Author Topic: ID CARD RIBBON of DIU  (Read 3715 times)

Offline titurahman

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« on: February 11, 2016, 02:33:07 PM »
Identification Card is the most important piece of information and sustaining theme of any institution. ID card convey the total image of organization. Daffodil International University is a brand of education and information technology. The activities of Daffodil International University inflated not only Bangladesh but also whole of the world. Thus its identification card bearing very significant meaning. The management of Daffodil International University authorized the concerned department to manufacture the ribbon and provided three categories ribbon(made in abroad) for the employees of DIU. All categories ribbon being wear by the respective employees & beloved students of DIU. Sometimes we can observe indiscipline wearing ID card in the administrative level. The present administrative ID ribbon can wear from the assistant officer up to Director but showing in the neck of staff, cleaners, attendant and others employees of DIU. Though it does not affect of brand image but create a indiscipline state of affairs. I would like to request the brand image team to think the fact and make new design for attendant, staff, security and cleaners ribbon of DIU.   
Mohammad Shahidur Rahman