PhD scholarships in Computational Intelligence in Software Engineering

Author Topic: PhD scholarships in Computational Intelligence in Software Engineering  (Read 2647 times)

Offline Nazmul

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There are some PhD positions available at our research group (LEADS - Life and Economy Applications of Data Science) at University of Newcastle, Australia.

The PhD Scholarship Opportunity is available for both the CSE and SWE graduates.

The Link:

Area of research:
Software Engineering,
Program Analysis,
Computational Intelligence,
Machine Learning, and
Data Analytics.

IELTS: The applicants need to have IELTS score of 6.5 or above at the time of applying.

Expression of Interest: Interested applicants are encouraged to send their CV to Associate Professor Hongyu Zhang ( and/or Professor Pablo Moscato ( before applying.

With Regards,
Mohammad Nazmul Haque
PhD Candidate (Computer Science)
Casual Academic, School of Electrical Engg and Computer Science
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW 2308, Australia

Senior Lecturer  (On Study Leave)
Dept. of CSE,CIS & CS
Daffodil International University
Mohammad Nazmul Haque
Senior Lecturer
(On Study Leave)
Dept. of CSE,CIS & CS
Daffodil International University
102 Sukrabad,Mirpur Road,
