A week long Library Orientation & Information Literacy Program has been completed successfully at DIU Permanent Campus from 20 to 26 February 2020. Students enjoy the session most. They get comprehensive instructions about the library systems and services. They also realize that libraries are the integral part of a university. We the library personnel try to make them understood that library is a center of excellence through inspiration, happiness and education. Despite the digital revolution people are returning to libraries to access resources are not available online or just to enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the library.
Honorable librarian of DIU Dr. Md. Milan Khan says that, " library is a place where you can read, learn and share. He also adds "Knowledge is power but sharing knowledge is more power". He emphasizes on text book and reference book instead of Facebook.
The system librarian of DIU Mr. Nur Ahammad conducts most of the session with an active cooperation of Mr. Rashed Nizami, Asst. Librarian. Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim, Library Officer, Md. Monnaf Sarkar, Library Officer and Mr. Muhammad Helal Uddin Khan, Library Officer. Mr. Nur. Discusses the basic need of human life and the purpose of our education. In this regard he mentions that, "Education is the harmonious development of body mind and soul". He also adds that you the students should be the pioneer to follow the rules and regulations of our contry. Then you will be followed by others.
Mr. Rashed Nizami explains DIU library system and service accordingly. He also assures students about the award by DIU for for the Best Library Users along with terms and conditions.
Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim actively helps the students sign in the session properly. He also negotiates with the Departments for consent of the session. Mr. Karim assures students for any kind of help in library.
Mr. Muhammad Helal Uddin Khan contributes with an introduction and conclusion of the session. He emphasizes on how to be a good library user and its effects on our life and society. Mr. Khan mentions that " library is the best institution ever been created by humankind. It transfers knowledge from on generation to the next one. He also adds "Library treats everyone with same dignity and respect weither you are a millionaire weither you are that boy who is homeless. Here you can create and collaborate. Thus a library supports happiness, creativity, community innovation and entrepreneurship.