10 simple weight loss tips 

Author Topic: 10 simple weight loss tips   (Read 924 times)

Offline Raisa

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10 simple weight loss tips 
« on: September 24, 2017, 02:10:47 PM »
Losing weight doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Simple changes to your lifestyle will produce results.  
Most of us know that eating a little less, and exercising a little more does the trick, but in an industry crowded with mixed messages on tips to lose weight, it can get confusing.
These simple weight loss tips have been tried and tested. They might not transform your body overnight, but they will help it attain a slightly better, healthier shape in the longer term.
Because water is involved in many metabolic processes in your body, being dehydrated has the potential to slow your metabolism down, which can hamper weight loss.
TBecause water is involved in many metabolic processes in your body, being dehydrated has the potential to slow your metabolism down, which can hamper weight loss.
There’s also a theory that having a glass of water before a meal can make you feel satisfied faster, meaning you eat less calories.here’s also a theory that having a glass of water before a meal can make you feel satisfied faster, meaning you eat less calories.
Because water is involved in many metabolic processes in your body, being dehydrated has the potential to slow your metabolism down, which can hamper weight loss.
There’s also a theory that having a glass of water before a meal can make you feel satisfied faster, meaning you eat less calories.5. Savour. Every. Mouthful.
Focus your mind on your food and enjoy every fork. This is the art of mindful eating. Not only are you likely to enjoy it more, you’re allowing yourself to listen to your stomach and when it is feeling full.

Many watch television or multitask while eating, which distracts the mind and can result in over eating. Eating on the go can also contribute to bloating.
6. Exercise more
Adding more activity to your daily routine – walking to work or using the stairs – is a sure fire way to aid weight loss. Weight lifting is also really important to stop your body losing muscle mass.
When you introduce a calorie deficit into your diet and your body notices low energy levels over a prolonged period, it may enter 'starvation mode' where it starts to break down muscle for energy and your metabolism slows down.
Lifting weights and other resistance exercises will prevent you losing muscle mass and speed up your metabolism fast.
7. Use smaller plates and bowls
Trading in your huge dinner plate for a slightly smaller one is a very simple but effective weight loss tip. You can ‘fill your plate’ without breaking the rules. This can help with portion control.
8. Keep a food diary
Weight loss is all about changing lifestyle habits. Record what you eat and when and it should be easy to spot bad habits. This will also allow you to block out meal times so you can practice mindful eating.