How to make your life a work of art

Author Topic: How to make your life a work of art  (Read 2058 times)

Offline Shabrina Akter

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How to make your life a work of art
« on: June 12, 2017, 02:26:26 PM »
1. Make each moment count and live it to the fullest. When you get up in the morning decide to welcome all the challenges and delights each day brings. Be aware that everything you experience contributes to your knowledge, enjoyment and understanding of life. Every activity can have meaning and purpose and by acknowledging and recognizing it, you enrich your participation in it.

2. Express yourself and create the life you want. You are unique. Express your individuality and share your observations and insights with others. Make your surroundings a comfortable reflection of that individuality and uniqueness. For instance, if you're a collector, a sports fan, or have a particular hobby, decorate your home with artifacts and mementos that express that part of your personality. It makes for good conversation and reveals something about you to others.

3. Establish an open, accepting and appreciative mindset. Prepare yourself for whatever comes your way. When you do, the possibility of attracting adverse circumstances lessens because of your willingness to confront and face what is. When you maintain an open, accepting attitude life actually goes more smoothly and without incident. It's as if you're daring life to throw you a curve, but because you aren't afraid, it becomes unnecessary and therefore loses its impact.

4. Be who you are and go after what you want. Be comfortable with yourself and don't be afraid to go after what you want. So many opportunities are missed out of fear of failure (and success too) and an unwillingness to take risks or put yourself on the line. Life is too short to not give your best shot at something. Strive to reach your potential. The worst that can happen is you learn a valuable lesson.

5. Have a solid personal foundation balanced with relationships with family, friends and the community. We are social beings who need each other for comfort, support and interaction. It's important to cultivate and value all of our relationships and engage in activities that promote good will and make the community, the country and ultimately the world a better place.

Shabrina Akter
Exam Officer
Daffodil International University (DIU)