Author Topic: WHY ARE PARENTS SO GREAT?  (Read 6338 times)

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2017, 03:23:15 PM »
They are always there to offer support or advice whenever I need it. I will never be able to repay my parents for how much they’ve done for me. At the end of the day, no matter the circumstance, I was continuously their number one priority. I’ll always be thankful for all their hard work that helped get me to where I am today.I couldn’t have asked for two better role models growing up. I was consistently taught to have good manners, to value a money, and always treat others the way I wanted to be treated. Even on the days where I was in trouble or in the middle of a punishment, I knew at the end of the day that my parents would be there for me for the good times or the bad. My mother is perpetually there to listen to my rants or gossip with me, and my father is always there to goof around with.

Because I know they would be happy to take me on a much-needed trip to the grocery store (and maybe the mall if father being generous…). It’s also a nice time to be able to get off campus to have a nice dinner and spend quality time with each other. I’ll be honest, the thought of being away from my parents while I was away at college was scary in the beginning. But the distance has made our relationships so much stronger. Through my independence, I have matured and connected with them on a deeper level. I began to understand what they’ve been through and how to relate to them. I know that I’ll always be accepted by them no matter what. In life, there can be some harsh criticism that’s hard to handle but I know they’ll continually trust my judgment and decisions and always offer me honest feedback. I’ve been let down by many people throughout my life, but my parents have never been one of them. They are the first people I call when I have good news, and also when I need to vent about something when I’m upset. And even if I fail, they’re always there to cheer me on.

There is no way to deny their importance in our life. So everybody should be grateful to their parents. I always pray to Allah for keeping them alive many years with happiness and prosperity. I love my parents a lot.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2017, 03:23:53 PM »
We have come on the earth just for our parents. It really very difficult to have responsibility of a child, but our parents do it. They take care us so much. Especially my mother is very lovely one. She loves me so much and she does care me. My father does fulfill all of my wishes. Without exception , they don't t tell me, no for anything. Every parents stay beside their child in any problems. In the world, they are our most close person. There are lots of parents in the world who sacrifice their wishes, even lives for their children.so , we all should be very grateful to our parents.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2017, 03:24:18 PM »
Clearly, we all once lived with our parents. We, as their children, know the struggles of living with them. The "you never let me do anything" and the "Mom, can I have ten dollars?" moments. Parents can be real a pain in your side. So sure, you butted heads with Mom and Dad once, but what about all the selfless and amazing things they did for you? I sat down and thought of this one day, now that I live on my own. I contemplated the pros and cons and here is a list of why you should be more grateful towards your parents:If your parents are anything like mine, then you know how much they sacrificed. Countless weekends for sports, music, birthday parties, and other functions. Not only did they give up their time, which is precious, but they gave up a lot of money; on clothes, movies, make up, the best shoes, or the best of everything.There were nights we ate out, or ate left-overs; but most of the time my parents cooked dinner every night. As most college kids know, there is no cooking like home cooking. There is no "Mom, what are we doing for dinner?" or "Dad, are you going to cook ribs because they are my favorite?" Sometimes, I'm plain lucky if I remember to take stuff out of the freezer to cook. Mom and Dad never forgot stuff like that, and they still send me home with frozen leftovers, and so much more.They were, and still are, always there for me when I needed them most. Friends will come and go, but my mom and dad will never sway. They are my rocks, my stronghold, the two people who I can count on most in this world.
Finally, always be thankful for your parents because no one here on this earth will ever love you as much as they do, nor will anyone love you the same. Sure you will have your spouse, but there is no comparison to loving a child.
My list could probably go on further, because I was blessed with amazing parents, who did so much for me and my sister. Countless weekends just to watch practices, and so on. So next time you see your parents, especially because Thanksgiving is this week, tell them how much they mean to you. As I said, time is so precious, and life comes and goes everyday, make that your priority.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2017, 03:24:46 PM »
Parents are the most precious gift to us, gifted by God. They are the blessings of God. We come to this world through our parents. When we were helpless, they loved us unconditionally and raised us. They sacrifice their youth, their time, their everything they have for us and work for the welfare for our life. It was impossible for us to be grown up on our own when we were kids. On that time they spread the shade of blessings on us. We can not pay off their debt. It is impossible to do so. We should be thankful to our parents, we should always be grateful to them.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #34 on: April 02, 2017, 03:25:23 PM »
Parents are the best gift for our life. when we were child , they took care of us. They are our best friend. I am thankful of my parents because they support me. They love me without any benefits. They sacrifice any thing for us. They are our unselfish friend of our life. They want we are shine in life. They are our only friend that they support for our bad time also. They are the best teachers of our life, they teach them manner and value. My parents love me unconditionally. When we were child, we were depend on them. They are caring for us. They teach us strong for any situation. Every bad situation my parents beside with me. They try their best for us. They help me when I face problems. Whenever I need help with basic in life they always gave me a positive answer. They love me so much. I should some responsible for my parents. I love my parents so much.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2017, 03:26:07 PM »
These are the things we should be grateful to our parents:

