DIU achieves prestigious position in (THE) University Impact Ranking-2019.

Author Topic: DIU achieves prestigious position in (THE) University Impact Ranking-2019.  (Read 2379 times)

Offline Md. Siddiqul Alam (Reza)

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Daffodil International University (DIU) has achieved prestigious position for the first time in Bangladesh in Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings-2019, released on 03 April, 2019. This result is based on the contributions towards several Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. DIU is the only University from Bangladesh to get ranked within top 300 universities in this year’s global ranking. Daffodil International University is the only university in Bangladesh which is simultaneously ranked by the three most- world widely recognized university rankings like: Times Higher Education (THE), QS Rankings and UI Green Metric Rankings. For details: www.thewur.com
« Last Edit: April 11, 2019, 11:37:43 AM by Md. Siddiqul Alam (Reza) »
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