The Register of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) Name clearance

Author Topic: The Register of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) Name clearance  (Read 4007 times)

Offline Md. Rashadul Islam

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RJSC entity name search

RJSC name clearance is the first step for a company formation or registration to start business in Bangladesh. RJSC (The Registrar of Joint stock Companies and Firms) is the only legal authority to issue Name Clearance Certificate.

Name Clearance Terms and Condition:
The same name is not applicable for Company / formation in Bangladesh, (Which is certified by RJSC). Its hearing sound, written style and sight will not be same all the way.
Name could not be similar with international company , organization, social & Cultural organization.
Name cannot be permissible any existing company , business body, Social, Cultural, Entertainment & Sporting organization’s name.
Company’s name will not be similar Govt. Organization or Company.
Nationally fame person’s name or famous family’s name need to permission from particular person and take permission to Government.
If you interested to take freedom fighter related name for your company must be essential approval ofFreedom Fighter Ministry of Bangladesh.
Company’s name could not be similar of Govt. development program or development organization.
No name will applicable of political party’s slogan, political party’s name and program which are existing now.
Slang word, Rebuke or……possible for company formation in Bangladesh.
Cannot select any name which is broken Social, Religious and national harmony.
Earlier established (at least 10 years old) Social organization’s real name , to attend personally with organizing Committee happy wheels demo resolution for registration of social organization’s real name.
Social, cultural & sporting Organization’s can be limited company by taking Ministry permission otherwise not possible to do.
Violating any name clearance terms & conditions R, RJSC can change providing name and if name is unchanged a certain time , Registration number will be acquainted of the company.
Only name clearance is not final settlement of Company Registration/Formation first stapes.
At first you select a name of your company than submit RJSC and pay 600 (Six Hundred) taka to schedule authorized bank of name clearance cost. If you get name clearance from RJSC of submitting company’s name, and make Memorandum of Association & Article of Association. Memorandum of Association describes all kinds of business & activities which will be operate by the company and mentioned of shares distribution of every Director and share holders. All share holder, director, managing director, Chairman signed it for their proposed share.

Article of Association basically written down legal and administrative activities of the company, as like borrowing powers, power of chairman, managing director, director and share holders, general meeting procedure, quorum of meeting, vote of member’s ,qualification shares of directors, quorum of board meetings, number of share of directors and share holder’s and all other operating activities which followed by Company Act 1994.
Md. Rashadul Islam
Sr. Administrative Officer
Brand & Marketing Section

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Re: The Register of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) Name clearance
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2018, 09:03:45 PM »