I am Syed Rasheduzzaman, student of Bachelor of Business Administration in Daffodil International University. “If you do hard work, you will get good result”. I always believe in this and that’s why like my school and college life, from the very first day of my university life I started studying hard to get good result and I was successful. Till 9th semester my average CGPA was 3.9 out of 4 and surprisingly I got an offer to apply for the Republic of Korean Government scholarship program for one semester. With the proper guideline of International affairs of Daffodil International University I applied for the scholarship and got the full scholarship. It was like a dream come true for me because I always wanted to study abroad with Scholarships.

On 2nd march, I took off from Dhaka to Busan, Korea. I was informed that someone would be there to receive me. Mr. Lio, coordinator of international affairs in Dongseo University, received me in Busan Gimhae airport and took me to Dongseo University international student’s dorm. After a 23 hours long flight including 2 transits in China I was too tired. So I took a shower and then slept. The next morning, I went to the international student affairs office of the University as Mr. Lio asked me and gave me the direction. There I met the Head of International Affairs and handed over her the souvenirs on behalf of Daffodil International University. There they gave me all the information regarding the orientation, course registration, scholarship payment and the Alian card application. I did not know any Korean language because all my academic activities would be conducted in English. When I went to restaurant I found no one who knew English and that was a big problem for me to communicate with them. The next day, in the orientation program, I met 23 students from different countries all over the world. I had to open my bank account there and completed my course registration because they informed us that from the next day all our classes would be started. In the orientation, I met Mathus from Brazil and he arrived there one week before. I discussed with him my problem about food and asked him to help me to find out a solution. His reply was in a word, ‘Cooking’. He took me to “Home plus” and we bought all I needed to cook myself. From the next day my regular life started there. I had total 6 courses there so every day I had classes. The temperature was below zero degree and it was really hard to get up early for the class in the morning. Except the Korean language course, all my professors were from UK and USA so their teaching style was completely different and excellent. We had to attend 3 hours long classes. First 1.5 hour is for new lesson discussion, next 45 minutes was for question from previous lecture from the students, and final 45 minutes was for open innovative and related group discussion. Professors showed different videos related to the study in the last 45 minutes and asked us to find out the current condition of the world regarding those issues.
My roommate was an Indian and I met a Bangladeshi there called Murad. He was a regular student there and visited many places in Korea. Sometime we all friends used to visit many places by ourselves and sometime the University authority also arranged tour for us too. I could not understand that how fast the time went away. The semester was finished and that was the time for me to come back home. I got many friends from different countries and happy that we are still in touch. It was a double feeling on the day I came back. I was sad to leave Korea and also was happy to come back to my own country and my family. 5 of my friends there came to the Busan airport to see off me. I will never forget the time I passed in Korea. Those are my ever green golden memories. Thanks to DIU and DSU.