The role of education in holistic development – Part 2

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The role of education in holistic development – Part 2
« on: May 12, 2016, 09:43:27 PM »
Other than physical facility what else does a human being think about?
The list of thoughts can be classified into two categories:
1.   Feeling in relationship with other human being
2.   Right understanding in the self, or knowledge

Human being think about ensuring these, in addition to physical facility.
If we recognize human being’ aspiration, we find that they want to live in relationship with all and feel happy living in relationship, therefore relationship is necessary for human being.

Examine within yourself if
1.   You want to live in relationship (harmony) with others or
2.   You want to live in opposition with others or
You believe living has to be necessarily in opposition with others, i.e. There is 'struggle for survival',  ‘survival of the fittest’ and  check if you feel happy living this way?
Every night when there is a fight, we want to resolve it. We start the next day with the thought that we don’t want to fight today, but due to lack of right understanding about fulfillment of relationship, a fight takes place by night.
For fulfillment in relationship, it is necessary to have right understanding about relationship. i.e. Right understanding is also necessary for human being.

Right understanding, relationship and physical facility – among three which one has more priority?
Right understanding and relationship make mutual happiness.
Right understanding and physical facility make mutual prosperity. So, right understanding has first priority, relationship has second priority and so on.

If we only looking for physical facility without prioritize the right understanding and relationship, then unhappiness and deprivation will take place.

Therefore we can observe two categories of human being:
1.   Lacking physical facility, unhappy deprived
2.   Having physical facility, unhappy deprived
While we want to be –
3.   Having physical facility, happy prosperous

Check within yourself
   Where are you now – at 1, 2 or 3 and
   Where do you want to be?

If we are living for all three (right understanding, relationship and physical facility) then we are living with human consciousness.
The role of education is to facilitate the development of the competence to live with Definite Human Conduct.
Holistic development is transformation to Human Consciousness.

For this, the education-reformation has to ensure
1.   Right understanding in the self of every child
2.   The capacity to live in relationship with the other human being
3.   The capacity to identify the need of physical facility and the skills & practice for sustainable production of more than what is required leading to the feeling of prosperity

These are the 3 components of human education-reformation, if it has to ensure development of definite human conduct.

courtesy: Dr. Kumar Samvab

« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 09:59:00 PM by najnin »