1. A Great Childhood: Great childhoods are not hard to create. Kids can have fun in almost any household, no matter how well off or financially troubled the parents are. Kids don't need a toy chest full of toys or to travel all over the world.
2. Just Enough Attention. Some parents smother their children, making their children reliant upon them and not the smallest bit independent. Then you have the parents who are either too busy or too careless to give their children attention; failing to guide them and to be parents. Parenting seems to be a balancing act. You balance your personal time with the time needed to maintain a healthy mother/father/son/daughter relationship.
3. Financial Support. Parents should support their children until they can support themselves. Not even until the can barely support themselves, but until they can comfortably support themselves.
4. Love. Children need love growing up. It's not about making them feel special or coddling them. It's about teaching them the importance of love, teaching them how interpersonal relationships are supposed to work.
5. Respect. Respect is not only for your elders; it's also the other way around. In fact, it's every way around. Each individual should have respect for every other individual.
6. Clear Guidance And Good Advice. If your parents didn't guide you or give you good advice growing up, then they didn't do the best job they could. There is no excuse for not talking to your children and having a trusting relationship. If you have a clear, open line of communication, just don't give your child bad advice. There's really nothing more to it.
7. All The Things They Taught You. Parents were the teachers before teachers were teachers. Once we invented schools, it seems that parents decided to wipe their hands clean of being their child's instructor. There are always things you can teach your child. Even if he or she is already studying in school, help your child learn more. In fact, you may be your child's only hope.
8. Be There For You When You Needed Them. Having parents who support you, listen to you and who are there for you when the going gets tough in every form of the meaning, is something that is truly priceless. The family bond can be extremely powerful if worked on from the beginning and continuously nurtured. It's the ideal support team for when life becomes too much for you.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #36 on: April 02, 2017, 03:26:32 PM »
We should be grateful to our parents.Our parents are one of the most important parts of our life.They are our support network.They are the only unselfish friends of us who do everything for us without hoping to be paid back.We should be grateful to them because they taught us what is right & wrong,they taught us how to love,they are always supportive of our undecided decisions,they are honest even when we don't want them to be,they always make us feel loved,whether it is said or not.Everyday they worry about us & want to make us the best version of ourselves.Education is important & they always push us to be the best.Finally,we should be always grateful to our parents because they helped form us into the semi responsible adult we are now.I'll be always grateful for all their hard work that helped get me to where I'm today.They play the role as both authority figure & my best friends.After almighty Allah we should be most grateful to our parents,because no one here on this earth will ever love us as much as they do,nor will anyone love us the same.
Thank you.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #37 on: April 02, 2017, 03:27:24 PM »
Parents is important part in our life.we are great full to our parents because they have given all the love and care and brought us in this beautiful surroundings of always helping us to difference between what is right and what is wrong. They have taught us to respect our elder and loves younger. They send us to a good school where we can be educated to become responsible person. They taught us good manners value of love friendship honestly truthfulness etc.we spent our entire lives caring and providing for parents. It would never be enough to repay their kindnesses unconditional love sacrifices and they caring us without any questions. They even say our first word. They are very important for our every second of our life. Parents is the best gift for us from Allah.we are proud to have a parents in our life.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2017, 03:28:06 PM »
Parents are blessings for us. There place is after God. Our mother keep us their womb in 8/9 months, its not a simple work but only mother can do it. They get up early in the morning and prepare us, make breakfast, if they are working woman, after finishing household work they do their job. Housewife mother's also have many responsibility. She has to maintain all sides of work in our house. We are enable without our parents. Yes Father's can't spend lots of time with us but they are work for our happiness and for fulfilling our all needs.We just see they just give us money but we have to remember one thing if our mother's are housewife then how could we get money if he don't provide us. If we fall any trouble at first parents remain beside with us then friends will come. We do many wrong things, they forgive us so why don't we grateful for them. No one think for our future but only parents think and work hard for our secured future. They have face many problems for managing house, our studies fees, they also have to keep savings for our future. So we should obviously be grateful with them because we can't here without them , we can see the bad situation of orphan people, how helpless they are. We are lucky to have parents, we are nothing without them.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2017, 03:28:41 PM »
Parents are the most dearest, most wanted, most valuable and rich persons to me.I can not think for a single moment without my parents. They are like the fountains from which endless flow of affection, love and tenderness comes out.There are countless reasons for why I should be grateful to my parents.

