Press Release : DIU Research Initiatives on Traffic Management in Bangladesh

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DIU Research Initiatives on Traffic Management in Bangladesh

As a private Higher Education Institute (HEI), Daffodil International University (DIU),in addition to its teaching practices is trying to develop its research agenda. As a Middle Income Country (MIC), Bangladesh has many areas where collection of research data would help the cause of development. Research would open the way to design research based solutions. DIU is taking initiatives to involve both its teachers and students in research on development issues – issues that would help the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and institutes involved in development issues and projects. It would also give DIU students and teachers exposure to real-life research data, a research mind-set and an awareness of development issues.

Traffic management and issues is one of the initial areas that DIU would like to bring to the research table. Everyone is painfully aware that traffic of Dhaka city today is one of the biggest challenges of living in Dhaka. Rapid urbanization and influx of people to the city is creating many uncontrollable transportation problems. In fact, it may be said that traffic management challenges, in the country, leads to a loss of service time, business losses, wastage of idling fuel and often loss of life. This time, DIU feels to work on this area to produce some extensive research where pragmatic solution will be on key focused. Gradually, DIU will conduct and coordinate research projects on various issues, to align with the national development of the country.

All these were informed today on May 13, 2018 (Sunday) at a Meet the Press on “DIU Research Initiatives on Traffic Management in Bangladesh” held at 71 Milonayoton of the university. Conducted by Syed Mizanur Rahmanb, Director (Student Affairs), the Meet the Press was addressed by Prof. Dr. Yousuf M Islam, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. S M Mahabub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro- Vice Chancellor, Mr. Abu Taher Khan, Director, Career Development Center and Mr. Nafees Imtiaj Islam, Sr. Assistant Director (Research).
It was informed at the ‘Meet the Press’ that as a part of the research agenda Daffodil International University has already created a online based Traffic Forum to discuss traffic issues, areas of research and innovative solutions. The speakers discussed the availability and activation of Traffic Forum,

It was also informed at the ‘Meet the Press’ that Daffodil International University is going to organize a National Level Round Table Discussion (RTD) on ‘Effective Traffic Management in Bangladesh: A Catalyst for Inclusive Growth of the Country’ very soon.

Nafees Imtiaz Islam
Deputy Director, IQAC, DIU and
Ph.D. Candidate in International Trade
University of Dhaka

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