English Language and Literature;Marks:35

Author Topic: English Language and Literature;Marks:35  (Read 1872 times)

Offline MahbubDIU

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English Language and Literature;Marks:35
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:30:43 PM »
1. "To be partial to something" means to ____.
 want half
 like it
 hate it
 preserve it
Correct answer is : like it
2. Three-fourths of the work __ finished.
 have been
 has been
Correct answer is : has been
3. It is time to review the "protocol" on testing nuclear weapons. Here "protocol" word means --
 Record of rules
 Summary of rules
Correct answer is : Record of rules
4. Choose the correct sentence -
 The man that said that was a fool
 The man who said that was a fool
 The man said that was a fool
 The man which said that was a fool
Correct answer is : The man who said that was a fool
5. I have never seen such a slow coach like you, this small work has taken you three full month. what does the idiom 'a slow coach' mean?
 an irresponsible person
 a careless person
 an unthougtful person
 a very lazy person
Correct answer is : a very lazy person
6. Oxygen : Respiration ::
 improvement : care
 camera : photography
 sunlight : photosynthesis
 drama : acting
Correct answer is : sunlight : photosynthesis
7. Racket :Tennis ::?
 Horse :Polo
Correct answer is : Bat:Cricket
8. Compensation - synonym
Correct answer is : Reward
9. Say what kind of sentence the following is?- Our president may live long
Correct answer is : Assertive
10. Sita's heart ...... at the sight of the beautiful diamond necklace.
Correct answer is : leapt
11. choose the meaning of the given expression: "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush."
 Take what you have got readily available rather than expecting better in the future
 The seen is better than the unseen
 Promises are better than actuals
 It is no good beating about the bush
Correct answer is : Take what you have got readily available rather than expecting better in the future
12. Antonym of - GAIN
Correct answer is : Lose
13. Water boils ___ you heat it to 100 Centigrade.
Correct answer is : if
14. You had better --------here.
 to stay
Correct answer is : stay
15. "He was a rather 'disagreeable' man" - Here 'disagreeable' word is a/an ---
Correct answer is : Adjective
16. He is too dull ...... this problem.
 to solving
 to solve
Correct answer is : to solve
17. He made all of us-
 to laugh
Correct answer is : laugh
18. The little girl said to her mother, "Did the sun rise in the East?"
 The little girl asked her mother if the sun rose in the East.
 The little girl asked her mother if the sun is in the East.
 The little girl said to her mother if the sun rises in the East.
 The little girl said to her mother that the sun rose in the East.
Correct answer is : The little girl asked her mother if the sun rose in the East.
19. What is the antonym `Honorary' ?
Correct answer is : Salaried
20. Which is the noun of the word beautiful ?
Correct answer is : Beauty
21. The Parthenon is said ‒ erected in the Age of Pericles.
 to have become
 to have begun
 to have been
 to have had begun
Correct answer is : to have been
22. Who is the greatest modern English Dramatist?
 Verginia Woolf
 George Bernard Shaw
 P. B. Shelley
 S. T. Coleridge
Correct answer is : George Bernard Shaw
23. The tree has been blown ‒ by the strong wind.
Correct answer is : off
24. If we want concrete proof, we are looking for - .
 building material
 something to cover a path
 clear evidence
 a cement mixer
Correct answer is : clear evidence
25. Choose the correct alternative to selected text Neither Mr. Karim nor his friend "are invited to speak at the seminar"
 is invited to speak at the seminar
 are invited to speak at the seminar
 is to speak at the seminar
 are speaking at the seminar
Correct answer is : is invited to speak at the seminar
26. Identify the incorrect word/phrase - A "more" sense of "ethics" and "integrity" is expected of a "physician".
Correct answer is : more
27. Antonym of - REMISS
Correct answer is : Dutiful
 goose : duck
 garment : weave
 car : drive
 wool : shear
Correct answer is : wool : shear
29. Synonym of the "Heed"__
Correct answer is : Notice
30. The machine is difficult to build ...... easy to maintain.
Correct answer is : but
31. To ‒ the arrival of spring, Bangladesh Television ‒ a special function.
 commemorate : launched
 announce : telecast
 celebrate : organized
 welcome : sanctioned
Correct answer is :celebrate : organized
32. The second anniversary celebration of our college will be held on December,15. which of the following is the correct phrase for ‘will be held’?
 takes off
 comes off
 will bring about
 will come round
 Correct answer is: comes off
33. He ----- prefers ----- speak very little.
 doesn’t, to
 himself, to
 himself, for
 does, for
Correct answer is: himself ,to
34. Pakistan lost a ...... wicket just when they seemed to be doing so well, and that led to their eventual defeat.
Correct answer is :crucial
35. We must keep our fingers __ that the weather will stay fine for the picnic tomorrow.
Correct answer is :crossed

Offline Md. Al-Amin

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Re: English Language and Literature;Marks:35
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 09:11:09 AM »
English language and literature are closely connected with each other............

Offline masud.eng

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Re: English Language and Literature;Marks:35
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2015, 02:34:10 PM »
Helpful post. But if you can give space after each question then it will be easy to identify.

Thanks for sharing.

Md. Masud Parvaj
Research Associate
Department of English
Daffodil International University

Offline Tofazzal.ns

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Re: English Language and Literature;Marks:35
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2015, 04:44:50 PM »
Thanks for sharing such important post.....
Muhammad Tofazzal Hosain
Lecturer, Natural Sciences
Daffodil International University