The Revelation (419)

Author Topic: The Revelation (419)  (Read 1238 times)

Offline Nurul Mohammad Zayed

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    • Dr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed
The Revelation (419)
« on: March 20, 2016, 12:19:14 AM »
Article appeared Friday, March 18th, 2016 in The News Today, Bangladesh

Among the people of the world, there is a lot of debate regarding God and religion. To shed clarity on the different types of belief systems a number of definitions {1} and classifications are given {1}. As one explores the topic of belief {1}, one is likely to get utterly confused. Without entering into the traditional debate, this article proposes to look into the situation by developing different points of view. We propose to develop the points using an analogy. The analogy is that of a painter and his paintings. Can a painter, who has no paintings to show, be called a painter? Without paintings therefore, there is nothing to discuss, no points of view. Once the painter crafts a painting, we essentially have two points of view to consider. The first point of view is of the painter himself as he crafts his painting. This view includes why he is crafting the painting and what qualities he wishes to add in the painting. The other point of view is of the painting itself – what qualities it enjoys and how it looks upon or evaluates the painter.
Can there be any other point of view? The painter can craft multiple paintings, making each unique. Towards any of his paintings, could the attitude of the painter be different? Each painting would serve to demonstrate the qualities of the painter. The paintings themselves, however, may develop a third point of view – towards each other. Would it be logical for a painting to assume that other paintings have any powers over it? If not, we propose to abandon the third point of view. So, we end up having only two points of view, one of the painter towards his painting/s and the other of a painting towards the painter. Would it be logical for a painting to imagine or assume that it has multiple painters?
Having developed the analogy with the two opposing points of view, let us turn our thoughts to God. He can only be known to be the Creator as and when He creates. The choice is up to Him, what qualities He wishes to add to each of His creations. Each quality added would only serve to demonstrate the quality and ability of the Creator – credits belonging solely to Him. Each and every part of the universe would serve to demonstrate the qualities and abilities of the Creator, i.e., it would serve to establish the truth and reality of the Creator. The point of view of the Creator would be to be known and/or to be identified as the Creator, just as each additional painting would add to the name and fame of the painter. In addition, the Creator may want to be loved and adored by His creation to who He has given existence and live a life supported by Him to enjoy.
The only creations that can have the second view point are human beings who have been given the quality of analytical intelligence. They have the ability to work out the fact of their creation, to compare and understand the quality and ability of their Creator. They also have emotions with which they can love and adore Him. In addition, they have a free choice of whether to acknowledge Him or to deny His existence. Given these choices, what kind of attitude would be appropriate, ethical and just for human beings who have been given myriads of blessings to enjoy?
Would it be logical for humans to imagine that other created humans or objects have some power over their lives or that there are other objects that influence the successes and failures of their lives? As the Creator creates and sustains human beings for Himself, how is He likely to feel if His subjects imagine that there are additional powers that influence their life?
Given the free choice, would it be an idea for Him to arrange a system to separate the intelligent human beings who refuse to acknowledge Him, i.e., effectively deny Him and/or those who imagine that other things have power equal to Him over their life? Or imagine that He is just one god among other gods and all are subservient to their personal wishes and desires?
Faced with the varieties of responses to the purpose of creating human beings, what recourse could He possibly have? Would it be appropriate to create a system and set aside a special day where He would separate those who acknowledge Him and those who refuse to accept His reality? On that day, He may show records that no injustice has been done or will be done to the humans whom He has given so much and created with so much love and care? Would He forewarn of this special day, so that no one would have the opportunity to say that they did not know or realize the purpose of their creation?
Let us turn to the Holy Qur’an to see what it says about a special day and what will happen at that time.
16.1 “The Command of Allah is coming, so be not impatient for it. Exalted is He and high above having the partners they ascribe to Him!”
The Creator’s response to the attitudes towards Him is coming – be it a day or an initial swift punishment while on earth. He considers all attitudes seriously. There is no power or deity other than Him – the rest are all created beings and objects, having only apparent powers that He grants.
16.2 “He sends down His angels with the inspiration (i.e., revelation/dreams) of His Command to such of His servants as He pleases (asking them), "Warn (Man) that there is no god but I: so fear Me and do your duty."”
We need to appropriately acknowledge Him, i.e., fulfill the purpose of our life, while there is still time.
16.3 “He created the heavens and the earth for (the purpose of) establishing the truth. Far is He above having the partners that they ascribe to Him!”
He created the heavens and the earth with everything in between to support the truth of who He is. He created man as an intelligent witness to this truth.
16.4 “He creates man from a sperm drop; and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer!”
By denying the Creator, man denies his origin – this is just like a grown up child denying his/her own parents. How should one feel about such a person? How should the Creator treat a person who denies his/her origins? -  yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD, Honorable VC, DIU
Dr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed
Assistant Professor 
Department of Business Administration 
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University