DIU Library at Daffodil Smart City: An Overview

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DIU Library at Daffodil Smart City: An Overview
« on: July 17, 2021, 10:41:46 AM »
Knowledge is needed to make life beautiful by refreshing and expanding the mind. Reading books is one of the ways to know yourself. Reading books independently is essential for students' freedom of reading and freedom of thought. Which later played a practical role in the formation of the country and the nation. And you need a library to read books independently.

The library is the lifeblood of an educational institution and the bearer of knowledge. The more developed the library, the more developed the country.

Realizing this, Daffodil International University, Daffodil Smart City, Ashulia, near the capital Dhaka, has established a Daffodil International University Library with an area of ​​one lakh ten thousand (110,000) square feet. Where all the knowledge of the world, including academic books, such as history, religion, politics, economics, culture, culture, etc., are arranged in layers on top of all the new and old alluring books. The collection of books in this library is very good, in total there is a huge collection of about one lakh (100,000) books. Everyone in the DIU community can be a member of this library. The system of reading books while sitting is also quite nice, 650 users can use this library at a time, there is an opportunity to take books home as a member.
The library has several sections such as Circulation, Cataloging, and Processing, Main Stack, Reference and Reserve, Newspaper and Periodical, Archives and Audio Visual Materials to provide smooth and efficient library services.

In addition, Bangabandhu's glorious contribution was not only in liberating a nation but also in leading the task of building the golden Bengal of his dreams. Which will play a role in bridging the gap between the new generation and the true history of Bangladesh.

In addition to traditional library services, e-library services are currently the most popular. There is also an e-resource browsing center. This e-library includes e-books, e-journals, e-magazines, A-Z Database including UGC, UDL, and e-resources subscribed to various national and international consortiums. Even in this corona situation, library services do not stop using contemporary library software. Through OpenAthens, users of this library can access e-resources from anywhere in the world. There is a search system through VuFind due to which there is no need to search in separate databases. Besides, there is KOHA, DSpace. Turnitin software is used to verify the authenticity of the research reports of students and researchers.

Just as there are opportunities to read books in private in different parts of the library, there is also a 'Cafe Library' in another corner, where students can read a book while sipping a mug of coffee or eating something light. There is free WiFi browsing for readers throughout the library. Which has become a dream world for book lovers in the Daffodil community.

There is no alternative to reading books and sports to keep the young generation and youth free from various crimes including drugs. Therefore, in order to make the library accessible to the readers, different groups regularly organize ‘lesson-chats’ for the purpose of exchanging reading experiences, feelings, perceptions, and opinions of the readers.
People's mental excellence, transparency in work, social responsibility, improved living — above all, I want the library to know myself.
Dr. Md. Milan Khan