Daffodil Software Ltd. (DSL)

Author Topic: Daffodil Software Ltd. (DSL)  (Read 2749 times)

Offline Shabrina Akter

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Daffodil Software Ltd. (DSL)
« on: June 12, 2017, 10:57:07 PM »
Daffodil Software Ltd. (DSL) is the brainchild of Daffodil Family to fulfill the exact demand of application software for existing and potential market and to accomplish the Corporate Sector needs. DSL can be renamed as the “Power to Achieve” an intelligent tool to which helps our customer to know its customer, foresee the future of business and modeling. Clients from home and abroad are gaining business value from our products and services. DSL is run by an expert management team who are certified by International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB). Our software products are implemented, tested and documented following international standard and compliances.

We pay effort in three sectors- software supply, software lifecycle management and infrastructure solutions. We strive to deliver technical support, information and problem-solving advice of real value to our clients. DSL also offers project consultancy, system integration, application services, software supports, data entry and call center solution to all level of customers.

What We Do?

Provide best services to their customer
See the future of their business/services
Anticipate the opportunity
To Grow their business/expand the opportunity

Service We Offer

Software Customization
Data Migration & Porting Solutions
24/7 Technical Support by our knowledgeable and professional technical staff
Timely effective and consistent technical support and efficient experience
Sample Training in different approached. Training is given by top-notch experts online or lives on site
Software testing service by certified tester from ISTQB
Comprehensive Consulting services for new and existing partners
By Implementing software our consultant ensures maximum outcomes of your investment at Daffodil Software Limited
Graphics Design, Multimedia, Animation
E-learning, Google, Module
Internet TV, Internet Radio
Software Testing Service
Smart Card Solution
Expertise of Social Media Marketing
Google Ad words Analysis
Web & E-commerce Development
All kind of documentation expert
Dedicated Export Team
Search Engine Optimization

Why Us?

IT/ITES business experience both in Govt. & Private Sectors
Over 100+ projects implemented successfully
We use up-to-date Technology
Customized Functionalities to fit your business needs
Enabling Integrated data Solution and MIS reporting
Secured application and database technology
User friendly interface and environment by WEB based solutions but desktop based feel
Provide efficient solutions in competitive price
Global Presence and Partnerships

Our Contribution

We help to create an emerging economy with techno-savvy manpower and create jobs to solve unemployment. Besides, we contributed in the following way:
Fulfilling the software demand local and International market
Fresh Graduates are doing internship and finding jobs
Creating job places for peoples at different age
Inspiring young generation to become freelancer
Students are getting way to earn while a study
Developing professionals and creating jobs
Helping in earning foreign remittance
Technologies We Use

DSL has gained extensive experience with a wide variety of languages, platforms, and tools. We are able to rapidly “come up to speed” on existing projects. The following lists just a few of the languages, platforms, and tools with which we have experience:
Programming Languages: Java, C#, C++, C, and more
Server Side Scripting Language: Python, PHP, JSP, ASP
Front-end Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, AngularJS, Karma, Jasmin, Protractor, Grunt, Glup, NPM, and more
Web Server: IIS, Apache, Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, and more
Other Servers: Mail Server: Postfix, Sendmail, Apache James
Mobile Apps Technology: Android, iOS, Windows Phone, SQLite
Frameworks: Spring-Core, Spring MVC, Spring-Security, Spring-Data, Spring AOP, Hibernate ORM, Entity Framework, QueryDSL, Servlet, Velocity, Apache tiles, JSTL, Thymeleaf, Log4j, SLF4J, Jackson, Apache Camel, ActiveMQ, Laravel, .Net, LINQ, and more
Testing Tools: Selenium, JUnit, JMeter
Software test Management Tools: Mantis
Project Management Framework and Tools: PMP, MS Project
Software Model Designing Tools: MS Visio, Visual Paradigm               
Reporting Frameworks and Tools: Jasper Reports, Crystal Reports, Apache POI
Scrum Software Development Methodology and Tool: Agile, iceScrum
Cloud Computing Platform: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, Azure
Database Engines & APIs: Oracle, MSSQL server, Postgresql,  MySQL, ODBC, JDBC
Data Transportation Structure: XML, Json and more
Version Control System: Git, TFS

Source: http://daffodilsoft.com/home/show_article/history
Shabrina Akter
Exam Officer
Daffodil International University (DIU)
E-mail: shabrina.exam@daffodilvarsity.edu.bd