Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« on: April 29, 2018, 01:17:28 PM »
This story about a girl who try to change her life...she grown up in very conservative family..Her parents love her unimaginable n do overmuch care.. So that Her parents never let her go alone anywhere even any kinds of picnic with friends or hang out with them..She was very polite..Even her school n college was also stayed beside her home though her mom took her to the school n college too.. she liked it n thought how much love and care her mom..Sometimes her friends taunts for this..Sometimes she felt angry and said to mom that give her freedom.. But her mom knows she is not capable to this dangerous world...For that reason she didn't learn how to cope up with others. When she was in 18, she got married..It was really hard to her to cooperate with new family..She can't continue her study for 2 years that's why her heart was broken. She try to kept her alone..Her dreams was stucked somewhere.. Passing her time with depression..Then her parents, husband, laws gave her inspiration... She again start her study.. Her husband says, "I don't snatch your dreams and freedom.. Go ahead, spread your wings and fly as you can..

And now I am try to change myself step by step..Yes...the story is mine..I really try to cope up others make me easy. Hang out with friends n doing different kind of activities.. I want to see my future bright.. I am trying my best..Learning struggling hoping and changing.. Now I don't fear to go somewhere alone..

Marriage can't snatch your dreams and stucked your life sometimes it gives freedom..

Offline Mustafizur rRhman

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« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2018, 01:18:21 PM »
There are many good people around us who always motivated us with their great work of success instead of so many obstacles in their lives. And I really owe a lot of those people, because they are the reason I keep grinding everyday.
I don't know if there is a person who wouldn't get inspired while listening to Nick Nick Vujicic was born no arms and no legs. Yet he is very happy man and he lives life with joy. He is also a funny guy with a good sense of humor. And Vujicic tells jokes in his speeches and pokes fun at himself. He teaches us the importance of determination and never giving up. And quitting is not in his vocabulary. He believes nothing is impossible. And Vujicic stresses the value of not focusing on what I cannot do instead focus in life on what I can control and what I can do.

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« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2018, 01:19:23 PM »
I think, parenting is tough enough when you are part of a pair , doing solo is even harder .Now i will share my story . I got married at a young age. But I could not continue my married life. i have a daughter . so i am becoming a single mother at a young age . After leaving my daughter's father i confessed to him that i was having a hard time to being a single mother. I am a student. i have to spend a long time in the university. Then i have also take care my daughter . i spend a lot of time with her.I have to feed her ,bathe her , read to her. so i was having hard time. My daughter's father's response went something like '' Give me custody. I will take her.'' As if that were what i was saying. That was my entry into the shame imposed on us single mothers. We can not say it's hard. We can not cry over the pressure. We are supposed to bear it. people with traditional standard always seem to say ,'' How dare she bear a child alone with no husband !!'' They do not understand the concept that life does not always turn out the way we plan. We do not always get what we want .My daughter's father never put his hand on our daughter. he was violent with me. But he was tender with her . I never felt like my daughter is in danger with him. When we broke up , I never denied him visitation .so , yes he is present but he does not share the duties of parenting a child. I am the one who takes her doctor's appointments. I am the one who knows how she likes to eat ice cream. I know that her favorite food is chicken fry . I take her to the park for her recreation. now she is 4 years old. i have to admit her a school. I have to take her school and back to school. i have to done all this things alone. i am a single parent . I live this life. It is mine. I believed that my future lay in getting a good education. Yes, juggling with motherhood with getting a degree has been hard and life is still difficult, but the journey continues to be worth it for sure. i always remember one thing that is ''when life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry .show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile and lough. so that i am always keep smile. i never fear my problems. we should stay strong in any problems. so that we can over come our all problems.

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« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2018, 01:20:35 PM »
Now I talk to about my roommate sister's life story.
Her name is Marfi Laboni. Her home is most important village in Bangladesh. Village name is Banglabandha of Tetuliya Thana. Where the literacy rate is very low. 30% people are educated. Woman's education rate is even lower. Only 5% woman's are educated.

