Daffodil International University
Course Code: 103, Course Title: Information Sources and Services
Lecture# 06, Date: Sept 12, 2018
Roles of the Reference Librarians
This can be dependent upon the setting: in an academic environment it could be promoting the library's services, interacting with faculty, teaching information literacy courses, collection development, keeping up with new technology, creating information services and conducting the reference interview.
As Reference Librarian
• provides reference services,
• guides users in using computer resources
• analyze patrons’ needs and evaluate materials to develop collection,
• provide readers advisory service through bibliography materials,
• Educate patrons on library utilization, inventory reference collection and updated.
There are five main qualities which are essential to being a good reference librarian.
1. The most important quality, which is also the most accurate and depend on users’ need. Reference librarians must have experience and skills to provide good customer service.
2. Reference librarians must be knowledgeable in their field; they must have a good understanding of how to find information, how to evaluate the quality of information sources, and how information is organized.
3. Reference librarians must be good teachers, “demonstrating how, when, and why to use various reference sources in an integrated way that will capture the user’s attention at the teachable moment.
4. Technology has changed the patron’s expectations for service and resource formats. Librarians must be familiar with new developments. Librarians utilized new developments such as the telephone and the early forms of electronic databases, and must continue to explore developing tools such as chat and mobile technology.
5. The ability to work within a team is also an essential quality for reference librarians. Libraries can increase available resources, provide longer service hours, and access a broader field of expertise.
Responsibilities of Reference Librarians
Reference librarians help library patrons locate the information that they need. It depends upon the size and types of libraries.
Reference librarians are usually expected to maintain a collection of relevant and accurate reference sources, assist patrons with information searches and, in some contexts, train patrons in reference and citation techniques.
• Reference librarians are a library's eyes and ears.
• They understand user needs and perceptions.
• They know what's working and what's not.
• They act as subject selectors; they are the library's primary liaison with faculty in their subject areas and its most visible representatives.
• They know how to help, inform, convince, and teach users.
• It is essential that they be involved in its planning, implementation, and operation.
• Assistance identifying library materials needed to answer a question.
### Reference Sources act as quick guide-Explain
Reference sources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, etc. are research tools that can help you with your paper or project. Reference sources provide answers to specific questions, such as brief facts, statistics, and technical instructions; provide background information; or direct you to additional information sources.
Quick guide for selecting the right type of reference source (Collins, 151):
Mention the quick guide to find out right information from right type reference sources
For information about... Choose as reference tools / sources
Words Dictionaries
General information/Overview of topic Encyclopedias
Names & addresses of people, organizations, institutions, companies Directories
Profiles of people Biographical Dictionaries
Places/Maps Gazetteers or Atlases
Facts and Statistics Almanacs
Formula, Tables, How-To-Do-It Handbooks and Manuals
A person's work Reviews or Criticisms
Dates, outlines, historical timelines ,Historical tables Chronologies, Historical yearbooks
Periodical Articles Indexes or Abstracts
Books and other sources Bibliographies or Guides to Literature...