Bangladesh > Liberation of Bangladesh

The true tribute...


Muktijoddhas or freedom fighters of our country are our assets. Just think for a second, you go down to the battlefield and try to break the hell out at your opponents although not having sufficient arms and ammos. They killed pakistani soldiers not with the rifles, not with other arms. But they killed them with their noble cause. But seeing the fake fighters enjoying various privileges where the poor crippled fighters cannot make both ends meet, makes one true Bangladeshi sick. An insult to the injury occurs, when the allowances could not reach to the just receipents due to "UNKNOWN" reasons. So, can't we DIU students make an effort to contribute as much as we can. This thing will actually pay homage to these men and to our great liberation war instead of organizing programs and conversing on them on the national days.     

kaisar hamid:
yes you are right.freedom fighters of our country are our assets. They lost there family members and lost many things. Actually there are no word to say about their . now we should think what we are doing for their and our country. Government should take some action to reduce crime and corruption. 


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