Educational > English Language Lab

How to strengthen skills n abilities

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Thanks Shibli vai. all the information are very helpful for us all.


Thank you for your tips. I hope that it will very helpful for us if follow it.

Thanks sir for your information, its really help all of us.

Dear Shibli,

Great posts and guidelines!

Can you suggest how we can all develop 'Listening' and 'Reading' materials for the Language Lab, in particular for English I and English II?

Can you champion this effort?

Best regards.


Respected Yousuf sir

Before developing materials, we should introduce a diagnostic test for the students to make sure that students of same and appropriate English language skill get a particular English course registered. This is very important and effective for the students of same level to participate in acquiring English language skills properly. So my suggestion is all teachers of English 1 n 2 should sit together, develop materials and syllabus, recommend books and prepare the same questions for the midterm and final exam.

However, i would recommend Headway series for listening and the books "How to read better and faster" and "Developing reading skills" for reading for English-1 and 2.


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