1. Set objectives. Why are you delivering a corporate presentation? What do the audience think now, and what do you want them to think? What are the audience doing now, and what do you want them to be doing? If you know the individuals – answer these questions for each key decision maker.
2. See things from the audience’s point of view. We’ve had clients who have insisted on showing a series of pictures of their new office building and staff gym. Ask, Does the audience care about this? What’s in it for them?
3. If you can email your corporate presentation to somebody who wasn’t there to see you deliver it, and they can understand it – then you, as a presenter, aren’t necessary. Unnecessary presenters struggle when delivering corporate presentations face-to-face (the audience can just read the slides instead). Instead, use visual cognitive dissonance to make slides captivating.
4. Make your corporate presentation’s key messages memorable. Most presentations make 100s of points, and this leads to most people forgetting most of your messages. What’s worse, when you have a few people in the audience, they all remember different points. Less is more. A logical structure is essential, and repetition is key.
5. Think about who will deliver your corporate presentation. Often those writing and designing corporate presentations aren’t the same as those who will have to deliver them. Presentation skills training will help the sales team to deliver the presentation, but the material needs to sound credible coming from their mouths. If the CEO helps to write the presentation, it can be worth checking that your sales team are comfortable delivering the material.
6. No bullet points. You spend time and money on your brand – why undermine it when face-to-face with prospects? Use visual PowerPoint slides – charts, diagrams, animation, and photos to appear dynamic and up-to-date, and to get your point across.
7.Use visual aids to help your audience understand your messages. Diagrams and images can help your audience grasp and remember your point. A ‘Presentation Zen’ approach has its place – but one beautiful photo probably won’t convey why one insurance pricing mechanism is superior to another, or explain how a global IT solution is to be delivered. Find the right visual to make your message easy to explain.
8. Tell stories, and use case studies. Ideally, supply a few so that those delivering your presentation can use one relevant to each audience. Stories are memorable, and bring your messages to life. Stories recounting previous customer successes help to present credentials in an interesting way, and reassure prospects that you can do what you say you can.
9. Don’t just list your products. Instead, structure your presentation around the problems that your company can solve, and the benefits that your company can deliver. Then, just talk about your products as you explain the different ways your company can deliver value. This might mean that one product gets mentioned in a few different places, but wouldn’t you rather your prospect got interested in all the products that help solve a problem they are facing?
10. Avoid one-size-fits-all if it doesn’t. Your company might not change much, but your prospects are all different. So, build some flexibility into your corporate presentation. There’s a balance to find between presenting a clear and consistent message to the market, with tailoring your corporate presentation to different audiences. Try to make every prospect feel that you can solve their problems, and can offer what they need. Consider an interactive presentation if you want to give your company’s presenters flexibility to quickly respond to client interests.