Educational > Online Education

Online Quiz Test

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Our university is on the way to make fully true sense of digital. Online test could take one step ahead in this way. It could possible to start with MCQ, True False, Fill in the gaps and after successfully complete this stage we can easily move writing test through online. If we start from the root level so that day by day students will get more efficiency. Through online test it will take less time, hassle free, paperless, moreover a students have to complete within a certain time and after complete his/her exam all the result will automatically sent  to the respective teachers' mail account. A teacher doesn’t have to check all the exam papers and also students will get their result immediately. The questions will appear to the students randomly, even in MCQ, True False, options will appear randomly. Authority may think about this.

Md. Limon Hossain:
Mr. Debashish:

Your thinking is very good. In this era we can follow this and get benefits of modern technology. We have computer lab and a one student one laptop project is going on.

A number of student use lab for passing time. If it introduce in our university then those students will get a task at our lab or home.

I also feel like you that authority will think about this.  

i appreciate ur proposal/thinking. bt it is possible only when every students have pc or laptop.
it is not a long day when ur thinking is implemented.


Md. Limon Hossain:

Yes Mr. Aarif, I am agreeing with you. First of all a computer is must for all students. Otherwise it will not possible. But new students are getting a laptop from our university so it could be compulsory for them.

I am request to all existing students that don’t wait for the project “One Student One Laptop”. “One Student One Laptop” is a big project. Its might be take some time. So, buy a computer as early as possible.

Authority can’t fulfill your expectation if you are not co-operating with them.

Really I appreciate the innovative & usefull idea you have given.



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