When she was start her student life that time education system was very poor. Her primary school was 2 km away from her home. At that young age, she walked the way to school. She was one girl person of her primary school. School's environment was not perfect for properly study. There was not good teacher for learn. That time, in that environment she got scholarship in class 5. And she was only one girl got scholarship from that school.Then that school got popularity for her success.

There had no high school her village. Then she admitted a good school far way from her village. When her only 12 years old she left her parents. And she started stay hostel.
Then, when she started her study that time she faced many problem. Because she could not accept to the hospitality to city. That students were very smart, talented, and overall expert. All time she could not gain high position. All time she gained low position. Then she started work hard, try and try that she gained high position. Then she passed her S.S.C level.
And her village people were proud feel her. Because she was the first educated girl her village. Then she admitted a good college and passed her H.S.C level.
Now she studying B.S.C engineering in Daffodil International University. And she is the most heigher educated person of her village.

She is inspiration for her village girl and their parents.Now they understand education is the most important for every girl and boy. Now many girl start their study. And they get inspired from her.

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« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2018, 01:22:32 PM »

My inspiration is my mother. She is a great person. She was gift for us. I would like her patience. Without patience, we can't succeed any work. She also said me to take things positively. She supported me in all situations and guided me. a role model doesn't have to be a famous personality. It can be anyone who makes us believe in ourselves. She is my role model. She always encouraged me in every aspect and motivates me even I don't succeed. My mother fills sweetness in my life. From my childhood I have learnt everything from my mother. Her every works motivated me. She has turned me into a fighter in the war of life. She is my real hero in my life.

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« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2018, 01:23:42 PM »
I was 13 years old, trying to teach my 6 year old sister how to dive into a swimming pool from the side of the pool it was in Chittagong. It was taking quite a while as my sister was really nervous about it. We were at a big, public pool, and nearby there was a woman, about 35 years old, slowly swimming laps. Occasionally she would stop and watch us. Finally she swam over to us just when I was really putting the pressure on, trying to get my sister to try the dive, and my sister was shouting, "but I'm afraid! I'm so afraid!" The old woman looked at my sister, raised her first defiantly in the air and said, "So be afraid! And then do it anyway!" That was 7 years ago and I have never forgotten it. It was a revelation -- it's not about being unafraid. It's about being afraid and do it anyway.

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« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2018, 01:24:57 PM »
Life is a beautiful gift Allah. This small period of our life we have to survive so many things. There is also so many ups and downs in our life. Sometimes we become very happy and sometimes we become very sad. Happiness and sadness is the part of our life. When something is going to happen which is bad for us or it makes us sad but we can't accept it. Even we never think that it would be happened. Then we break down and we set up our mind that everything is impossible for us and any possible thing doesn't make for us and we lost our trust. Then we must say it is absolutely wrong idea. We can take it as a challenge, and called it as a lesson. That mean's bad moments teach us so many things in our life.If we take it as a lesson,then we can start a new journey and i believe it from my bottom of my life.We can motivate ourselves.Now I want to share my own experience.In 2015 I have passed my HSC examination and i obtained a poor mark.I couldn't accept it.I set up my mind that again I seat for HSC examination,it happened but I failed.That time I thought all the hopes of my life are nip in the bound.I thought I would give up my study.Days were gone one after one.Suddenly i thought what I did.That was not the end.That time I stand myself as a inspiration.I took my bad times as a challenge and I motivated myself like that if I have to do.Now I am a university student.Still when I faces any bad moments,I take it as a challenge,try my best to overcome it.Like this I motivate myself.

