9 ways to save yourself from lightning strikes

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Offline Tapushe Rabaya Toma

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9 ways to save yourself from lightning strikes
« on: April 30, 2018, 01:03:36 PM »
Measures taken timely can save many lives during a lightning storm. But it is very tough to recall the tips in the face of trouble therefore we need to drill ourselves to get familiar to these measures.   

Amid tragic incidents of deaths in this monsoon's thunderstorms, the Met office has recently come up with nine effective tips to keep people safe from lightning strikes.

Here are the tips to stay safe when a lightning storm strikes:
1. Avoid open and high places: Take shelter in or near a concrete building
2. Stay away from tall trees and electric poles: There is a high chance of lightning strikes on tall trees, electric poles and passenger sheds situated in an open place during a thunderstorm

3. Don’t go near windows: Shut the windows and stay inside the room

4. Don’t touch metal parts of a building: Many people get injured after they got in touch with metal water taps and pipes, stair railings, landline telephone sets during thunderstorms

5. Unplug TV, fridges: Don’t handle electronics connected to the main electric line and unplug them if you sense an incoming thunderstorm

6. Inside a car? Take it under a concrete shed: Try to return to your home as soon as possible if lighting strikes. Do not touch the windshields during the thunderstorms

7. Avoid going to the streets: There is a high risk of getting electrocuted by snapped electric lines hidden in the logged water in the streets during a thunderstorm

8. Don’t stay barefoot or use wet leather shoes: If it is absolutely necessary to go outdoors better use rubber boots

9. Remain alert: Always keep a close watch on your surroundings and remain alert during thunderstorms. If anybody gets hurt, try to take him/ her to the hospital as soon as possible

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Lightning: The New Natural Disaster
Lightning: The New Natural Disaster
Lightning Casualties: Govt to focus on forecast
Lightning Casualties: Govt to focus on forecast
Readers, you better remember these instruction as there is a forecast of rain or thunder showers accompanied by temporary gusty or squally wind and lightning flashes which are likely to occur at a few places over Dhaka, Khulna, Barisal and Chittagong divisions and one or two places over Rangpur, Rajshahi, Mymensingh and Sylhet divisions. 

Hailstorms could occur at isolated places over the country.

There is a trough of westerly low lies over West Bengal and adjoining area. Seasonal low lies over South Bay.

Source: The Daily Star


Offline tasnim.eee

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Re: 9 ways to save yourself from lightning strikes
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2019, 10:37:43 PM »
Very informative!