Effective communication is a term often thrown around a workplace, but it is a concept often ignored and put aside as not being worth training in. Because the art of selling is so dependent on persuasive and believable information exchange, salespeople must be effective communicators. Great communication is not simply what is conveyed, but how it is conveyed and how choice rhetoric, info and body language can drive relationships and sales. Once salespeople elevate communication skills to a pro level, they can improve sales and relate better to prospects. Great sales people have the ability to speak well and to convey their ideas and their solutions. This ability in great salespeople is never exercised until they have exercised the even greater communication skill of listening first, because it proves they care. Practice these ideas to improve your communication skills.
Our objective is to develop a team 360 degree. So we will ensure the following points:
Know the organizations values, ethics and objectives
Know the pros & cons of Business Grooming
Know how to write and do effective communication
Have the communication skills
Essentials of Branding
Telephone, Email, Travel, Sales Time Etiquette
Courtesy in Business Meeting\
Business Values
Culture of Business Organization & Communication
Know the Cultural Competency
Short Description
Communication Skills for Sales Personnel workshop helps your peoples grow and enabling business soars through delivering comprehensive individual and organization effectiveness solutions based on proven result producing methodologies. In this day long workshop we will discuss on every issues that a salesperson how do better his communication skill from customer's point of view.
Workshop Overview & Outline
Major points to be covered for the Training o
Office Etiquette and Manner
Corporate Grooming
Effective Communication
Business English Speaking at workplace
Working in a Team Mentality
Managing a Professional Office Environment and Building a Disciplined Workforce
Success of a business depends upon Effective Communication at workplace about business goals and objectives, which is interlinked with proper grooming, etiquette and manner. This is interlinked with Effective Office Management, which is derived from proper Motivation, Team Building and Supervisory Skills and maintaining office Discipline.
Overview is as following:
Overall Company Business Objectives
Company Vision
Company Mission
Company Values
What is Etiquette?
What is Manner?
What is the relationship between Etiquette & Manner, and Business?
How does it affect sales? Expectation vs. delivery
Who is more important: External clients/customers or internal client/colleagues?
How to behave with Superior/Colleagues/Juniors/ general Staff
How to behave with clients, suppliers, visitors and guests
The unseen language barrier: Poor Bangla/English – both verbal and written
Construction of words, sentences, common grammatical errors, expressions, idioms, sayings, differences between American and British English, etc.
Listening, speaking and writing - properly
Kinds of Etiquette and Manner:
Via Telephone
Face to face: in reception or in counter or on desk
Email: the proper format, subject, addressing, topic, conclusion, carbon copies, reply, forwarding
During a speech
During a presentation
During a business negotiation
During sales closing
After sales service
Call Center
At business lunch or dinner table: as a guest or host
Image of the Company significantly depends upon the following:
Personal Grooming,
Attire, Dress Code
Hygiene, Uniform and non-uniform
Verbal vs. Non-Verbal Communication
Proper Body Language
What is Professionalism?
What is an Office?
Team Work and Achieving Business Goals
Working in a Project
To Be Successful at Work
Task Oriented Behavior
Professional Behavior
Professionalism at Work
Working in a Team mentality
Why Team?
Why Team success is needed?
How do Teams Work Best?
Different Stages of Team Building
Team Roles
Individuals - E/I, N/S, T/F and J/P
What Type are You?
Negotiating Conflict
Addressing the problem
Constructive Feedback
Receiving Feedback
Recipe for Successful Team
A Disciplined Workforce relates to revenue growth
Adherence to Policies
Violation of Policies
How it affects the total morale of the Company
How a Disciplined and Motivated workforce enhances revenue and builds image of the Company.
English Speaking Skills
The main goal of this part of the session is to help participants to improve their spoken English skills which will enable them to communicate more effectively in English. The general expectation is to achieve the ability to communicate in English without great effort or misunderstanding for all parties involved. Our goal is to assist the participants in developing skills in the goal areas (intelligibility, vocabulary, grammar, presentation and interactive communication) so that any deficiencies in skill or practice do not interfere with communication.
Registration Fee : 3500/- (Excludig VAT & AIT)
Last Date of Registration : 2nd June 2016.
Contact : Mobile : 01713493159 Email : /