Some reasons are given below:
1.They love me very much.
2.They give me money without any benefit.
3.They never harassed me.
4.They never give me the wrong direction.
5.They never make me unhappy.
6.They never give me any tension.
7.They never do any selfish attitude to me.
8.They are my support network.
9.They are my inspiration.
10.They always give me the clear guidance and good advice.
11.They teach me what is right and wrong.
12.They are always supportive of my undecided decisions.
13.They helped form me into the semi-responsible adult I am now.
14.They always protect me from any kind of problems.
15.They mean the world to me.
16.They always hear my pain and solve my pain.
17.They teach me how to live in the world.
18.They are the leader,founder,instructor of my life.

These are the little reasons to be grateful to my parents. And one thing is that" the most beautiful thing in this world is to sea my parents smiling and knowing that I am the reason behind that smile.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2017, 03:29:24 PM »
When anyone asked about the people who taught us the most,who were there for us through hardships, who laughed with us during the good times, who put up with us on our off days,most ot us think immediately of our parents. And it is true,our parents are the ones who have been with us through almost everything in our lives. Our mothers carry us for 9 grueling months before we are born, and for at least eighteen years afterwards,our parents, to list a few things, take care of us,teach us,help us,and provide for us financially and academically.My parents are the dearest and most wanted persons for me.They are the source of my inspiration. My parents are very fond of me.They are affectionate to me.I cannot think for a single moment without my parents.They are like the fountains from which endless flow affection, love and tenderness comes out.They are always busy to guide and protect me.They are my whole world.When I fall ill,they become very anxious, specially my mother,she doesn't sleep for while. She passes the whole night without taking a rest or a meal.But when I come round,they become happy.Their heart fill joy. Without them,most of us would not be in the places we are today.They are most beautiful, valuable gift from God.We cannot reimburse their contribution anyway.For everything, we should be grateful to our parents.

Offline Afroza Akhter Tina

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« Reply #41 on: April 02, 2017, 03:31:58 PM »
Thank you so much Sir for sharing so many nice things about our parents.

Afroza Akhter Tina
Senior Lecturer
Department of English, DIU

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2017, 03:33:49 PM »
Much more are coming.......stay tuned.

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2017, 03:34:47 PM »
Parents are such a bless,a beautiful gift of Allah Almighty.They are the guardian, caretaker,protector of a child.They raise and nurture the child.For everyone it is very essential to be grateful to our parents.Because, our parents take care of us from the first day we born to till their last breathe.They are very helpful and support us for our development. Many people may come in our life for short time or in our good times, but our parents are all time with us.They always protect us from any kind of trouble.They always try their best for us.When we born,we were unable to survive our self. Like, we cannot eat, we cannot talk to anybody,we cannot walk,that time they protect us.They taught us how to survive. They always guide us like a teacher.Even now, when we need mental,financial, educational,medical etc help,our parents are all time ready to help us.They always ready to protect us from any danger. Actually, parents are everything for a child.They are the real guide,real protector.Now we are in this beautiful world,we are educated,our success everything that we achieve only because of our parents.Without them most of us would not be in the places we are today.As a muslim,respecting parents is one of the most significant aspect.Allah has commanded us to treat our parents with utmost respect,no matter the situation we are in.Parents are also respectful and worshipful in all religious.
I specially very much grateful to my mother.She means everything to me.Though my father died about three years ago,still she try to do everything for my happiness. From her I learned how to be polite,affectionate and responsible.Overall,she is my best teacher,protector,guide and my idol.
Parents are our happiness,our life.We cannot live without them.They are Almighty Allah's gift to us and Allah can take them back whenever he wishes.If they can all time ready for helping us,for our safety;so,it is our responsibility to protect and take care of them at their old age.Parents are the symbol of forgiveness.So,always we should be grateful to our parents.There are many days we celebrate, like Father's day,Mother's day, Parents day etc.But one thing we should not forget that-respecting, honouring appreciating parents is not just for a single day of the year,but rather for each and everyday.

Offline Afroza Akhter Tina

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« Reply #44 on: April 10, 2017, 01:34:28 PM »
We all share similar feelings! Are these responses of your students, Sir?

Afroza Akhter Tina
Senior Lecturer
Department of English, DIU