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« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2018, 01:25:37 PM »

Now I talk to about my brother's friend's life story. I think it is a motivational story. My brother's friend's name is Sushanto. He was a good student from childhood. He always gained 2nd position at the school. When he was in class 8 that time he was 1st position because that 1st boy transferred another school. He got scholarship in class 8. Then he passed his S.S.C level in 2001 and H.S.C level in 2003. He wanted to be a doctor. But unfortunately he did not admitted medical college. But he got to chance Chittagong University. He had no interest about CU. And he did not like that subject. That's why he could not maintain his result. At that time, when his friends were passed their honour’s level and got job that time he was also a student of CU. Then he told that he will be businessman. Then already he started his business. Nobody looks good with it. He and his family were insulted to become humiliated for his education in the run. That time he was very neglected by everyone. He couldn't attend varsity's program because all people think he is a valueless person. All time he insulted from his friends and teachers. Then he was very upset and feasted. Then he decide he should be suicide when he was preparing for suicide then his mom's picture floated in front of her eyes. Then he couldn't that. After someday he could know about BCS job. It is a very respectable job in society. Then he completed his honour’s level. And he started try to prepare BCS exam. He started very hard work, try and try for exam. Now he is a success and he is a BCS officer. Now we can say that, the will of man is very important. People can everything if they want.

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« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2018, 01:26:17 PM »
A motivational short story of my own

My name is Razon. When I was child ,I have a dog name Tommy. He was very cute and sexy . The dog was very funny and I liked him very much from any other things. The dog was my playing partner for all the time.I was growing up slowly and the dog too .when my age 13 the dog became very old .when I look at him there I saw a sadness of his eyes cause of oldness. It was very bad thing that I cant accept . 15 octobor 2003 he died by a road accident . I saw his dead body was on the way . I shocked ,to see his body on the high way .The dog was my life .There was a lot of blood and tommys crushed body .After he died I am going sick .my sickness was daily daily going up . My mother cant see my sadness. Sudden a day she gave me a cute cat child . it was very cute but I didn’t like her .her name was Tusu .But Tusu was a lot of funny cat than my Tommy .And very sloly day by day I liked her . I loved her day by day .I think after sadness happy will come .So it is now very normal for me and now a days I don’t have any cat or dog.

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« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2018, 01:26:49 PM »
It is a story about a boy..

A boy who is living with his family.
His family as far as I know they are belong to a lower middle class. So as a lower middle class family boy, he is fighting, struggling and getting troubles in his daily life as usual.
For example, The boy had a dream from the childhood that, one day he will be studying at a good and a private university and then when the time comes up to get admit into the university then unfortunately his family couldn't support him. Because of that today he is doing a job to study into a private university and fulfilling his dreams gradually. So that's all.

And one more thing.. Life is all about ups and downs which you have to face it to live. So, never give up, never lose hope, I'm sure one day you will be successful for today's struggling. Thank you!

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« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2018, 01:27:20 PM »
Are you having bad times in your life? Maybe just a bad day or even just a bad moment and yeah, it probably sucks and it's so freaking hard and painful but trust me, it's needed.
You should be thinking, why the hell bad times are needed if it makes me feel like crap?
They are because after that, you'll be appreciating and enjoying everything, every single thing that happens to you after that, you'll learn infinite amount of things from it and your life is going to start being easier because of that. So remember, no matter how bad you can be right now, in this precise moment, you will be fine and better than ever, just give it sometime and affront it because you can with everything, you are awesome just for being yourself .

