Study in China Online Exhibition 2021

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Offline kazi mesbah ur rahman

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Study in China Online Exhibition 2021
« on: May 23, 2021, 02:56:05 PM »
Study in China- Online Exhibition brought to you by first time in Bangladesh. Joining this exhibition is a unique opportunity for Bangladeshi students, parents and educators to learn Chinese education, scholarship and career prospects. Over 14 top ranked Chinese universities & medical colleges will introduce their latest admission information. Participants will have access to live streaming, live chat, admission brochure, & communicate with teachers & others students. After getting comprehensive information, student will have chance to make direct online application  We encourage students who wants to study in China for Bachelor, Masters, PhD & Medical programs to join this online exhibition.

When ?
•   Date: June 22, 2021
•   Time: 2.00pm to 3.00pm ( Dhaka Time)
The online exhibition will last about for one hour and students just need to join it by open the link on cell phone or computer with a valid email address.

Join & Win:
•   USD 50 CUCAS coupon
•   Quiz Competition Awards

Participating Universities:

1. Tsinghua University (Ranks No.1 in China)
2. Tsinghua University (Ranks No.4 in China)
3. Tongji University  (Ranks No.20 in China)
4. Southeast University  (Ranks No.17 in China)
5. Northwestern Polytechnical University (Ranks No.24 in China)
6. East China University of Science and Technology (Ranks No.33 in China)
7. Northeast Forestry University  (Ranks No.116 in China)
8. Shenyang University of Chemical Technology  (Ranks No.266 in China)
9. Shenzhen University (Ranks No.107 in China)
10. Zhejiang University of Science and Technology (Ranks No. 296 in China)
11. Zhejiang Chinese Medical University (Ranks No. 220 in China)
12.Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Ranks No. 115 in China)
13. Chongqing Medical University (Ranks No. 160 in China)
14. Jiaxing University  (Ranks No. 350 in China)

Joining information:

Registration link: 

Participants need to complete the online registration by June 21, 2021.  After completion of online registration, participants will get joining link and necessary information. The online exhibition will last about for one hour and students just need to join it by open the link  on cell phone or computer, then students can see live streams of different Chinese universities, and choose the one the students want to join, then there will be a pop-up window to ask the student to enter his or her email, after the students entered his email he can watch the live stream and chat with the teacher online.

Fore more information and assistance you may contact at +8801847334731 or
Kazi Mesbah Ur Rahman (Kazi Misu )
Administrative Officer ( International Affairs)
Daffodil International University

Offline Anta

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Re: Study in China Online Exhibition 2021
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2021, 03:47:16 PM »
Thanks for sharing  :)
Anta Afsana
Department of English
Daffodil International University
email id:
Contact number: 07134195331