You Probably Are Not Fat, You’re Just Bloated! Here’s How To Know For Sure

Author Topic: You Probably Are Not Fat, You’re Just Bloated! Here’s How To Know For Sure  (Read 1432 times)

Offline rima.eee

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Correct me, If I’m wrong but the phenomenon of losing weight is somehow always bond with our stomach.
Regarding to this people’s self-conscience, or rather obsession, many diets and fancy exercises claim that “they will burn the belly fat” for which they gain the most of its popularity. But we have some news for you that all this hype around “belly fat” and it’s conception  , may be in fact wrong.

There is a thin  line  between stomach fat vs. stomach bloating. In other words, you large stomach may be caused by bloating, which is build up of air, gases, or fluids in the stomach region.

This mix, causes the stomach to enlarge thus making space for this bloating, resulting in a large appearance. But just because it’s large doesn’t mean that it contains any extra fat. The best way to get rid of these bloating is to make certain lifestyle changes.

The next 5- step test will help you diagnose whether you have stomach bloating or not, and how to get rid of it.

Your daily lactose consuming may influence your stomach bloating. Humans are lactose intolerant to an extent. Some are more lactose sensitive than others. But if consumed heavily , lactose does provoke digestion issues because of the milk sugar that is the stomach bloating main provoker.

Make a change, by reducing the amount of your daily lactose intake (in milk, cheese, or yogurt)and see whether this will influence the size of your stomach.

Second and important is how much salt do you eat? Aside from the gas and air, the third substance that provokes bloating is the water. Especially for those people that consume a diet high in sodium  and salt. High amounts of sodium causes a water retention in the stomach, resulting in a bloating caused by fluids.

Try cutting the salt out of your diets and reduce the amount of high-sodium meals you eat.

Eating hastily , can also be one of the reasons for your stomach bloating. If you eat as quick as possible your body won’t be able to send information to your brain letting it know you are full fast enough.

The result known as over-eating . Another side effect the fast eating can have is that every time you eat fast you are inhaling a large amount of air with every bite you swallow. This air pumps your stomach and provokes a bloating. Prevent this by slowing down and chewing your food rather than just swallowing it.

Bloating can cause stress, but stress can also cause bloating. The digesting system is heavily affected by stress. When stress hormones flood the body , changes within your body occur. The body automatically starts prioritizing  the processes  that deal with stress rather than those such as food digestion.

In situations like these, try yoga exercises or meditation and see how they will affect your stomach size.

Although many people feel bloated after eating bread, or other wheat-based food , people hypersensitive to gluten may be faced with an enormous and hurtful stomach bloating.

If you are gluten intolerant try avoiding bread, pasta, cereal or other wheat-based products. Replace them with a gluten-free products and notice the changes in your stomach’s size.

Offline anwar.swe

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Thank you for sharing this information
Nd. Anwar Hossen
Senior Lecturer
Mentor, IEEE DIU Student Branch
Department of Software Engineering, FSIT
Daffodil International University