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« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2018, 01:27:58 PM »
A little child is getting his mother sleeping. The child does not want to sleep. Her mother tried to make her sleep by threatening the tiger and the bear. The child was afraid and asked, 'Where is the tiger and bear?'
The mother said, 'We are sitting in our blossom. Tigers and bears will catch you when you do not sleep. '
The child fell asleep in fear of his mother hearing this.
The next day the child was playing with parents in a garden. Suddenly, the child thought that the tiger and bear were hiding behind the flowering grapes. At the same time he stopped the game and went inside the house. If the child's mother wants to bring him to garden, the child said, 'There are tigers and bears there. I will not play there. '
Even after trying hard, parents could not take him to the garden.
When we were young, we were just like the child. When someone threatened the tiger and lion, he would fall asleep with fear. Sometimes I was afraid of cats.
Now we are young. I have grown up. The fear of that tiger-bear-bear is not afraid of us now. But the word 'fear' is still inside us.
Before starting any work we are afraid of failure. And if someone enters our ears that it is not possible by you, then he does not consider moving forward. From my own experience, we are the youngest of those young people, we are afraid of simple issues. We are so scared that we kill our hidden "talent" by ourselves.
Just think, the things you feared about in childhood-were really a matter of fear? Do not they seem real now.
Just like the things you are afraid of now, after a while you will feel, I got freedom about it.
Let us apply the experience of childhood and trust it we have to win the fear.

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« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2018, 01:30:25 PM »
A little child is getting his mother sleeping. The child does not want to sleep. Her mother tried to make her sleep by threatening the tiger and the bear. The child was afraid and asked, 'Where is the tiger and bear?'
The mother said, 'We are sitting in our blossom. Tigers and bears will catch you when you do not sleep. '
The child fell asleep in fear of his mother hearing this.
The next day the child was playing with parents in a garden. Suddenly, the child thought that the tiger and bear were hiding behind the flowering grapes. At the same time he stopped the game and went inside the house. If the child's mother wants to bring him to garden, the child said, 'There are tigers and bears there. I will not play there. '
Even after trying hard, parents could not take him to the garden.
When we were young, we were just like the child. When someone threatened the tiger and lion, he would fall asleep with fear. Sometimes I was afraid of cats.
Now we are young. I have grown up. The fear of that tiger-bear-bear is not afraid of us now. But the word 'fear' is still inside us.
Before starting any work we are afraid of failure. And if someone enters our ears that it is not possible by you, then he does not consider moving forward. From my own experience, we are the youngest of those young people, we are afraid of simple issues. We are so scared that we kill our hidden "talent" by ourselves.
Just think, the things you feared about in childhood-were really a matter of fear? Do not they seem real now.
Just like the things you are afraid of now, after a while you will feel, I got freedom about it.
Let us apply the experience of childhood and trust it we have to win the fear.

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« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2018, 01:31:27 PM »
All people are an unfinished story, No man can do all the things and works in his life..
The story of human life is being created every day which is not to be finished. Many people leave play ground for the rest of their life. Yet, we have to fight to get rid of sadness, misery, disenchantment, humiliation, and worst memories.

I think life is the most complicated things to know. It doesn't follow any pattern. But one thing is common; man is the best makers of his life.

You seriously need to believe in yourself.
You need trust yourself.
You need to stand up fight yourself.
The best and most powerful motivation in life self motivation.
Keep calm and be in yourself always be ready to accept the challenges. Be a fighter be warrior be as you can on yourself. Do exactly what you want. push your self out of the comfort zone and keep starving for what you want because you start to deserve the things you start to the things.

Recently a wise man has said to me this things. and helped me to understand what should I do.

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« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2018, 01:32:28 PM »
It is a story about a lady.

When I was a student of class 6, a lady lived near our house with her daughter.  Her husband died by a bus accident. She worked as a maid in a house.As a result she couldn't able to continue her daughter study after class eight.  Her daughter name was Amina.She wanted to be a doctor. At the age of 14 she got married. Her husband was a rickshaw puller. After marriage her husband supported her to study more as she was a brilliant student. After that she passed her SSC and HSC exam with brillant result. Then after a lot of struggle, she got a chance to admit in an medical college. But,her husband couldn't mange the money which was needed for her admission. Then he came to our colony and asked for her. Everyone helped them. Then she started her study. After completing her MBBS, she got three babies.And now she is one of the most popular doctor in our city.Everyone knows her as a very good doctor.

So,dream big,work hard,today or tomorrow it will come true.