you to rewrite critical elements of the play so that mistakes or poor flow can be corrected before the opening night. After your rehearsal and all appears to be set properly, this is the time to go into full production. There is no better time than right now to set the stage, bring all parts of the play into reality, and go for that ear splitting applause.

Think about what it is you want. Then, set realistic goals by asking yourself whether your goals are consistent with your own values? Communicate your goal. Write it down. Verbally share it with someone you trust and who will support you.

Then, take action! Start working toward your goals today.

Don't let your ideas and goals be just a rehearsal.
Take action and let them be the play of your life!