Educational > You need to know

Most of us in DIU don't know how to talk over phone.


Most of us in DIU don't know how to talk over phone. My suggestions are:

1. When calling, please please please introduce yourself, first of all, to avoid ambiguity and enigma.

2. And then ask for the person you want

3. Listen when the other person is talking

4. Cultivate a pleasant voice.

5. Be courteous

Finally we all should know what to say and what not to say and plan our conversation   

Dear Mr. Shibli.

Yes your concern on telephonic behavior is important but the expression “Most of us in DIU don't know how to talk over phone” may not work properly!

Let me share one thing about this kind of sensitive communication: counseling became popular now days beside advice or order because of non-judgmental approaches around the world.

I am sure you didn’t put it to hurt people but who knows the reality?

Finally, I appreciate your topic that can be discussed more critically.


Dear Mr. Raju

Yes i do agree with you that the title expression is negative as well as sensitive but i would like to differ with the fact that it doesn't work at all, rather it worked actually in many cases when i just instructed and passed the information among my colleagues. Also, the expression was intentional; otherwise many of us won't like to go through it in the forum. Do you know only very few members of DIU family are using this forum? Had i written "Telephone Techniques", nobody would have read it, i guess.

But thanks for your kind reply anyway.


Dear Shibli,

Thanks for taking the issue seriously and thinking about effective communication. It’s true that we do need lot of research on behavioral changing communication (BCC) specially when lot of things should be unlearned around us.

I am planning to organize a workshop on unlearn process with DIU teachers first to create methodologies to intervene student and communities.

May be we teacher need to learn about unlearn process and techniques first then can try with others. It’s a helpless situation created by transitional economy for many of us needs to be helpful meaningfully for each other.

Let me share your thoughts for better planning.





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