Educational > E- Presentation

How To Create Effective E-Learning Presentations and Slideshows


Jannatul Ferdous:
How To Create Effective E-Learning Presentations and Slideshows

1.   Map out your strategy in advance.
Before you dive into the creation process, it's always wise to map out your entire eLearning presentation or slideshow. Develop a plan for each page and decide which elements you are going to include.
2.   Always focus on the learning goals.
Always be aware of the learning objectives, so that you can custom tailor every aspect of the eLearning presentation to help learners get one step closer to achieving their primary goal.
3.   Text should be concise, clear, and carefully crafted.
The text you include in your presentation or slideshow should be succinct and clear. Having lengthy paragraphs and run-on sentences will only distract or bore the learners. Consider adding bullet points if there is a great deal of text, or omit certain pieces of information that may be irrelevant.
4.   Use high quality, relevant images.
Choose high quality images and photos for your eLearning presentation in order to make it more engaging and immersive. However, remember that the images you use should be relevant to the topic-at-hand.
5.   Keep colors, branding, and overall design consistent throughout.
Make sure that the colors, fonts, branding, and overall design of the project flows well and is consistent throughout the presentation or slideshow.
6.   Include audio or video to create a more immersive experience.
Audio or video integration is ideal, especially if you are trying to make your eLearning presentation more dynamic and interactive.
7.   Embed links to references and resources.
Including links to articles, reference sites, and other web resources can give you the opportunity to expand the learning experience of your learners beyond the eLearning presentation.
8.   Integrate real life examples.
Real life examples, such as those that your learners will encounter on the job. This gives them added motivation to pay attention and absorb the information you are offering through the presentation.
9.   Limit the amount of time spent on each slide.
Don't spend more than 20 to 30 seconds on each page or slide. You want the eLearning presentation or slideshow to move along at a steady pace, rather than remain stagnant on a specific screen. This way, learners keep staying focus and engaged rather than get bored.
10.   Don't forget about recaps and self-assessments.
Even though an eLearning presentation may not be a full course, it's still important to include recaps or self-assessments to ensure that the learners are acquiring and retaining the information.


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