1. Abstract Deadline: 4 July 2020

Author Topic: 1. Abstract Deadline: 4 July 2020  (Read 1991 times)

Offline zafrin.eng

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1. Abstract Deadline: 4 July 2020
« on: February 26, 2020, 05:02:55 PM »
Call For papers
International Conference on Education, Inter-Discliplinary, Social Science & Humanities and Technology & Engineering 2020 (SITE2020)
18 - 19 July 2020, Pulse Grande Hotel, PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA

Website, Registration &Submission: https://submit.confbay.com/conf/site2020

Welcome all delegates to SITE2020. Organized by Academia Industry Networks, SITE2020 aims to provide a platform for scholars, intellectuals and professionals from various academic and industrial disciplines in Education, Inter-Disciplinary, Social Science & Humanities and Technology & Engineering to share and generate forum on the current local and global issues, address solutions to the problems and to provide opportunity for participants to exchange and share knowledge and information, establish business or research relationships and find global partners for future collaboration. The conference will feature special keynote address focusing on recent advancements and challenges on selected research discipline.

Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit original and unpublished works for publication and presentation at the conference. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding book (with ISBN) and refereed journals that are indexed by Malaysia Citation Centre (MCC). Selected papers have the potential to be published in high-indexed journals i.e. Scopus/ISI/ERA (subject to the compliance with journal’s guidelines, terms and conditions and acceptance by the editors and review committee).   

Special discount will also be given for group registration (3 participants or more). Please contact the Secretariat for further information.

The topics involve almost all research disciplines related (but not limited) to the themes and sub-themes as follow:

1. Education:  Technical and Vocational Study, Distance Education, E-learning, Higher Education, Interdisciplinary Studies, Islamic Studies, Lifelong Learning, Teaching and Learning

2. Inter-Disciplinary: Children and Youth, Communications and Media, Complex Systems, Conflict resolution, Creativity, Culture, Disaster Management, Discourse, Film studies, Gender studies, Globalization, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Identity, Interdisciplinary studies, LGBT Studies, Leadership, Memory, Multidisciplinary Studies, Poverty, Public Policy, Security, Sexuality and eroticism, Spirituality, Sport science, Sustainable development, Tourism, Urban studies, Violence, Women's studies

3. Social Science and Humanities:  Anthropology, Arts, History, Cultural History, Humanities, Language, Literature, Local Government, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religious Studies, Social Sciences and Sociology

4. Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Computer software and applications, Computing, Data Mining, Information Technology, Internet and WWW, Networking, Robotics, Social Media, Systems Engineering, Computer Information Systems, Information Systems and Information Technology

5. Engineering: Architecture, Bioinformatics, Biomedical, Biotechnology, Data Analytics, Energy, Engineering, Nanotechnology, Polymers and Plastics, Renewable Energy, Robotics, Space, Environment and Aviation Technology, Transport, Energy Policy, Energy Development and Usage and Transport Technology

Researchers from other disciplines are also encouraged to submit and present their manuscripts.

•    Bahasa Malaysia
•    English

All accepted papers will be published in conference proceeding book (with ISBN) and refereed journals within one (1) month and three (3) months respectively from the conference date. All journals are indexed by Malaysia Citation Centre (MCC). We will also select papers that have the potential to be submitted for publication in high-indexed journals (Scopus/ISIS/ERA).  The list of the high-indexed journals will be communicated to the authors of the selected papers accordingly.

Please take note that additional fees will apply to papers published in Scopus indexed journals.

Two papers will be selected for Best Paper Award. The main criteria for best paper award include (but not limited to) timely submission before the deadline, compliance to the standard paper template, clear research objective, abstract within 300 words, minimum 6 and maximum 15 pages, minimum 15 references and presenter only. The final decision however is the prerogative of the Conference Organizing Committee.

Registration and Submission
Click on: Website, Registration &Submission: https://submit.confbay.com/conf/site2020

Important Dates (GMT +8:00)
1.      Abstract Deadline: 4 July 2020
2.      Full Paper Deadline: 4 July 2020
3.      Early Bird Deadline: 18 June 2020

Contact Us;
International Conference on Education, Inter-Discliplinary, Social Science & Humanities and Technology & Engineering 2020 (SITE2020)

Email: site@acinetworks.org

Offline Ratul.JMC

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Re: 1. Abstract Deadline: 4 July 2020
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2021, 08:54:29 PM »
Thank you very much for your post. :)
Md. Rashedul Islam Ratul
Lecturer, JMC
Daffodil International University