How to Setting self-improvement goals
Setting self-improvement goals is about raising your standards and turning your “shoulds” into “musts.” You can do that by getting total clarity on your vision for your life, then relating your goals back to this purpose. Here’s how.
1. Identify your objectives.
If you don’t have specific goals in mind yet, think about what you ultimately want to accomplish. Picture yourself one year, two years or five years from now: What are you doing? When you identify your end goal, you can work backwards and generate the landmarks you’ll need to hit to attain it.
If moving up at your job is your self-improvement goal, then your immediate objectives could include taking classes or gaining certifications that are helpful in your field. If you ultimately want to become a better parent, then learning how to better communicate with your child is something to work toward in the short-term.
Self-Improvement plan
establish your purpose
2. Establish your purpose.
What is the purpose behind your goal? This is a critical question to ask yourself. It’s easy to say, “I want to move up at my job and make more money,” but why? Self-improvement is meaningless if you have no reasoning behind it, so determine what will ultimately bring you the most fulfillment.
Do you want to excel professionally so you can feel stable and provide for your family, or is a higher-earning job a way to pursue your other passions? Is being a wonderful parent important to you because you had a rocky childhood? When you have your ultimate purpose in mind, you won’t become deterred when problems or plateaus arise.