If your higher-up or manager makes you want to have anxiety pills every alternate hour of the day at the office, it might be a good time to have your guards up in dealing with the case of a horrible boss. Additionally, you may see the following signs.
Your contribution doesn’t get appreciatedWhen you pulled off an all-nighter to get that presentation ready and exquisitely delivered within deadline, did your hard work earn you a pat on the back? Even a simple constructive feedback from your manager should suffice to indicate that they are a good boss.
The boss is always rightYour manager refusing to own up to their mistakes may be one of the major causes of frustration that can come your way in the workplace. It needs to be remembered that even as a boss, there are tons of gaps they have left out that can be filled up by others, and that chances of being wrong aren’t exclusive to the subordinates only.
Your manager picks favouritesIt’s quite natural to get disheartened when a peer earns brownie points just by being on the manager’s good books by establishing personal or unprofessional connections with them. Such biased behaviour is unacceptable because a good boss is always neutral and objective.
Your manager constantly overworks youYour good performance at work isn’t an excuse for your boss to dump you with additional work with no raise, bonus, or rewards given to you. So make sure you’re not being taken advantage of under the pretence of the classic ‘Let’s see if my favourite employee can put in some extra hours and make it happen again!’ situation.
The manager isn’t loyal to the teamWhen the leader isn’t dedicated to lead the team or isn’t serious enough about work, mismanagement is bound to occur. Shahrin Hossain, a former employee in a local digital agency says, “My department head used to treat his office hours as his extended break-time, and never take his work seriously. Naturally, everyone in the department had their spirits and motivation dipped, and repeatedly failed to hand in the expected output.”